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8860308663 | the unique and relatively stable ways in which people think, feel, and behave. | Personality - • | 0 | |
8860308664 | value judgments of a person's moral and ethical behavior. | Character • | 1 | |
8860308665 | the enduring characteristics with which each person is born ( | Temperament - | 2 | |
8860308666 | level of the mind in which information is available but not currently conscious. | Preconscious mind - | 3 | |
8860308667 | level of the mind that is aware of immediate surroundings and perceptions. | Conscious mind - • | 4 | |
8860308668 | level of the mind in which thoughts, feelings, memories, and other information are kept that are not easily or voluntarily brought into consciousness. | Unconscious mind - | 5 | |
8860308669 | part of the personality present at birth and completely unconscious; does not worry about consequences | Id - | 6 | |
8860308670 | ( sexual drive) that may come into conflict with the demands of a society's standards for behavior. | Libido | 7 | |
8860308671 | - principle by which the id functions; the immediate satisfaction of needs without regard for the consequences. | Pleasure principle | 8 | |
8860308672 | - part of the personality that develops out of a need to deal with reality, mostly conscious, rational, and logical. | Ego | 9 | |
8860308673 | - principle by which the ego functions; the satisfaction of the demands of the id only when negative consequences will not result. | Reality principle | 10 | |
8860308674 | - part of the personality that acts as a moral center. | Superego | 11 | |
8860308675 | - part of the superego that contains the standards for moral behavior. | Ego ideal | 12 | |
8860308676 | - part of the superego that produces pride or guilt, depending on how well behavior matches or does not match the ego ideal. | Conscience | 13 | |
8860308677 | five stages of personality development proposed by Freud and tied to the sexual development of the child. • | Psychosexual stages - | 14 | |
8860308678 | - disorder in which the person does not fully resolve the conflict in a particular psychosexual stage, resulting in personality traits and behavior associated with that earlier stage. | Fixation | 15 | |
8860308679 | - first stage occurring in the first year of life in which the mouth is the erogenous zone and weaning is the primary conflict. Id dominated. | Oral stage | 16 | |
8860308680 | - second stage occurring from about 1 to 3 years of age, in which the anus is the erogenous zone and toilet training is the source of conflict. Ego develops. | Anal stage | 17 | |
8860308681 | - a person fixated in the anal stage who is messy, destructive, and hostile(too late potty-trained) • | Anal expulsive personality | 18 | |
8860308682 | a person fixated in the anal stage who is neat, fussy, stingy, and stubborn(too early potty trained) | Anal retentive personality - | 19 | |
8860308683 | - third stage occurring from about 3 to 6 years of age, in which the child discovers sexual feeling-the genitals are the erogenous centers. Superego develops. | Phallic stage | 20 | |
8860308684 | - situation occurring in the phallic stage in which a child develops a sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent and jealousy of the same-sex parent( | Oedipus complex | 21 | |
8860308685 | - fourth stage occurring during the school years, in which the sexual feelings of the child are repressed while the child develops in other ways. •5. | Latency | 22 | |
8860308686 | Stage 5- sexual feelings reawaken with appropriate targets during puberty. | Genital | 23 | |
8860308687 | - followers of Freud who developed their own competing theories of psychoanalysis. | Neo-Freudians | 24 | |
8860308688 | Jung | developed a theory of a collective unconscious. •Personal unconscious - Jung's name for the unconscious mind as described by Freud. •Collective unconscious - Jung's name for the memories shared by all members of the human species called archetype | 25 | |
8860308689 | Adler | proposed feelings of inferiority as the driving force behind personality and developed birth order theory. The driving force behind all human behavior is the seeking of superiority. •Horney developed a theory based on basic anxiety and rejected the concept of penis en | 26 | |
8860308690 | Erikson developed a theory based on rather than relationships, covering the entire life span. | social... sexual | 27 | |
8860308691 | anxiety created when a child is born into the bigger and more powerful world of older children and adults. • | Basic anxiety - | 28 | |
8860308692 | - maladaptive ways of dealing with relationships in Horney's theory: clinging or being aggressive | Neurotic personalities | 29 | |
8860308693 | Criticism of Freud •1. | Freud did not use experiments to arrive at his conclusions about personality. •2. His theory is based on his own observation- case studies •3. Freud based much of his patients' problems of his dream interpretations | 30 |