Endocrine lymphatic issues research
Biology [1]
Anatomy 5.3 Assignment Endocrine & Lymphatic Issues Directions: In this section you learned about the endocrine and lymphatic systems. For your assignment you get to conduct some additional research on your own. Choose ONE of the following endocrine or lymphatic issues. Conduct research on the issue to answer the following questions. Fill in the table below. Choose ONE of the following issues: Hypoglycemia Thyroid Cancer Castleman Disease Lymphangiomatosis Answer these questions: Which issue did you pick from the list above? (1 point) Definition: What is it? (2 points) What are the symptoms? (4 points) What are the causes? (4 points) What are the side effects or complications? (4 points) What are the treatments? (4 points) How is it preventable? (4 points)