AP Government Public Opinion Flashcards
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7681632532 | Public Opinion | how people think or feel about particular things | 0 | |
7681632533 | Poll | a survey of public opinion | 1 | |
7681632534 | Random Sample Polls | a method of choosing people from a population where any given person has a fair chance of being selected | 2 | |
7681632535 | Sampling Error | the difference in results between two surveys or random samples | 3 | |
7681632536 | Exit Polls | interviews done on election day with random voters | 4 | |
7681632537 | Saliency | when some people care more about certain issues more than others | 5 | |
7681632538 | Stability | when opinions are steady on some issues, but not on others | 6 | |
7681632539 | Policy Congruence | when government is in sync with popular views on some issues, but not on others (rate that gov. adopts policies supported by majority) | 7 | |
7681632540 | Gender Gap | the difference in political views between men and women | 8 | |
7681632541 | Political Ideology | a more or less consistent set of belief about what polices government should pursue (and how they do/ should operate) | 9 | |
7681632542 | Liberal | belief in an active government that intervenes in economics, creates social welfare programs, and helps certain groups get more bargaining power | 10 | |
7681632543 | Conservative | belief in a free market rather than a regulated one, states' rights over national rights and reliance on individual choice of economic affair | 11 | |
7681632544 | Political Elites | people with disproportionate shares of political power | 12 | |
7681632545 | Voting Age Population | citizens able to vote after reaching the minimum age requirement | 13 | |
7681632546 | Literacy Test | requirement that citizens show they can read before registering to vote | 14 | |
7681632547 | Poll Tax | requirement that citizens pay a tax to register to vote | 15 | |
7681632548 | Grandfather Clause | allowed white who were poor or illiterate to vote if an ancestor of their had voted before 1867 | 16 | |
7681632549 | White Primary | practice of keeping blacks from voting in south primaries with registration requirement and intimidation | 17 | |
7681632550 | Public opinion | what the public thinks about a particular set of issues at any point in time | 18 | |
7681632551 | Exit polls | polls conducted as voters leave selected polling places on election day "who did you vote for?" | 19 | |
7681632552 | Tracking polls | continuous surveys that enable a campaign/organization to chart a candidate's daily rise/fall | 20 | |
7681632553 | Push polls | polls taken for the purpose of providing info on an opponent that would lead to respondents to vote against that candidate | 21 | |
7681632554 | Political socialization | the process through which individuals acquire their political beliefs and values (RELIGION, THE FAMILY, THE GENDER GAP) | 22 | |
7681632555 | Lincoln and the Gettysburg address | the gov't budget is not balanced, people have opposed busing, the era was not ratified, most americans favor term limits for congress | 23 | |
7681632556 | The family | -young voters exhibit less partisanship (more likely to be independent) -child absorbs party identification of family -continuity b/w generations -few families pass on clear ideologies -age related differences in opinions on issues | 24 | |
7681632557 | Religion | -catholic families are more liberal -protestant families are more conservative -jewish families are more liberal | 25 | |
7681632558 | Gender gap | -presents problems for both parties -women have "deserted" republican candidates -females are more likely to vote democratic | 26 | |
7681632559 | Reflection of differences in stances on issues | -guns -anti-poverty programs -defense spending -"issue importance" ranking - abortion/ women reproductive rights | 27 | |
7681632560 | Schooling | -college edu. is linked to liberal attitudes -increased schooling has a correlation with a higher participation in voting/politics -conservative students are more vocal on campus -increase in religious uni. enrollment | 28 | |
7681632561 | African American trends | -blacks are usually more democratic -younger blacks have a higher chance of identifying with republicans -young blacks are more likely to support school vouchers -more likely to support affirmative action -criminal justice system is biased -oppose use of military force -less likely to think god is essential | 29 | |
7681632562 | Latinos | -more likely to be democratic -more liberal than whites or asians -favor a large gov't -thinks democratic party cares more about them -mexicans are more democratic -cubans are more republican -puerto ricans are in the middle -hispanics in texas are more conservative than those in california | 30 | |
7681632563 | Asians | -identify more strongly with republicans than whites -similar views w/ whites on death penalty, prayer in schools, welfare, military -japanese are more conservative -koreans are more liberal | 31 | |
7681632564 | Southerners | -more conservative than northerners on military/civil rights -lessening attachment to democratic party | 32 | |
7681632565 | Ideology | patterned set of political beliefs about who should to rule the principles/policies | 33 | |
7681632566 | Consistent attitudes | -self-identification -searching for "constraint" | 34 | |
7681632567 | Recent surveys show that... | -moderates are the largest group, party identifying with no party or independent | 35 | |
7681632568 | Self-identification in surveys | -americans tend to avoid "conservative" or "liberal" b/c many do not have a clear idea of what they mean -searching for "constraint" is preferred -liberals/disadvantaged democrats are 1/3 voters -conservatives/republican enterprisers are 1/2 voters bystanders are 1/5 voters | 36 | |
7681632569 | Political elites | -those who have a disproportionate amount of some valued resource -display greater ideological consistency -more info than most people -democratic voters are consistently more liberal -republican voters are consistently more conservative | 37 | |
7681632570 | How do elites influence public opinion? | 1. raise and form political issues 2. state norms by which to settle issues, defining policy options 3. elite views shape mass views | 38 | |
7681632571 | What limits do elites have on public opinion? | they do not define problems | 39 | |
7681632572 | 15th amendment | Universal manhood suffrage; African Americans Can Vote | 40 | |
7681632573 | 19th amendment | Women Suffrage | 41 | |
7681632574 | 26th amendment | Age for voting to 18 | 42 | |
7681735303 | Public Opinion | The distribution of the population's beliefs about politics and policy issues. | 43 | |
7681735304 | Demography | The science of population changes. | 44 | |
7681735305 | Census | An actual enumeration of the population, which the Constitution requires that the government conduct every 10 years. The census is a valuable tool for understanding demographic changes. | 45 | |
7681735306 | Melting Pot | A term often used to characterize the United States, with its history of immigration and mixing of cultures, ideas, and peoples. | 46 | |
7681735307 | Minority Majority | The situation, likely beginning in the mid-twenty-first century, in which the non-Hispanic whites will represent a minority of the U.S. population and minority groups together will represent a majority. | 47 | |
7681735308 | Political Culture | An overall set of values widely shared within a society. | 48 | |
7681735309 | Reapportionment | The process of reallocating seats in the House of Representatives every 10 years on the basis of the results of the census. | 49 | |
7681735310 | Political Socialization | The process through which individuals in a society acquire political attitudes, views, and knowledge, based on inputs from family, schools, the media, and others. | 50 | |
7681735311 | Sample | A relatively small proportion of people who are chosen in a survey so as to be representative of the whole. | 51 | |
7681735312 | Random Sampling | The key technique employed by survey researches, which operates on the principle that everyone should have an equal probability of being selected for the sample. | 52 | |
7681735313 | Sampling Error | The level of confidence in the findings of a public opinion poll. The more people interviewed, the more confident one can be of the results. | 53 | |
7681735314 | Random-digit dialing | A technique used by pollsters to place telephone calls randomly to both listed and unlisted numbers when conducting a survey. | 54 | |
7681735315 | Exit Poll | Public Opinion surveys used by major media pollsters to predict electoral winners with speed and precision. | 55 | |
7681735316 | Political Ideology | A coherent set of beliefs about politics, public policy, and public purpose, which helps give meaning to political events. | 56 | |
7681735317 | Liberalism | A political ideology that prefers a government active in dealing with human needs, support individual rights and liberties, and give higher priority to social needs than to military needs. Opp. of Conservatism. | 57 | |
7681735318 | Conservatism | Political ideology that fears a growth of government, deplore government drag on private sector initiatives, dislike permissiveness in society, and play priority on military over social needs. Opp. of Liberalism. | 58 | |
7681735319 | Gender Gap | The regular pattern in which women are more likely to support Democratic candidates, in part because they tend to be less conservative than men and more likely to support spending on social services and to oppose higher levels of military spending. | 59 | |
7681735320 | Political Participation | All the activities used by citizens to influence the selection of political leaders or the policies they pursue. The most common means of political participation in a democracy is voting; other means include protest and civil disobedience. | 60 | |
7681735321 | Protest | A form of political participation designed to achieve policy change through dramatic and unconventional tactics. | 61 | |
7681735322 | Civil Disobedience | A form of political participation based on a conscious decision to break a law believed to be unjust and to suffer the consequences. | 62 | |
7681735323 | Political Efficacy | The belief that ordinary people can influence the government. | 63 | |
7681735324 | Libertarian | Person who believes the government should be as small and interfere with people's life as little as possible. | 64 | |
7681735325 | Quota Sampling | Opposite to random sampling. It is when you take a certain group of people before you random sample. First, get the random sample, then you will group them into sub sets with quota sample. Certain groups here and there for the poll. | 65 | |
7681735326 | Push Polls | An ostensible opinion poll in which the true objective is to sway voters using loaded or manipulative questions. | 66 | |
7681735327 | Bandwagon Effect | An effect in which voters may support a candidate only because they see that others are doing so. | 67 | |
7681735328 | Skewed Question | a question phrased in such a way that a certain answer is more likely to be given. | 68 | |
7681735329 | Question Framing | Certain way of framing the question for polls and surveys. Different ways of framing to get different, bias results. It is a subset of skewed question, it is a type of skewed question. | 69 | |
7681735330 | Baker v Carr | "one person, one vote" standard, each individual had to be weighted equally in legislative apportionment | 70 | |
7681735331 | Gerrymandering | Manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class. | 71 | |
7681735332 | George Gallup | developed the science of public opinion polling | 72 | |
7681735333 | Group benefit voters | - voting for parties based on which one would benefit groups that voters belonged to or supported. | 73 | |
7681735334 | Ideologues | When voters vote along primarily, ideological lines | 74 | |
7681735335 | Simpson - Mazzoli Act | -required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status and made it illegal to | 75 | |
7681735336 | knowingly hire or recruit unauthorized immigrants | 76 | ||
7681735337 | Straw poll | an unofficial poll or vote taken to determine the opinion of a group or the public on some issue | 77 | |
7681735338 | Redistricting | the re-drawing of district lines by the state legislatures after the 435 seats of the House are re-apportioned | 78 | |
7681735339 | and each state receives its apportioned number of seats. | 79 | ||
7681735340 | Reapportionment | - the process of reallocating seats in the House of Representatives every 10 years on the basis of the | 80 | |
7681735341 | results of the census. | 81 | ||
7681735342 | No issue content | vote for candidates on their personality but not on issues or ideological reasons. | 82 | |
7681735343 | Nature of the times voters | voting one the political party who is linked to good times. Example- voting Republican | 83 | |
7681735344 | because they promise to get the nation out of the recession | 84 | ||
7681735345 | Political culture | an overall set of values widely shared within a society | 85 | |
7681735346 | Political efficacy | a citizen's capacity to understand and influence political events | 86 |