PSAT and SAT topics Grammar
English [1]
TThhee PPSSAATT//SSAATT WWrriittiinngg && LLaanngguuaaggee:: EExxaammpplleess ooff tthhee GGrraammmmaarr TTeesstteedd ?? No reproduction without the permission of the author - Ann Harris DAVIDSON, B.Ed., M.P.H., Though the new PSAT/SAT ?Writing & Language? tests have very different formats from the former PSAT/SAT ?Writing Skills? tests, the types of English grammar conventions that are tested remain essentially unchanged. The major difference is that the questions now relate to passages of writing, with editing required. That editing takes two basic forms: (a) corrections of grammar (testing ?standard English conventions?) and (b) editing to improve rhetorical presentation (the ?expression of ideas?). Grammar tested