Vocab 4 Flashcards
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13060615776 | aprovechar(se) (de) | to take advantage of | 0 | |
13060615777 | aumentar | To increase | 1 | |
13060615778 | desvelarse | to stay awake all night | 2 | |
13060615779 | disminuir | to decrease | 3 | |
13060615780 | madrugar | to get up early | 4 | |
13060615781 | mejorar | to improve, make better | 5 | |
13060615782 | ponerse al día | to catch up | 6 | |
13060615783 | posponer | to postpone | 7 | |
13060615784 | realizar | To accomplish, fulfill (a goal) | 8 | |
13060615785 | tener éxito | to be successful | 9 | |
13060615786 | trabajar como una mula | to work like a dog | 10 | |
13060615787 | agobiado/a | overwhelmed | 11 | |
13060615788 | Agotado/a | exhausted | 12 | |
13060615789 | angustiado/a | distressed | 13 | |
13060615790 | animado/a | in good spirits | 14 | |
13060615791 | desanimado/a | bummed | 15 | |
13060615792 | descansado/a | rested | 16 | |
13060615793 | dispuesto/a (a) | willing (to) | 17 | |
13060615794 | entusiasmado/a | enthusiastic | 18 | |
13060615795 | estresado/a | stressed out | 19 | |
13060615796 | harto/a | fed up | 20 | |
13060615797 | hasta las narices | fed up to here | 21 | |
13060615798 | quemado/a | burned out | 22 | |
13060615799 | relajado/a | relaxed | 23 | |
13060615800 | satisfecho/a | satisfied | 24 | |
13060615801 | tenso/a | tense | 25 | |
13060615802 | vago/a | lazy | 26 | |
13060615803 | aliviar | to relieve | 27 | |
13060615804 | cargar las pilas | to recharge one's batteries | 28 | |
13060615805 | charlar | to chat | 29 | |
13060615806 | disfrutar de | to enjoy | 30 | |
13060615807 | entretener(se) | to entertain oneself | 31 | |
13060615808 | estar de buen/mal humor | to be in a good/bad mood | 32 | |
13060615809 | pasarlo bien/mal | to have a good/bad time | 33 | |
13060615810 | relajarse | to relax | 34 | |
13060615811 | reunirse (me reúno) (con) | to get together with | 35 | |
13060615812 | tener mucha marcha | to have a lively social scene | 36 | |
13060615813 | bromear | to joke around | 37 | |
13060615814 | levantar el ánimo | to lift the spirits | 38 | |
13060615815 | reírse (i,i) (me río) a carcajadas | to laugh out loud | 39 | |
13060615816 | sonreír(se) | to smile | 40 | |
13060615817 | tomarle el pelo a alguien | to pull someone's leg | 41 | |
13060615818 | La broma | practical joke | 42 | |
13060615819 | El chiste | joke | 43 | |
13060615820 | la risa | laughter | 44 | |
13060615821 | chistoso/a | funny | 45 | |
13060615822 | comiquísimo/a | hilarious | 46 |