AP Literature Como la Vida Misma Vocab Flashcards
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12976692641 | Atasco | Traffic Jam | 0 | |
12976692642 | apretujados | Squeezed | 1 | |
12976692643 | mandibula | jaw | 2 | |
12976692644 | encajada | clenched | 3 | |
12976692645 | chapa | license plate | 4 | |
12976692646 | rozar | to rub | 5 | |
12976692647 | apresado | entrapped | 6 | |
12976692648 | que impudicia | how rude | 7 | |
12976692649 | escudriñas | you scrutinize | 8 | |
12976692650 | bramido | soterrado growl | 9 | |
12976692651 | santiamén | instant | 10 | |
12976692652 | canallas | scoundrels | 11 | |
12976692653 | te embarga | you are overwhelmed | 12 | |
12976692654 | compruebas | you confirm | 13 | |
12976692655 | desaforadamente | wildly | 14 | |
12976692656 | dedos engarabitados | gesturing fingers | 15 | |
12976692657 | nuca | nape of the neck | 16 | |
12976692658 | estrépito | loud noise | 17 | |
12976692659 | algarabía | confusion | 18 | |
12976692660 | quiebro grácil | slight turn | 19 | |
12976692661 | al bordillo | on the curb | 20 | |
12976692662 | mascullas | you mumble | 21 | |
12976692663 | chalao | crazy idiot | 22 | |
12976692664 | escuece | stings | 23 | |
12976692665 | abalanzas | lunge | 24 | |
12976692666 | te embriaga | you get drunk/high on | 25 | |
12976692667 | pegas un frenazo | you break suddenly | 26 | |
12976692668 | maniobrar | maneuver | 27 | |
12976692669 | se escurren | they slip | 28 | |
12976692670 | te imprecan | they curse you | 29 | |
12976692671 | una oíeada | a wave | 30 | |
12976692672 | angosta | narrow | 31 | |
12976692673 | aniquilado | annihilated | 32 | |
12976692674 | el tapón | jam | 33 | |
12976692675 | balbucea | Stammers | 34 |