AP World History - Chapter 8 Flashcards
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11364357829 | The fastest growing religion in the world...is centered around the belief in...god called... | Islam, one, Allah | 0 | |
11364357830 | Where were the Bedouins living in the 6th century? | Arabian Peninsula | 1 | |
11364357831 | The Bedouin culture was mostly... | Nomadic, tribal, and polytheistic | 2 | |
11364357832 | Who ruled each clan or tribe in the Bedouin culture? | Sheikhs | 3 | |
11364357833 | ...is when a man has more than one wife at a time | Polygyny | 4 | |
11364357834 | Were the Bedouins polytheistic or monotheistic? | Polytheistic | 5 | |
11364357901 | Arabian Peninsula | ![]() | 6 | |
11364357835 | City in Saudi Arabia that is considered to be a holy city | Mecca | 7 | |
11364357836 | The black stone of Mecca is a...because it has the...of God | Relic, word | 8 | |
11364357837 | The Bedouin tribes valued...and... | Honesty, generosity | 9 | |
11364357838 | The Bedouins...routes with...formed the basis of the Arabian economy | Land trade, camels | 10 | |
11364357839 | ...eventually became more popular than overland routes | Water travel | 11 | |
11364357840 | Muhammad was a... | Merchant | 12 | |
11364357841 | Muhammad became a... | Caravan manager | 13 | |
11364357842 | Muhammad experienced...that he attributed to the angel of the deity... | Revelations, Allah | 14 | |
11364357843 | An Islamic sacred book said to be the literal word of God | Quran | 15 | |
11364357844 | Did it take long for Muhammad to gather followers of Allah? | Yes | 16 | |
11364357845 | Muhammad is the last... | Prophet | 17 | |
11364357846 | The city that Muhammad and his followers fled to when they were persecuted, and where the first Muslim community was: | Medina | 18 | |
11364357847 | The name of the flight of Muhammad and his followers because of persecution | Hegira | 19 | |
11364357848 | The most important holy building of Islam | Ka'aba | 20 | |
11364357849 | A way that Islam was spread was...and the...of people | Military conquest, movement | 21 | |
11364357850 | Islam is an...religion | Egalitarian | 22 | |
11364357851 | When Islam was spread through military conquest and they had conquered a region, Islamic rule was/wasn't tolerant of the religion | Was | 23 | |
11364357852 | Was Islam polytheistic or monotheistic? | Monotheistic | 24 | |
11364357853 | Principles of Islam: The ideas of...of an afterlife, the importance of submission to the will of...and a belief in the...as the sacred book | Salvation and hope, Allah, Quran | 25 | |
11364357854 | Core set of obligations for Muslims | Five Pillars | 26 | |
11364357855 | Belief in one...called... Praying...times a day Giving...to the poor Fasting during the month of... Making a...to Mecca once in your life | God, Allah, five, alms, Ramadan, pilgrimage | 27 | |
11364357856 | Concept of struggle to strive in the way of Allah and to improve both oneself and society | Jihad | 28 | |
11364357857 | A code of law that outlines behavioral requirements for daily life that was developed after Muhammad's death. (Based on the Quran) | Shariah | 29 | |
11364357858 | After Muhammad's death, who were the two people that were running to become the leader of the Islamic community? | Ali and Abu Bakr | 30 | |
11364357859 | Religious ruler | Caliph | 31 | |
11364357860 | Who became the first caliph? | Bakr | 32 | |
11364357861 | Who became the fourth caliph? | Ali | 33 | |
11364357862 | Supporters of Abu Bakr | Sunnis | 34 | |
11364357863 | Supporters of Ali became the...group, also known as... | Shia, Shiites | 35 | |
11364357864 | When Bakr seized lands from the...Empire and the...Empire, he didn't force religious conversion. Instead the...were lower if you converted. | Byzantine, Persian Sassanid, taxes | 36 | |
11364357865 | When Ali was assassinated a group of...took power and founded the...Dynasty | Merchants, generals, and armies, Umayyad | 37 | |
11364357866 | Was the Umayyad Dynasty in Damascus and Córdoba Sunni or Shia? | Sunni | 38 | |
11364357867 | Where was the Umayyad Dynasty moved to? (From Medina) | Damascus | 39 | |
11364357868 | The...conquered the...and made a new city for their capital called... | Abbasids, Umayyads, Baghdad | 40 | |
11364357869 | An Islamic state | Caliphate | 41 | |
11364357870 | Where were the Abbasids? | Baghdad | 42 | |
11364357871 | Baghdad became the center of... | Learning | 43 | |
11364357872 | The invention of thicker...was an achievement of Baghdad | Paper | 44 | |
11364357873 | The Abbasids became increasingly...with a continually growing... | Hierarchical, bureaucracy | 45 | |
11364357874 | Prime ministers in the Abbasid Empire | Viziers | 46 | |
11364357875 | Being a ruler in the Abbasid empire because you risked potential...attempts | Assassination | 47 | |
11364357876 | The Abbasid Empire suffered from... | Attacks from outside groups | 48 | |
11364357877 | The Mongols | Group that defeated the Abbasids | 49 | |
11364357878 | The Abbasids faced both...and...troubles | Economic, military | 50 | |
11364357879 | Where did the Umayyads move their capital to after it was moved to Damascus? | Cordoba | 51 | |
11364357880 | The loss of the Battle of Tours for the Islamic military marked the limit of...into... | Islamic expansion, Western Europe | 52 | |
11364357881 | Umayyad rulers in Córdoba were...in terms of religion, like the..in Baghdad | Tolerant, Abbasids | 53 | |
11364357882 | The Umayyad rulers in Córdoba promoted... | Trade | 54 | |
11364357883 | The trade that was promoted by the Umayyad rulers in Córdoba occured because of goods traveling ships called... | Dhows | 55 | |
11364357884 | The Islamic state in Córdoba, Spain became a center for... | Learning | 56 | |
11364357885 | Islamic scholars saved the works of...and other...thinkers | Aristotle, Greek | 57 | |
11364357886 | Before Muhammad there were more...and...than pastoral... | Farmers, sailors, nomads | 58 | |
11364357887 | Trade between the...and the...empires created contacts between the religious groups:... | Byzantine, Islamic, Muslims, Christians, and Jews | 59 | |
11364357888 | When Islamic expansion occurred, the Islamic soldiers were/weren't allowed to own property that they took over, which allowed the people's lives to not be changed greatly. They would just be paying to a different... | Weren't, ruler | 60 | |
11364357889 | The role of...in Islamic society was greater than in other...and...societies at the time. | Merchants, European, Asian | 61 | |
11364357890 | Islam did/didn't allow slavery. | Did | 62 | |
11364357891 | When slaves converted to Islam, were the owners allowed to keep them enslaved? Y/N? Because Muslims could/couldn't enslave other... | No, couldn't Muslims | 63 | |
11364357892 | Did slave women or wives have more independence? | Slave women, | 64 | |
11364357893 | Slave women were allowed to go to...or run errands. They could gather enough money to...their freedom. | Markets, buy | 65 | |
11364357894 | Headscarf/veil used by women to cover their heads | Hijab | 66 | |
11364357895 | Muhammad...the status of women by treating his wives with...and...Also Muhammad's first wife was...and owned her own... | Raised, love, devotion, educated, business | 67 | |
11364357896 | Islamic women had a...status than Christian and Jewish women | Higher | 68 | |
11364357897 | A whole community of Muslims | Umma | 69 | |
11364357898 | The separate part of a Muslim household for the wives, concubines, and the women's children | Harem | 70 | |
11364357899 | A new Islamic group in India and Persia | Sufis | 71 | |
11364357900 | The Sufis followed...and...to attempt to unite with... | Rituals, chants, God | 72 |