Give Me Liberty Chapter 21 Review Questions Flashcards
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9054297740 | Discuss how regional development such as the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Columbia River project reflected broader changes in American life during the New Deal. | Tennessee Valley Authority - built a series of dams to prevent floods and deforestation along the Tennessee River and to provide cheap electric power for homes and factories; Columbia River project - promoted economic growth, eased the domestic and working lives of ordinary Americans, and kept control of key natural resources in public rather than private hands Included active efforts by the national government to uplift less fortunate members of society | 0 | |
9054297741 | What actions did President Roosevelt and Congress take to help the banking system recover as well as to reform how it operated in the long run? | FDR declared a bank holiday to temporarily halt all bank operations and called Congress into special session to pass the Emergency Banking Act to provide funds to assist threatened institutions Also passed Glass-Seagull Act to ban commercial banks from becoming involved in buying/selling stocks and to establish FDIC - government system that insured the accounts of individual depositors All these measures rescued the financial system and greatly increased government's power over it | 1 | |
9054297742 | How did the actions of the AAA benefit many farmers, injure others, and provoke attacks by conservatives? | AAA established a system for 7 major commodities that provided cash subsidies to farmers who cut production. Its goal was to raise farm prices by reducing supply. The money for it came from taxes on mills, gins, etc. It was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court because of the taxes in the case US v. Butler. A second AAA was created in 1938, the first AAA helped contribute to the Dust Bowl when farmers left land unattended causing drought Great Plains counties turned into dry dust plains with dust storms picking up topsoil and causing massive migration of farm families Primarily benefited farmers who owned their farming property Many people evicted from their homes due to decreased number of crop production | 2 | |
9054297743 | Explain what labor did in the 1930s to secure "economic freedom and industrial democracy" for American workers. | Creation of CIO - Congress of Industrial Organizations i. Unions (mostly United Auto Workers - UAW, a CIO union) began sit down workers halted production but remained inside 1. Sit-downs spread to General Motors (nerve center of automobile production) - finally negotiated with UAW ii. Union membership reached 9 million by 1940 iii. Workers gained new grievance procedures and seniority systems governing hiring, firing, and promotions; CIO unions helped stabilize chaotic employment situation and offered members a sense of dignity and freedom | 3 | |
9054297744 | How did the emphasis of the Second New Deal differ from that of the First New Deal? | First New Deal dealt with immediate measures of getting unemployed back to work and providing welfare and recovery b. Second New Deal focused on economic and social measures to fight unemployment and poverty and give real jobs to decrease unemployment rate i. i.e. via WPA - major relief agency of the New Deal that gave work instead of welfare ii. Main goals of Second New Deal were economic security and redistribution of income to broaden purchasing power | 4 | |
9054297745 | How did the entrenched power of southern white conservatives limit African Americans' ability to enjoy the full benefits of the New Deal and eliminate racial violence and discrimination? | a. Educational opportunities were limited sharply by the practice of separating African Americans and whites and providing African Americans with inferior instructional equipment. As late as 1963, for example, only 12,000 of the 3,000,000 African Americans in the South attended integrated schools, in spite of the Brown decision b. Employment practices throughout the South and in many northern cities restricted African Americans' ability to advance economically i. Many New Deal construction projects in the South refused to hire blacks at all c. Exclusion of blacks from key entitlements of welfare state d. Most federal jobs held by blacks were of clerk or custodian position | 5 | |
9054297746 | Analyze the effects of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 on Native Americans | Ended the policy of dividing Indian lands into small plots for individual families and selling off the rest - Indian's rights to govern their own affairs were recognized by federal authorities b. Schools were established on reservations to allow Indian children to retain their tribal heritage - replaced boarding schools; Indian kids allowed to stay in touch with their culture but received low funding for their education in poor environments within their tribal lands | 6 | |
9054297747 | Explain how New Deal programs contributed to the stigma of blacks as welfare dependent | a. Public assistance programs gave aid to dependent children, poor elderly, and Americans who showed financial need but benefits were given at extremely low levels and had to be authorized by state to determine eligibility i. Led to discrimination in distribution of benefits b. Humiliating stigma of dependency on government handouts or "welfare" i. Stigmatized blacks as recipients of unearned government assistance | 7 | |
9054297748 | How did the New Deal build on traditional ideas about the importance of home ownership to Americans, and how did it change Americans' ability to own their own homes? | a. FDR said "the security of the home" is a fundamental right - Home Owners Loan Corporation and Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insured millions of long term mortgages issued by private banks while federal government build 1000s of units for low-rent housing b. Cheaper for Americans to buy single-family homes instead of renting apartments | 8 | |
9054297749 | What were the major characteristics of liberalism by 1939? | 9 |