AP World History Chapter 23:The Transformation of Europe Flashcards
SAA Sophomore Year / Honors AP World History / The Transformation of Europe
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8770944644 | What were the movements in Western Europe that made it a period of dramatic changes? | - Renaissance - Reformation - Scientific Revolution - Enlightenment | 0 | |
8770944645 | Western Europe remained an agricultural society but became unusually --- active and developed a --- sector. | Commercially; Manufacturing | 1 | |
8770944646 | --- increased their power: greater interest in military, conquest, and exploration. | Governments | 2 | |
8770944647 | Ideas of the --- also altered due to new commercial and social structure that developed. | Family/Personality | 3 | |
8770944648 | Increasingly, Europeans believe they are --- to other peoples - will have a powerful effect on how they interact with others they encounter. | Superior | 4 | |
8770944649 | What were some characteristics of the Italian Renaissance? | - Urban and secular society - Renewed interest in the classical world - Glorifying the individual and individual achievements - Impact small minority of the population (wealthy elites) directly; some "trickle down" effect to ordinary people | 5 | |
8770944650 | What are the results of the Renaissance? | - New attitude towards life: spirit of curiosity, creativity, and confidence - Great achievements in art, literature, and science - Challenges to religious authority and long held beliefs | 6 | |
8770944651 | What was the main theme of the Renaissance? | Humanism | 7 | |
8770944652 | What is humanism? | - "Man as the center and measure of all things" - Developed as a result of Italy's urban, commercial environment - Drew from classical past - Intellectual and artistic endeavors - What you as a human are capable of/can accomplish - Not anti-Christian - Inspires people to think creatively and be more secular | 8 | |
8770944653 | Who was Petrarch? | - Father of Humanism - Wrote sonnets in Italian (not Latin) that emphasized love and other human emotions | 9 | |
8770944654 | Who was Lorenzo de Medici? | - Rich banking family - unofficially ruled Florence - Wealthy patron of the arts - Like mafia - Ruthless and ambitious - Got people elected to office and controlled them | 10 | |
8770944655 | Who was Niccolo Machiavelli? | - Author of The Prince - How to acquire and how to keep power - Advanced ideas similar to Chinese legalists - The ends justify the means - Believes Italy needs to be united | 11 | |
8770944656 | Who was Johann Gutenburg? | - Inventor of moveable type - Allowed the mass production of books, the spread of literacy and the spread of ideas (Renaissance and Reformation ideas) | 12 | |
8770944657 | Describe characteristics of Italian Renaissance art. | - Reflected humanism - Both religious and secular subject matter - Inspired by the classical world - Realistic | 13 | |
8770944658 | Describe how Italian Renaissance art was both religious and secular subject matter. | - Religious art created for churches and financed by Pope - Secular art included portraits and nudes financed by wealthy patrons | 14 | |
8770944659 | Describe how Italian Renaissance art was inspired by the classical world. | - Nudes - never portrayed in the art of the Middle Ages but very popular in Greek and Roman art - Greek columns and Roman arches both used in Renaissance architecture | 15 | |
8770944660 | Describe how Italian Renaissance art was realistic. | - Studied movement and anatomy to depict human body more accurately - Used linear perspective: 3 dimensional - they had depth, did not look like a flat surface - Distant objects were painted smaller to make them appear farther away to the viewer | 16 | |
8770944661 | Describe Leonardo da Vinci. | - High Renaissance artist - Thought of art as a science - wanted to discover the mathematical formula for beauty and perfection - Architect, engineer, inventor, painter, sculptor, scientist, musician, military advisor - Last Supper, Mona Lisa | 17 | |
8770944662 | Describe Michelangelo. | - High Renaissance artist - Art inspired by Christian beliefs (very religious man) - Painted/sculpted Christian themes but combined these themes with the classical nude - Sculptor/painter/architect - Sculptural philosophy: figure inside every piece of stone and was his job to free it from its prison - La Pieta, David, Sistine Chapel | 18 | |
8770944663 | What caused the Northern Renaissance and where was it focused? | - Due to decline in creativity and independence of Italy - Focused in France, the Low Countries, Germany and England beginning after 1500 | 19 | |
8770944664 | How was the Northern Renaissance different from the Italian Renaissance? | - Feudalism still in existence although on the decline - More centralized power in form of kings - Northern Humanists more religious - Little change in terms of economic life and values of ordinary people | 20 | |
8770944665 | Who was Jan van Eyck? | - First to use oil paints - Realism through minute detail - Religion in everyday objects | 21 | |
8770944666 | Describe the Protestant Reformation. | - Starts as a reform movement but ends splitting the Christian church into Catholics and Protestants - Were problems in Catholic church but church doesn't want to reform so they split - Church selling indulgences; not meeting spiritual needs of people | 22 | |
8770944667 | Describe Martin Luther. | - 95 Theses (written in Latin) - Through faith alone you can achieve salvation - Bible, not Pope, is chief guide to religious truth - Priests allowed to get married, no monks/nuns/saints; reject a lot of the ceremony - Not only Bible but mass is in vernacular | 23 | |
8770944668 | Why did some political leaders support Martin Luther? | - Taking away power of the Pope - Gives more power to kings - Church land now belongs to king - Taxes to Pope are now done | 24 | |
8770944669 | Why did some ordinary people support Martin Luther? | - Couldn't afford buying indulgences or paying taxes - Saw Protestant Reformation as equalizing them | 25 | |
8770944670 | Describe John Calvin. | - Calvinism (AKA Puritans in England and New World) - Predestination: God already knows whether you are going to heaven/hell; can't change your fate - Stressed participation of all believers in church affairs - thus influenced attitudes toward government | 26 | |
8770944671 | Describe Henry VIII of the Tudor family. | - Anglican Church or Church of England - Wants to divorce his wife - Doesn't adopt Reformation ideas for religious reasons; mainly for personal/political reasons | 27 | |
8770944672 | Who were the six wives of Henry VIII? | - Catherine of Aragon - Anne Boleyn - Jane Seymour - Anne of Cleves - Kathryn Howard - Katherine Parr (in order: divorced, beheaded, and died, divorced, beheaded, survived) | 28 | |
8770944673 | Briefly describe Catherine of Aragon. | - Gave Henry one daughter Mary - He divorced her | 29 | |
8770944674 | Briefly describe Anne Boleyn. | - Gives him one daughter Elizabeth - Can't get divorced and accuses her of adultery - Beheaded | 30 | |
8770944675 | Briefly describe Jane Seymour. | - Gives him son Edward & Edward is sickly & eventually dies - Jane dies in childbirth | 31 | |
8770944676 | Briefly describe Anne of Cleves. | - German princess - Marries without meeting her - Thinks she's ugly and divorces her | 32 | |
8770944677 | Briefly describe Kathryn Howard. | - She is 19 he is 49 - She sleeps around - Beheaded | 33 | |
8770944678 | Briefly describe Katherine Parr. | - She survives! - Raises the 3 sons - Brings peace to the palace | 34 | |
8770944679 | Describe the Catholic Reformation. | - Response to Protestant Reformation - Aims: to strengthen Catholicism throughout the world and check the spread of Protestantism - Jesuits and St. Ignatius Loyola - Council of Trent | 35 | |
8770944680 | Describe Jesuits and St. Ignatius Loyola | - An order of priests founded by St. Ignatius - In response to Protestant Reformation - Take vow of poverty, chastity, obedience, loyalty (especially) to Pope - Instrumental in spreading Catholic faith - Known for education/being educators - Travel all over spreading Catholic faith - Create schools, colleges - Act as missionaries in distant lands | 36 | |
8770944681 | What were the results of the Reformation? | - Split in Christian Church and creation of many different Protestant sects - Persecution - Europe divided according to religion - Religious Wars | 37 | |
8770944682 | Describe how there was persecution. | - Both Catholics and Protestants were intolerant - Witch hunts | 38 | |
8770944683 | Describe how Europe was divided according to religion. | - Catholic: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Southern Germany, Ireland - Protestant: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway - Mixed: France | 39 | |
8770944684 | Describe religious wars. | - Internally within countries (France and England) - Between Catholic and Protestant countries (Spain and England) - Affected balance of power in Europe as well as political structures | 40 | |
8770944685 | Religious wars were also --- wars and led to political, as well as religious, changes. | Political | 41 | |
8770944686 | Religious upheaval influenced the balance of --- in Europe. | Power | 42 | |
8770944687 | Describe the religious upheaval in France. | - France has vocal, strong minority Protestant - Calvinists (Huguenots - Protestants in France) - Fighting Catholics - Protestant king wins but ends up converting to Catholicism - Edict of Nantes - declaration by Henry IV; France and he are Catholic but Protestants are allowed to worship freely; ends religious wars | 43 | |
8770944688 | Describe the English Civil War. | - Between 2 Protestant groups (Puritans and Anglicans) who each supported a diff side in a political power struggle (Parliament and King Charles I) - Ended with execution of King Charles I and rule under Oliver Cromwell | 44 | |
8770944689 | Catholic countries tend to have a(n) --- monarchy. | Absolute | 45 | |
8770944690 | Protestant countries tend to have a --- monarchy. | Limited | 46 | |
8770944691 | Describe absolute monarchy. | - Monarch has absolute power - No constraints because of the justification of divine right - France, Prussia, Austria, Spain | 47 | |
8770944692 | Describe limited monarchy. | - Monarch's power is restrained by Parliament or a similar institution that represents "the people" - Britain | 48 | |
8770944693 | How are absolute and limited monarchies the same? | - Both develop as a result of the growth of the idea of a nation-state - Bring together people who speak a common language and have a common culture and history - sense of loyalty to king and country although many within absolute monarchy rioted against it - Nation states still competitive and fighting | 49 | |
8770944694 | Describe the Scientific Revolution. | - Questioning attitude of Renaissance and Reformation led to a revolution in science - Questioning previously accepted ideas about nature, the world and the human body (both Church and ancient ideas) - Began to rely on the scientific method (observation and experimentation) to answer their questions - The West became the leading center for scientific advance, seeing science as the key to gaining knowlege | 50 | |
8770944695 | Describe some leading figures of the Scientific Revolution. | - Copernicus: Heliocentric Theory - Johann Kepler: proves Copernicus correct; elliptical orbit - Galileo: first telescope; proves Copernicus and Kepler are correct; publishes findings & is excommunicated - William Harvey: heart is what pumps blood - Rene Descartes: do not believe anything before proving it for yourself - Isaac Newton: laws of motion, gravity, calculus | 51 | |
8770944696 | Describe the Enlightenment. | - The aftermath of the Scientific Revolution - Intellectual/philosophical revolution centered in France - Coincided with the growth of centralized monarchies and argued against those - Thinkers continued scientific research and applied scientific methods to the study of human society - Produced basic set of principles: humans are naturally good, reason is the key to truth, intolerant/blind religion is wrong | 52 | |
8770944697 | Who was Thomas Hobbes? | - Wrote book Leviathan - Lived during English Civil War - Negative view of human nature - Not enlightened - State of Nature (no gov): perpetual state of war | 53 | |
8770944698 | Who was John Locke? | - Lived during Glorious Revolution - Agree to give up your power to gov but gov owes you protection - People can rebel if they feel gov has abused power | 54 | |
8770944699 | Who was Montesquieu? | - Giving power to one person is terrible and leads to abuse - Separation of powers; checks and balances | 55 | |
8770944700 | Who was Rousseau? | - French living during reign of Louis XIV - Wrote Social Contract - Government has to listen to people - General will | 56 | |
8770944701 | Who was Mary Wollstonecraft? | - A Vindication of the Rights of Women - The more a woman follows the rules the more oppressed she is | 57 | |
8770944702 | Describe commercial revolution in Europe. | - Fundamental redefinition of Western economic structure - Beginnings of mass consumerism: new goods available - New World gold and silver forced prices up and product demand surpassed availability = inflation - Stimulated creation of trading companies and manufacturing since borrowing was cheap when money was losing value - Led to population and urban growth which led to creation of new rural and urban poor; prosperity for all | 58 | |
8770944703 | Describe cultural reorientation in Europe. | - Result of changes, new ideas and commercial revolution - Challenge to aristocracy as investments - not property - signaled wealth - Rise of the proletariat due to new economy and technology = new social classes and social tensions, popular rebellions - Wave of witchcraft - Change in family structure | 59 | |
8770944704 | Describe the rise of the nation-state in Europe. | - Politically divided Europe - competitive - Different forms of gov but in all cases feeling that they are obligated to help their people | 60 | |
8770944705 | Timeline of Europe and France | 61 |