AP US History Period 9 Flashcards
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13887120508 | Moral Majority | Political action committee founded by evangelical Reverend Jerry Falwell in 1979 to promote traditional Christian values and oppose feminism, abortion, and gay rights. A major linchpin in the resurgent religious right of the 1980s. | 0 | |
13887120509 | Supply-side economics (Reaganomics) | Economic theory beneath Ronald Reagan's tax and spending cuts. Said that government policy should aim to increase the supply of goods and services, instead of demand for them. Held that lower taxes and decreased regulation would increase productivity and the tax base by providing more incentive to work. | 1 | |
13887120510 | Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI or "Star Wars") | Reagan administration plan announced in 1983 to create a missile-defense system over American territory to block a nuclear attack. The plan typified Reagan's commitment to vigorous defense spending even as he sought to limit the size of government in domestic matters. | 2 | |
13887120511 | Iran - Contra Affair | Major political scandal of Reagan's 2nd term revealed in 1986. An illicit arrangement of selling "arms for hostages" with Iran and using money to support contras in Nicaragua, it deeply damaged Reagan's credibility. | 3 | |
13887120512 | Mikhail Gorbachev | Head of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. He tried to liberate USSR in order to improve relations with the West. Lost his power after his reforms resulted in Communist governments in eastern Europe collapsing. | 4 | |
13887120513 | Berlin Wall falls (1989) | Represents an end of communism in eastern Europe. | 5 | |
13887120514 | Panama Invasion (1989) | Bush ordered this to remove the autocratic General Manuel Noriega; the alleged purpose of this was to stop Noriega from using his country as a drug pipeline to the US. Part of the war on drugs. | 6 | |
13887120515 | Saddam Hussein | President of Iraq from 1979 to 2003. Waged war on Iran in 1980-1988. In 1990 he ordered an invasion of Kuwait but was defeated by United States and its allies in the Gulf War (1991). Defeated by US led invasion in 2003. | 7 | |
13887120516 | Persian Gulf War (1991) | Conflict between Iraq and a coalition of countries led by the United States to remove Iraqi forces from Kuwait which they had invaded in hopes of controlling their oil supply. US emerged the winners, very patriotic time for Americans. | 8 | |
13887120517 | Americans With Disabilities Act (1990) | Landmark law signed by President George H.W. Bush that prohibited discrimination against people with physical/mental handicaps. It was a legislative triumph for champions of equal protections to all. | 9 | |
13887120518 | "Don't ask, Don't tell" | Policy affecting homosexuals in the military. Emerged as a compromise between standing prohibition against homosexuals in armed forces and Clinton's push to allow all citizens to serve regardless of sexual orientation. Military authorities were forbidden to ask about a service member's orientation, and gay service personnel could be discharged if they publicly revealed their homosexuality. Repealed by Congress at urging of Obama in 2010, permitting gays to serve openly in uniform. | 10 | |
13887120519 | Brady Bill | Act enacted in 1993 by President Clinton that mandated federal background checks on firearm purchasers in the United States, and imposed a five-day waiting period on purchases. | 11 | |
13887120520 | Newt Gringrich | Republican speaker in the House. He pushed for more conservative legislation during Clinton's presidency. | 12 | |
13887120521 | Religious Fundamentalism | Movement where the followers are to return to the foundations of the faith and to influence state policy where every word of the bible is interpreted literally. Huge revival in the 1980s. | 13 | |
13887120522 | televangelist | preachers spread the gospel on TVs across America | 14 | |
13887120523 | No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) | Holds states, schools, and school districts more accountable for their standardized tests scores. The wanted outcome was better tests scores all around and overall a smarter and better population of young people that would positively contribute to a growing America. Enacted by George Bush, had some negative effect on students due to increased testing and cutting funding to schools that performed poorly. | 15 | |
13887120524 | Economy Recovery Tax Act (1981) | Passed by Congress, it included a 25 percent decrease in personal income taxes over three years. Part of Reaganomics. | 16 | |
13887120525 | globalization | increasing interactions between countries | 17 | |
13887120526 | deregulation | The process of removing or reducing state regulations, typically in the economic sphere. It is the undoing or repeal of governmental regulation of the economy. | 18 | |
13887120527 | Social Safety Net | A collection of services provided by the state or other institutions such as friendly societies, including welfare, unemployment benefit, universal healthcare, homeless shelters, and sometimes subsidized services such as public transport, which prevent individuals from falling into poverty. | 19 | |
13887120528 | War on Terrorism | Also known as the Global War on Terrorism, refers to the international military campaign that started after the September 11 attacks on the United States. | 20 | |
13887120529 | Climate Change | The recent and ongoing rise in global average temperature near Earth's surface. Usually refers to the fact that man is contributing to a dangerous rise in the climate in a short period of time. | 21 | |
13887120530 | conservatism | a belief that limited government ensures order, competitive governments, and personal opportunity | 22 | |
13887120531 | Political Action Committees (PACs) | groups formed for the purpose of raising money to elect or defeat political candidates , They usually represent business, unions, or idealogical interests. | 23 | |
13887120532 | Sandra Day O'Connor | First woman to become a justice of the Supreme Court, under Reagan | 24 | |
13887120533 | NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement; allows open trade with US, Mexico, and Canada | 25 | |
13887120534 | 9/11 Attacks | the U.S. was attacked by the Al Qaeda which resulted in the War on Terrorism and the Patriot Acts | 26 | |
13887120535 | neoconservativism | a political ideology characterized by an emphasis on free-market capitalism and an interventionist foreign policy | 27 |