AP World History Flashcards
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14413954146 | Abode | a place in which a person resides; extended stay in place | 0 | |
14413957270 | Aboriginal | Describes people who are indigenous to a particular region. Particularly used to describe native people who were living in Australia and Polynesia prior to European occupation in the 1750s. | 1 | |
14413964099 | Absolve | to free from guilt or blame or their consequences | 2 | |
14420872999 | Acrophony | the use of a word as the name of he alphabetical symbol representing the initial sound of that word | 3 | |
14413965857 | Adjudication | the act of a court in making an order, judgment, or decree | 4 | |
14413966853 | Agave | species of cactus which are cultivated for economic or ornamental purposes | 5 | |
14413969693 | Aggregate | formed by the conjunction or collection of particles into a whole mass or sum | 6 | |
14413972313 | Agricultural | related to farming and/or the systematic growing and domestication of plants | 7 | |
14413976213 | Alchemist | a person who practices chemistry/speculative philosophy | 8 | |
14413978175 | Amalgamation | a consideration of two or more corporations | 9 | |
14413979592 | Anarchy | a state of society without government or law | 10 | |
14413981351 | Anatomically | structural; having connections with dissecting of an animal or plant for research | 11 | |
14413984492 | Arbitrary | not fixed by rules but let to one's judgment or choice; discretionary | 12 | |
14413987375 | Atoll | circular coral reef or strings of reefs rising above and surrounding lagoon | 13 | |
14413991041 | Auspicious | favored by fortune; promising success | 14 | |
14413992450 | Bantu | A group of languages used to classify/identify African tribes that migrated south of the Sahara | 15 | |
14413994790 | Bard | any of various pieces of defensive armor for a horse; a thin slice of fat or bacon secured to a roast of meat or poultry to prevent its drying out | 16 | |
14414002335 | Baron | a member of the lowest grade of nobility | 17 | |
14414005054 | Bestial | having the form of a beast; without reason or intelligence; in human | 18 | |
14414006488 | Biota | the animals, plants, fungi of a region or period | 19 | |
14414009431 | Boreal | of or pertaining to the north wind | 20 | |
14414010551 | Brandish | to shake or wave, as a weapon; flourish | 21 | |
14414012577 | Breadth | freedom from narrowness or restraint | 22 | |
14414013650 | Bureaucracies | the administration of government through departments and subdivisions managed by sets o appointed officials following inflexible routine | 23 | |
14414028686 | Cataclysm | any violent upheaval; an extensive flood | 24 | |
14414031340 | Catalyze | to cause an action between forces initiated by an agent that itself remains unaffected by the action | 25 | |
14414034037 | Causation | act of causing; an agency which produces effect | 26 | |
14414035596 | Caveat | a warning or caution; admonition | 27 | |
14414038336 | Civilization | an advanced state of humanity society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached | 28 | |
14414042998 | Climate | prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperate, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds | 29 | |
14414047271 | Coalesce | to grow together; to unite to form one mass | 30 | |
14414053253 | Cognitive | knowledgeable in the broader sense | 31 | |
14414054408 | Conferring | giving, granting, comparing | 32 | |
14414055845 | Continents | large, continuous discrete masses of land, ideally separated by expanses of water | 33 | |
14414066040 | Continuum | any compact; connected set; a continuous extent, series, or whole | 34 | |
14414068257 | Corvee | unpaid work owed by a vassal to his feudal lord; forced; unpaid labor | 35 | |
14414079572 | De novo | new, fresh, "from the beginning" or "starting over" | 36 | |
14414096415 | Decimate | to destroy or kill a large part | 37 | |
14414097345 | Deficient | lacking some element or characteristic | 38 | |
14414098229 | Delineated | to trace the outline of; to portray in words; describe or outline with precision | 39 | |
14414100199 | Delouse | to free of lice | 40 | |
14414100666 | Denigrate | to speak damaging of; to criticize | 41 | |
14414103863 | Devoid | not possessing, untouched by | 42 | |
14414104334 | Diabolic | having the qualities of a devil | 43 | |
14414105383 | Diffusion | the spread or movement of something from one place/region to another | 44 | |
14414107228 | Disparity | Inequality or difference; unlikeness; incongruity | 45 | |
14414113854 | Dispossess | to banish; to abandon ownership of | 46 | |
14414115218 | Domestication | the process whereby a population of animals or plants through a process of selection, is changed at the genetic level, accentuating traits that benefit humans | 47 | |
14414126767 | Dyad | two persons involved in an on going relationship; the double chromosomes resulting from the separation of the four chromatids of a tetrad | 48 | |
14415406256 | Egalitarian | characterized by the belief that all men should have equal, political, social, and economic rights | 49 | |
14415408591 | Embryonic | rudimentary, undeveloped | 50 | |
14415409349 | Envoy | a diplomatic agent; any accredited messenger or representative | 51 | |
14415412480 | Ephemeral | short lived transitory | 52 | |
14415414155 | Ethereal | extremely delicate or refined | 53 | |
14415417051 | Eurasia | describes the land mass containing the continents of Europe and Asia | 54 | |
14415417770 | Explicitly | clearly stated; leaving nothing implied | 55 | |
14415420133 | Fallacy | a deceptive, misleading, or false notion | 56 | |
14415421894 | Fallow | pale; yellowish; brown color; to plow a field and leave it unseeded for a season | 57 | |
14415430005 | Fertile Crescent | nicknamed "The Cradle of Civilization" due to the birth of various kingdoms within its borders, is a crescent-shaped region counting the comparatively moist and fertile land of otherwise arid and semi-arid Western Asia, and the Nile Valley and Delta of north east Africa | 58 | |
14415447152 | Flora | the plants of a particular region or period, listed by species and considered as a whole | 59 | |
14415448786 | Formidable | causing fear; apprehension; or dread | 60 | |
14415450031 | Hallmarks | distinguishing characters or features | 61 | |
14418066171 | Hemisphere | half of the earth, usually conceived as resulting from the division of the globe onto two equal parts north and south or east and west | 62 | |
14418070194 | Idiosyncratic | the temperament or mental constitution peculiar to a person or group; any personal peculiarity | 63 | |
14418073541 | Ignoramus | an extremely ignorant person | 64 | |
14418078899 | Implausible | not believable; unlikely | 65 | |
14418079491 | Implicit | suggested or to be understood though not plainly expressed; implied | 66 | |
14418081761 | Incipient | beginning to exist or appear; an initial stage | 67 | |
14418088982 | Inexorable | that which cannot be moved or influenced by persuasion or entreaty; unrelenting | 68 | |
14420883355 | Inextricable | incapable of being dissent angles or undone | 69 | |
14418097525 | Infidel | a person who does not accept a particular faith | 70 | |
14418098151 | Inherent | existing in someone or something else as a permanent attribute, quality, or element | 71 | |
14418100265 | Innate | existing naturally rather than acquired | 72 | |
14418103375 | Inoculate | to introduce microorganisms into surroundings suited to their growth | 73 | |
14418105828 | Inordinate | not within proper or reasonable limits; immoderate; excessive | 74 | |
14418107226 | Insuperable | incapable of being passed over or being overcome | 75 | |
14418108130 | Intractable | hard to manage, control, cure, treat, manipulate | 76 | |
14418109588 | Irascible | easily provoked to anger; imitable | 77 | |
14418111288 | Jade | to make or become dull, worn-out, or weary, as from overwork or overuse | 78 | |
14418112656 | Kleptocracy | "rule by thieves" - rulers benefit themselves by taking from citizens of a society | 79 | |
14418115822 | Loathsome | disgusting; detestable; intense dislike | 80 | |
14420885934 | Logogram | a conventional, abbreviated symbol for a frequently recurring word or phrase, as the symbol | 81 | |
14418117480 | Maritime | connected with the sea in the relation to navigation | 82 | |
14418120090 | Metallurgy | the science of metals; to work in the metals or mines | 83 | |
14418121302 | Morphology | the former structure of an organism considered as . a whole | 84 | |
14418122589 | Mundane | pertaining to the world as contrasted with heaven; common or ordinary | 85 | |
14418125843 | Mutineers | persons guilty of revolt against authority | 86 | |
14418126508 | Myriad | a very great or indefinitely great number of persons or thing | 87 | |
14418130528 | Nascent | beginning to exist or develop | 88 | |
14420889006 | Nonviable | not capable of living, growing, and developing; not practicable or workable | 89 | |
14418131807 | Overt | not hidden, observable, apparent | 90 | |
14418133085 | Patagonia | grassy region in southern south America | 91 | |
14418140088 | Paucity | smallness of quantity, scarcity; insufficient in number | 92 | |
14418214532 | Perpetuate | to preserve from extinction | 93 | |
14418219390 | Phoneme | any of a small set of units, usually about 20 to 60 in number, considered to be he basic distinctive units of speech sound by which morphemes, words, and sentences are represented | 94 | |
14418226755 | Pleistocene | era characterized by the spreading and recession of continental ice sheets and by the appearance of modern man | 95 | |
14418228577 | Ply | to work with or at diligently | 96 | |
14418231063 | Political Organization | the system or strategy by which a society is organized between its leaders and followers | 97 | |
14418235138 | Precocious | unusually advanced; or mature un development; ripening or flowering early | 98 | |
14418850946 | Precursors | predecessor | 99 | |
14418852505 | Presage | soemthing that portends or foreshadows a future event | 100 | |
14418853906 | Profusion | a pouring forth with much wastefulness | 101 | |
14418854516 | Progenitor | a biologically related ancestor | 102 | |
14418859218 | Progeny | a descendant or offspring, child, plant, or animal | 103 | |
14418860731 | Proliferate | to grow or produce by multiplication of parts | 104 | |
14418862536 | Prolix | extended to be great, unnecessary, or tedious length; long and wordy | 105 | |
14418866205 | Proselytize | to convert or attempt to convert from one opinion or religious belief to another | 106 | |
14418868059 | Proximate | very near or next, as in space, time, or order (a factor or event directly leading to another event or consequence) | 107 | |
14418877358 | Protohumans | early manlike primates | 108 | |
14418877966 | Putative | commonly regarded as such; reputed; supposed | 109 | |
14418879112 | Quintessence | the pure and concentrated essence of a substance | 110 | |
14418880361 | Repertoire | all the musical or theatrical works of a particular category or writer | 111 | |
14418882005 | Resinous | full of or containing the "sticky" substance found in fiberglass | 112 | |
14418884059 | Salient | prominent or conspicuous | 113 | |
14418884884 | Sedentary | remaining in one locality; not migratory | 114 | |
14418886707 | Seminal | highly original and influencing the development of future events; a seminal artist; seminal ideas | 115 | |
14418888150 | Serendipitous | to come upon by accident; good; beneficial | 116 | |
14418890572 | Stratified | formed or arranged in layers; divided into social groups or classes | 117 | |
14420838642 | Stratify | to form in layers; to preserve or germinated by arranging in layers | 118 | |
14420840058 | Subjugated | to bring under control; to cause to become subservient | 119 | |
14420840860 | Subsistence | to supply just enough food or resources for survival | 120 | |
14420841505 | Subsume | to consider or include an idea, or term, as part of a more comprehensive one | 121 | |
14420842404 | Succinct | expressed in few words; concise | 122 | |
14420845684 | Succumbed | to giveaway, yield, submit | 123 | |
14420846918 | Sunder | to separate, part, divide | 124 | |
14420848086 | Supplant | to take the place of another; to replace | 125 | |
14420848467 | Surplus | resources (such as food) above the minimum necessary to survive allowing for the sale or trade of the excess | 126 | |
14420850094 | Taboo | proscribe by society as improper or unacceptable | 127 | |
14420850613 | Tannin | any group of astringent vegetable and principals or compounds | 128 | |
14420851715 | Technology | The making, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, machinery, and procedures. | 129 | |
14420855707 | Terrestrial | relating to the earth; consisting of land; growing in the ground or land | 130 | |
14420857305 | Trajectories | the curved path of something hurtling through space | 131 | |
14420894578 | Trajectory | the curved described by a projectile | 132 | |
14420858015 | Treatise | a formal, systematic book on some subject | 133 | |
14420858456 | Trypanosome | parasite in the blood or tissue transmitted by insects; this causes diseases such as African Sleeping Sickness | 134 | |
14420860100 | Ubiquitous | existing or being everywhere | 135 | |
14420862029 | Unabashedly | not ashamed, not restrained by embarrassment or consciousness | 136 | |
14420863363 | Variation | the measurement, analysis, and understanding of change and differences among and between two things | 137 | |
14420865172 | Weir | a small dam in a river or stream | 138 | |
14420865512 | Zenith | the point on the celestial sphere directly above the position of the observer | 139 |