AP HUG Ch. 1 Flashcards
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9871293902 | Cartogram | Maps that inflate or deflate areas according to the quantity of some feature | 0 | |
9871293903 | Cartography | Science of map making | 1 | |
9871293904 | Choropleth map | A thematic map that uses tones or colors to represent spatial data as average values per unit area. | 2 | |
9871293905 | Complementarity | The actual or potential relationship between 2 places, usually referring to economic interactions. The degree to which one place can supply something that another place demands. | 3 | |
9871293906 | Contagious diffusion | The spread of a disease, an innovation, or cultural traits through direct contact with another person or another place. | 4 | |
9871293907 | Cultural ecology | A geographic approach that emphasizes human-environment relationships. | 5 | |
9871293908 | Cultural landscape | The human-modified natural landscape specifically containing the imprint of a particular culture or society. | 6 | |
9871293909 | Density | The frequency with which something exists within a given unit of area. | 7 | |
9871293910 | Distance decay | Contact diminishes with increasing distance and eventually disappears. | 8 | |
9871293911 | Distribution | The arrangement of a feature across the Earth's surface | 9 | |
9871293912 | Environmental determinism | 19th century idea that physical environment causes human activities. | 10 | |
9871293913 | Formal region | An area in which everyone shares in common one or more distinctive characteristics. | 11 | |
9871293938 | Functional region | the product of interactions, of movement of various kinds | 12 | |
9871293914 | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) | A computer system that stores, organizes, analyzes, and displays geographic data | 13 | |
9871293915 | Global Positioning System (GPS) | The system that determines the precise position of something on Earth | 14 | |
9871293916 | Globalization | Actions or processes that involve the entire world and result in making something worldwide in scope | 15 | |
9871293917 | Graduated symbol map (proportional, circle or dot map) | The size of the symbol is proportional to the value of the attribute it symbolizes. | 16 | |
9871293918 | Hearth | The region from which an innovative idea originates | 17 | |
9871293919 | Hierarchical diffusion | The spread of a feature or trend from one key person or node of authority or power to other persons or places | 18 | |
9871293920 | Isoline | A map line that connects points of equal or very similar values | 19 | |
9871293921 | Map projections | A system used to transfer locations from Earth's surface to a flat map | 20 | |
9871293922 | Perceptual region/vernacular region | An area that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity | 21 | |
9871293923 | Possibilism | The theory that the physical environment may set limits on human actions, but people have the ability to adjust to the physical environment and choose a course of action from many alternatives | 22 | |
9871293924 | Region | An area distinguished by a unique combination of trends or features | 23 | |
9871293925 | Relocation diffusion | The spread of a feature or trend through bodily movement of people from one place to another | 24 | |
9871293926 | Remote sensing | The acquisition of data about Earth's surface from a satellite orbiting the planet or from other long-distance methods. | 25 | |
9871293927 | Scale | The relationship between the portion of Earth being studied and Earth as a whole | 26 | |
9871293928 | Site | The physical character of a place Site characteristics include climate, water sources, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude and elevation. | 27 | |
9871293929 | Situation | The location of a place relative to other places | 28 | |
9871293930 | Space | The physical gap or interval between two objects | 29 | |
9871293931 | Spatial diffusion | the ways in which phenomena, such as technological innovations, cultural trends, or even outbreaks of disease, travel over space | 30 | |
9871293932 | Spatial organization/spatial association | The arrangement of different levels of objects (physical and human) on the Earth's surface | 31 | |
9871293933 | Stimulus diffusion | The spread of an underlying principle even though a specific characteristic is rejected | 32 | |
9871293934 | sustainability | The use of Earth's renewable and nonrenewable natural resources in ways that do not constrain resource use in the future | 33 | |
9871293935 | Time-space convergence | The idea that distance between some places is actually shrinking as technology enables more rapid communication and increased interaction among those places | 34 | |
9871293936 | Toponym | The name given to a portion of the Earth's surface | 35 | |
9871293937 | Vernacular (perceptual) regions | An area that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity | 36 |