AP Literature Multiple Choice Terms Flashcards
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7784551779 | allegory | Story in which the characters and things have another meaning | 0 | |
7784558458 | Ambiguity | Multiple meanings that a literal work can have | 1 | |
7784562095 | Apostrophe | Direct Address to someone that isn't there | 2 | |
7784573904 | Connotation | What is implied of a word or phrase, the emotion it gives | 3 | |
7784587748 | Convention | Device of style or subject matter that is used alot | 4 | |
7784591530 | Denotation | Literal meaning of a word or phrase | 5 | |
7784596053 | Didactic | explicitly instructive | 6 | |
7784602390 | Digression | inclusion of material unrelated to subject | 7 | |
7784605080 | epigram | pithy saying, often employing contrast | 8 | |
7784613553 | euphemism | figure of speech utilizing indirection to avoid offensive bluntness | 9 | |
7784621547 | grotesque | Characterized by distortions or incongruities | 10 | |
7784630211 | hyperbole | Deliberate exaggeration, overstatement | 11 | |
7784633424 | Jargon | Language of profession group | 12 | |
7784636496 | literal | precise meaning | 13 | |
7784640137 | lyrical | songlike | 14 | |
7784641952 | oxymoron | juxtaposition of opposites | 15 | |
7784644940 | parable | story that suggests a principle to answer a question | 16 | |
7784650676 | Paradox | a statement seems to contradict itself but is true | 17 | |
7784655681 | Parody | composition imitates style of another | 18 | |
7784661904 | Personification | Figurative use of language that endows the nonhuman with human characteristics | 19 | |
7784919671 | Reliability | A quality of some fictional narrators in whose word the reader can place his trust | 20 | |
7784930299 | Rhetorical Question | a question asked for effect, not in expectation of a reply | 21 | |
7784937572 | soliloquy | A speech in which a character who is alone speaks his or her thoughts aloud. | 22 | |
7784964639 | stereotype | A conventional pattern, expression, character, or idea | 23 | |
7784969560 | syllogism | A form of reasoning in which two statements are made and a conclusion is drawn from them | 24 | |
7784989741 | Thesis | The theme, meaning, or position that a writer endeavors to prove or support | 25 | |
7784995209 | alliteration | The repetition of similar or identical consonant sounds, normally a the beginning of words | 26 | |
7785010236 | assonance | The repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds | 27 | |
7785013335 | Ballad meter | a four-line stanza rhymed abcb in which lines one and three have four feet and lines two and four have three feet | 28 | |
7785022459 | Blank verse | Unrhymed iambic pentameter | 29 | |
7785025801 | dactyl | A metrical foot of three syllables, including an accented syllable followed by two unaccented syllables | 30 | |
7785041687 | End-stopped | a line with a pause at the end | 31 | |
7785045605 | free verse | Poetry that is not written in a traditional meter but is still rhythmical | 32 | |
7785059288 | heroic couplet | Two end-stopped iambic pentameter lines rhymed aa, bb, cc, usually containing a complete thought in the two-line unit | 33 | |
7785080980 | Hexameter | A line containing six feet | 34 | |
7785083657 | iamb | A two- syllable foot with an unaccented syllable followed by an accented syllable | 35 | |
7785091242 | internal rhyme | rhyme that occurs within a line, rather than at the end | 36 | |
7785097044 | onomatopoeia | use of words whose very sound suggests their actual meaning | 37 | |
7785102375 | Pentameter | a line containing five feet | 38 | |
7785107371 | Rhyme royal | a seven-line stanza of iambic pentameter rhymed ababbcc | 39 | |
7785113137 | sonnet | A poem written in iambic pentameter composed of 14 lines | 40 | |
7785120131 | stanza | a repeated grouping of three or more lines, usually with the same meter and rhyme scheme | 41 | |
7785126064 | terza rima | a three-line stanza rhymed aba, bcb, cdc | 42 | |
7785130437 | tetrameter | a line of four feet | 43 | |
7785134217 | Antecedent | that which has gone before, especially the word or phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers | 44 | |
7785140001 | clause | a group of words containing a subject and its verb that may or may not form a complete sentence | 45 | |
7785146872 | Ellipsis | A phrase that omits some words that would be necessary for a complete construction yet which is still understandable | 46 | |
7785163261 | imperative | the mood of a verb that gives an order | 47 | |
7785621017 | modify | to restrict or limit in meaning. | 48 | |
7785625064 | parallel structure | A similar grammatical structure within a sentence or within a paragraph | 49 | |
7785632523 | periodic sentence | Sentence that becomes grammatically complete only at the end | 50 | |
7785635771 | syntax | structure of a sentence | 51 |