AP Language Vocab Section 10 Flashcards
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8963215053 | adventitious | adj. happening on accordance to chance rather than inherent nature; coming from the outside; not native Synonyms: unplanned, fortuitous, coincidental, serendipitous, accidental Antonyms: inherent, innate, intrinsic Sentence: Adventitious plants were brought to grow in Florida from their native land of Australia. | 0 | |
8963215054 | compendious | adj. containing or presenting all the essential facts in a comprehensive and concise manner (basically says a lot in a few words) Synonyms: succinct, pithy, condensed, synoptic, summarized Antonyms: expanded, long-winded, verbose, circuitous Sentence: Cliff notes give concise and __________________ summaries of commonly read books. | 1 | |
8963215055 | contumacious | adj. stubbornly disobedient to authority Synonyms: disobedient, defiant, incompliant, insubordinate, froward, wayward Antonyms: amiable, compliant, docile, obedient, submissive Sentence: His contumacious attitude becomes extremely annoying when he disrupts class to challenge the teacher's rulings. | 2 | |
8963215056 | covetousness | n. a painful awareness of another's possessions and a selfish desire to have them; heightened jealousy Synonyms: jealousy, envy, invidiousness, resentment, equivitiveness, gluttonous, repaciousness Antonyms: contentment, fulfillment, generosity, philanthropy Sentence: Sheila's covetousness of her sister's new necklace led to a big fight between them after the necklace "went missing." | 3 | |
8963215057 | espouse | v. to take up and support as a cause; to embrace as a cause or as a wife Synonyms: support, marry, wed Antonyms: divorce, separate Sentence: Prince Charles espoused Kate at a beautiful wedding ceremony several years ago. | 4 | |
8963215058 | indigent | adj. lacking money or worldly possessions Synonyms: impecunious, impoverished, destitute, penniless, penurious Antonyms: affluent, flush, opulent, wealthy Sentence: It is a mitzvah to give money to the indigent people holding up signs on the side of the road. | 5 | |
8963215059 | obviate | v. to keep from happening by taking action in advance Synonyms: prevent, avert, forestall, preclude, anticipate, impede, deter, intervene Antonyms: abet, advance, assist, encourage, cultivate Sentence: The new medical treatment ____________ the need for surgery. | 6 | |
8963215060 | pariah | n. one who is cast out or rejected by society Synonyms: leper, outcast, reject, castaway, castoff, derelict Antonyms: insider Sentence: My daughter told me that if she wore the ugly, out-of-style dress to school, she would be a social ____________. | 7 | |
8963215061 | peruse | Definition: to read through with thoroughness or care; to skim over POS: V Synonyms: analyze, browse, inspect, scan, scrutinize, skim, study, skim, scan, examine Antonyms: neglect, overlook Sentence: She perused the manuscript, checking for grammatical errors. | 8 | |
8963215062 | rancor | Definition: bitterness or resentfulness, especially when long-standing POS: N Synonyms: animosity, antipathy, enmity, acrimony, virtriol, antagonism Antonyms: sympathy, amity, goodwill, empathy Sentence: It is hard for me to not feel rancor towards the woman who married my ex-girlfriend. | 9 | |
8963215063 | redolent | Definition: strongly reminiscent or suggestive of; giving off a specified fragrant POS: adj Synonyms: evocative, ambrosial, winsome Antonyms: malodorous, putrid, fetid, repugnant Sentence: The redolent scent of flowers filled the spring air. | 10 | |
8963215064 | sedulous | Definition: showing dedication and diligence POS: adj Synonyms: meticulous, assiduous, industrious, conscientious, punctilious, scrupulous, persistent Antonyms: lazy, careless, sloppy, indolent Sentence: An impressively sedulous suitor, he constantly sent her flowers and other tokens of his affection | 11 | |
8963215065 | sidereal | Definition: of or with respect to the distant stars POS: adj Synonyms: luminous, sparkling, stellar, bespangled, bright, celestial, starry, astral Antonyms: mundane, earthly, dull, dreary, muted, lackluster Sentence: The scientist's based her calculations on sidereal time, which was related to the earth's rotation around fixed planets. | 12 | |
8963215066 | subsequently | Definition: after a particular thing has happened; afterward POS: adv Synonyms: antecedently, following, in due course, consequently, by and by, ensuing Antonyms: formerly Sentence: He was taken prisoner at the battle of Tinchebrai in 1106, but was subsequently released. | 13 | |
8963215067 | taciturn | Definition: reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little POS: adj Synonyms: laconic, reticent, unforthcoming, withdrawn Antonyms: garrulous, verbose, loquacious Sentence: By nature, Sheila is a taciturn woman who keeps her thoughts to herself. | 14 | |
8963215068 | volatile | Definition: flying or having the ability to fly; liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse; easily evaporated at normal temperatures; easily aroused POS: adj Synonyms: evanescent, transitory, capricious, mercurial Antonyms: constant Sentence: Putting up with his volatile moods was not easy | 15 |