AP World History Vocab Words Flashcards
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14579353796 | Animalism | Definition: The act of a human acting as an animal. It means that a person has no perception of what it is like to be a human and to act as one. Historical Example: | 0 | |
14579372104 | Egalitarianism | Definition: It is the belief that all humans are created equal, including any race or religion. The people believe that humans are all equal to each other involving race and religion. Historical Example: Most of the union during slavery were fighting for this to be true for everyone in the US. | 1 | |
14579375379 | Feudalism | Definition: The political, social and economic system. It is loosely organized system of government in which local lords governed their own lands but owed military service and other support to a great lord. Historical example: Japan during the Heian Period with peasants, samurai, and daimyo. | 2 | |
14579384656 | Imperialism | Definition: The extension of power over another country. This is usually done with military or other force involving the military. It gives power to the nation doing it and hurts the nation it is being done to. Historical Example: When the British established colonies on America. | 3 | |
14579398556 | Monotheism | Definition: It is the belief that there is only one God. This is a huge part of many religions including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These are some main religions that are monotheistic. Historical Example: What Jesus Christ taught in Jerusalem and what his religion is. | 4 | |
14579404735 | Pastoralism | Definition: The involvement of taking care of animals. This can include of Shepard or someone who handles with livestock and caring for that stuff. That is usually the main job of the person. Historical Example: In 8,000 BCE when this was first used in Palestine. | 5 | |
14579418526 | Shamanism | Definition: A religion that is being taught to very native people in northern Europe. The belief of unseen Gods and Demons and can only be seen by certain people. This religion is very rare to be seen. Historical Example: The Hmong Shanam peoples beliefs around 5000 years ago. | 6 | |
14579410901 | Polytheism | Definition: The belief of more than one God. The belief that there is more than one God to worship and may have many different morals than a monotheistic religion. Some religions that are polytheistic is Hinduism, Mahayana, and Confucianism. Historical Example: What what practice of certain Buddhist people are when Buddhist was first made | 7 | |
14579436380 | Belief Systems | Definition: A set of beliefs that a person or people set that controls what they think is right or wrong not only including religion. That fact that it can be towards just the belief of different morals or it can also be put towards religion and what you believe. Historical Example: Polytheism, Hinduism, Judaism are some main ones practiced around the world. | 8 | |
14579441111 | Bureaucracy | Definition: A set group of people that can control rules and have higher say than other people. The decision of rules and stuff can be decided from the people involved. This group can make policies towards many different things. Historical Example: Things such as the Social Security Administration and the veterans Benefits Administration are examples of this being used modernly. | 9 | |
14579449765 | City-States | Definition: A city that is independent from all of the other cities in the state. The city would have its own governments, laws, and policies. The city is still apart of the state but it is still disconnected as its own. Historical Example: Rome and Athens used to be this a long time ago when they used to be considered empires. | 10 | |
14579459342 | Civil Service Exam | Definition: An exam that was given to people of China back in the Han Dynasty to select what job based of Confucian teachings they would be best at. The jobs would usually involve In Imperial China starting in the Han dynasty, it was an exam based on Confucian teachings that was used to select people for various government service jobs in the nationwide administrative bureaucracy. Historical Example: This is how China during the Qin Dynasty got an administrative group to work with. | 11 | |
14579508013 | civilization | Definition: A society of a city or state that has an organized and non corrupt government with different jobs and ways to work for money stably. There are different economical and social classes involving the peoples revenues and such. Historical Example: One of the first big one is the Rome Civilization dating back to 6th century BCE. | 12 | |
14579516387 | commerce | Definition: The involvement of trading ideas, thoughts or actual goods between people. This can involve something very small or very big. Historical Example: France trading the Louisiana Purchase to America for about 15 million. | 13 | |
14579521879 | Craft-specialization | During the hunting and gathering times of life, there were different tasks for on another and that is what this is. Different tasks or jobs that each person specializes in if that is hunting or gathering or other things. Historical Example: Designs that were created among the Inka in 15th and 16th century AD. | 14 | |
14579526445 | Demographics | Definition:A graph or something that describes the characteristics of human population in that area. Such as age and how many people are in the area. This could also the birth to death ratio. Historical Example: French demographers expanded their work on this and made it much more detailed including weight and height and more. | 15 | |
14579586502 | Empire | Definition: A large group of cities and territories that is ruled by one person. This person is usually called the emperor. Some examples of this can be the roman empire and the British Empire. Historical Example: The British Empire ruling over 23% of the worlds population and the most land mass of any empire. | 16 | |
14579596378 | Fertile Crescent | Definition: An crescent shape area of fertile land that is in the Middle East. From near the Mediterranean Sea until the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This is an important historical area since this is where many ancient civilizations started and were located. Historical Example: Many important civilizations were started, expanded and defeated on this. | 17 | |
14579617881 | gender roles | Definition: The way that a person behaviorally acts based on how they were raised involving their gender. Basically the way that a person should act knowing their gender and their role in society. Historical Example: What many tribes would follow since the women would know their job would be to cook, clean and care for the men. | 18 | |
14579630104 | hierarchy | Definition: A group of people that are organized into different ranks or positions based on how high they are in that area or how qualified someone is or how important someone is. Historical Example: This took place during the Roman Empire and how they made different governments and such. | 19 | |
14579640907 | Hunter-Gatherers | Definition: The way that people would live about 80,000 years ago. This is the way that people from long ago would collect food. They would hunt, fish, and forage other than agriculture that was most recently used. This was a very successful way of life. Historical Example: The first thought to be were the homo sapiens 1.8 million years ago. | 20 | |
14579660942 | Ideology | Definition: A system that a group follows whether its political or social policies. They are ideas that a group of people put together to create the system. Historical Example: Many different governments around the world use this such as France, Britain, the US and England. | 21 | |
14579673125 | Labor System | Definition: The way that the work is controlled. For example, there is a system at your office since you have a boss and you have different people for different parts of the office. This could involve anyone that works there. Historical Example: The biggest place seen using this was recently in america with all of the work that goes on. | 22 | |
14579684876 | Mandate of Heaven | Definition:A way for there to be one ruler of China during the time of Zhou. A way to revoke the ruling of some people from not having a blessing from the Gods. There was to only be worthy people ruling under the Mandate of Heaven. Historical Example: In 1046 BCE, the idea for there to only be one ruler in China by creating fake Gods. | 23 | |
14579693854 | Missionaries | Definition: A person, or a family, that can be sent on a religious mission to spread the their beliefs in a different country than their own. Most of the time the beliefs are Christian but sometimes they are other religions. Historical Example: In 1540, Catholic priests sent members out around the world to try to convert people to Catholicism. | 24 | |
14580487412 | Neolithic Revolution | Definition: This can also be called the agricultural revolution, was the huge change of hunting-gathering to the big transition to agricultural growth and expansion of many other major things such as many bigger settlements and less coming around for most people. This change happened around 8,000-10,000 BCE. Historical Example: This all started in the Fertile Crescent where farming first started. | 25 | |
14580499012 | Nomad | Definition:A member of a tribe or group that moves around a lot or doesn't have permanent live space. These people usually move around seasonally and most of the time is in a well defined territory with many other people. This can be Indians or other indigenous people. Historical Example: They were first seen around 1500 BCE in Iran, Iraq, Egypt and Turkey. | 26 | |
14580510704 | Pandemic/Epidemic | Definition:The epidemic part of this definition is where a disease, that can be fatal but doesn't have to, affects multiple people in the same area or community and rapidly spreads from there and the pandemic part is when this disease spreads all around the world and effects many more people. Historical Example: The Spanish influenza is a good example of this in 1918 killing around 40-50 million people. | 27 | |
14580524945 | River Valley Civilizations | Definition: Its a civilization that is located directly next to a river and that is their main sources of water for just about everything. The civilization tends to stay near that river for a very long time since it is very useful and convenient for the closer communities. Historical Example: Around 3500 BCE Mesopotamian cities were found near these. | 28 | |
14580532080 | Trade Network | Definition: Its a network that allows many people to trade with people close or very far away and not have a difficult time doing it. It can be a very easy way to trade goods such as land, resources, ideas, and different types of valuable crops. Historical Example: The silk road is a good description of this who many different goods were traded on this. | 29 |