AP Literature Exam Flashcards
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7217460574 | Apostrophe | A figure that directly addresses an absent or imaginary person or personified abstraction, such as "liberty" or "love", or "night". | 0 | |
7233667469 | Poetry | Write that formulates concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rythym. | 1 | |
7233673052 | Prose | The ordinary language people use in speech and writing -characteristics of novels, short essay. | 2 | |
7295107156 | Allusion | A literary technique that signifies a "brief reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance. | 3 | |
7441406000 | Conspire | make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act. | 4 | |
7441412595 | monotony | lack of variety and interest; tedious repetition and routine. | 5 | |
7441418600 | Profound | (of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense. | 6 | |
7441420609 | sublimity | refers to a greatness beyond all possibility of calculation, measurement, or imitation. | 7 | |
7441429946 | Laudatory | (of speech or writing) expressing praise and commendation. | 8 | |
7441436303 | Superficially | as to the outward appearance only; on the surface. | 9 | |
7441441351 | Contemplative | expressing or involving prolonged thought. | 10 | |
7441443345 | Understated | presented or expressed in a subtle and effective way. | 11 | |
7441449065 | Apologetic | Regretfully acknowledging or excusing an offense or failure. | 12 | |
7454751815 | Motif | A repeated, dominant idea in a poem or work of literature. | 13 | |
7454770472 | Ode | A poem of praise. | 14 | |
7478414338 | Concrete | Things that you can experience through your five senses: touch, hearing, tasting, seeing, smelling. | 15 | |
7478418690 | Abstract | A noun that describes an idea or state of mind that can't be observed by the five senses. | 16 | |
7478438818 | Caesura | A punctuated break or interruption in the middle of a line of poetry. Marked by punctuation and shift in topic & tone. | 17 | |
7516929001 | Figurative Language | Words and phrases that substitute a literal relationship with their signification for an abstract one. | 18 | |
7516946447 | Olfactory Imagery | Images that appeal to sense of smell. | 19 | |
7516947678 | Auditory Imagery | Images that appeal to sense of sound. | 20 | |
7516950062 | Visual Imagery | Images that appeal to sense of sight. | 21 | |
7743028726 | Enjambment | The continuation of a sentence beyond the end of a line of verse. | 22 | |
8061765230 | Perfunctory | carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection. | 23 | |
8061769084 | Reclusive | avoiding the company of other people; solitary. | 24 | |
8061771254 | Onerous | (of a task, duty, or responsibility) involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome. | 25 | |
8061774820 | Pensive | engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought. | 26 | |
8061787396 | Frenetic | fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way. | 27 | |
8061789602 | Altruistic | showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish. | 28 | |
8061796684 | Vitriolic | filled with bitter criticism or malice. | 29 | |
8061800303 | Petulant | (of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered. | 30 | |
8061802224 | Sardonic | grimly mocking or cynical. | 31 | |
8061804251 | Splenetic | bad-tempered; spiteful. | 32 | |
8061807864 | Sympathetic | feeling, showing, or expressing sympathy. | 33 | |
8061810688 | Abhor | regard with disgust and hatred. | 34 | |
8061813125 | Ambivalent | having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. | 35 | |
8061819187 | Apathetic | showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern. | 36 | |
8061823561 | Tenacious | tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely. | 37 | |
8061826915 | Vaguely | in a way that is uncertain, indefinite, or unclear; roughly. | 38 | |
8061830585 | Emancipated | set free, especially from legal, social, or political restrictions. | 39 | |
8167625614 | Languidly | lacking in spirit or interest | 40 | |
8167629984 | Vulgor | lacking sophistication or good taste | 41 | |
8167653147 | bourgeois | characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes. | 42 | |
8181955096 | Satire | The uses of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. | 43 | |
8237715761 | Edifice | a building, especially a large, imposing one. | 44 | |
8237720229 | Invariably | in every case or on every occasion; always. | 45 | |
8237722368 | Sepulcheres | The place for the dead such as a grave. | 46 | |
8237727236 | Congenial | (of a person) pleasant because of a personality, qualities, or interests that are similar to one's own. | 47 | |
8237728959 | Auspacious | conducive to success; favorable. | 48 | |
8237750489 | Ponderous | slow and clumsy because of great weight. | 49 | |
8237752124 | Antique | a collectible object such as a piece of furniture or work of art that has a high value because of its considerable age. | 50 | |
8237756523 | Burdock | A large herbaceous Old World plant of the daisy family. The hook-bearing flowers become woody burrs after fertilization and cling to animals' coats for seed dispersal. | 51 | |
8237765697 | Claustrophobic | (of a person) suffering from claustrophobia. | 52 | |
8237774017 | Misogynistic | strongly prejudiced against women. | 53 | |
8237776763 | Sanguinity | reddish; ruddy: a sanguine complexion. | 54 | |
8237785124 | Domineer | assert one's will over another in an arrogant way. | 55 | |
8237791365 | Denigrate | criticize unfairly; disparage. | 56 | |
8237793046 | Deplore | feel or express strong disapproval of (something). | 57 | |
8237795849 | Bewildered | cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused. | 58 | |
8237800925 | Oppressive | unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint, especially on a minority or other subordinate group. | 59 | |
8255626548 | Raconteur | a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way. | 60 | |
8255632916 | Lament | Passionate expression of grief or sorrow. | 61 | |
8255637402 | Assertion | A confident and forceful statement of fact or belief. | 62 | |
8255645802 | Satiric | (of a person or their behavior) sarcastic, critical, and mocking another's weaknesses. | 63 | |
8255662499 | Wry | Using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor. | 64 | |
8560049768 | Sewn | sew | 65 | |
8560052479 | Lure | Attract or desire | 66 | |
8560053704 | Morsel | a small piece or amount of food; a mouthful. | 67 | |
8560057235 | Vacant | (of premises) having no fixtures, furniture, or inhabitants; empty. | 68 | |
8560062108 | Unplumbed | unsounded; unfathomed. | 69 | |
8560063335 | Summons | wish or grant something or someone or urgently demand (help). | 70 | |
8560071930 | Dignified | having or showing a composed or serious manner that is worthy of respect. | 71 | |
8581955201 | Magical Realism | A chiefly Latin American narrative strategy that is characterized by the matter of fact inclusion of fantastic or mythical elements into seemingly realistic fiction. | 72 | |
9101389293 | Sordid | involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt. | 73 | |
9101393038 | Boom | a thing that is helpful or beneficial such as a blessing or a bonus. | 74 | |
9101400068 | Forlon | pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely. | 75 | |
9101406551 | Wreathe | Cover, surround, or encircle (something). | 76 | |
9101415087 | Deplore | feel or express strong disapproval of (something). | 77 | |
9101418452 | Internal rhyme | a rhyme involving a word in the middle of a line and another at the end of the line or in the middle of the next. | 78 | |
9101420055 | Expletive | an oath or swear word. | 79 | |
9101426361 | Paradox | a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true. | 80 | |
9101430770 | Scold | remonstrate with or rebuke (someone) angrily such a reproach. | 81 | |
9101441562 | Wistful | having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing. | 82 | |
9101445950 | Desperation | a state of despair, typically one that results in an extreme behavior. | 83 | |
9101452264 | Outdated | obsolete or old-fashioned. | 84 | |
9101463425 | Sangunity | optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. | 85 | |
9101468953 | Predicament | a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation. | 86 | |
9101473089 | Panacea | a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases. | 87 | |
9101478673 | Petrarchan | denoting a sonnet of the kind used by the Italian poet Petrarch, with an octave rhyming abbaabba, and a sestet typically rhyming cdcdcd or cdecde. | 88 | |
9226070452 | Superstition | excessively credulous belief in and reverence for supernatural beings. | 89 | |
9226080778 | Recollection | the action or faculty of remembering something. | 90 | |
9226087101 | Deprivation | the damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society. | 91 | |
9226089700 | Obsolete | no longer produced or used; out of date. | 92 | |
9226098790 | Incongruous | not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something. | 93 | |
9226100848 | Opulent | ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish. | 94 | |
9226106896 | Premonition | a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant. | 95 | |
9226112832 | Fecund | producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring or new growth; fertile. | 96 | |
9226115011 | Austere | severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance. | 97 | |
9226118447 | Idyllic | (especially of a time or place) like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque. | 98 | |
9226122880 | Fervent | having or displaying a passionate intensity. | 99 | |
9226125877 | Approbation | approval or praise. | 100 | |
9226128402 | Aversion | a strong dislike or disinclination. | 101 | |
9226132196 | Aesthetic | concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. | 102 | |
9226137230 | Rumination | think deeply about something. | 103 | |
9226146121 | Frivolous | not having any serious purpose or value. | 104 | |
9226153517 | Obdurate | stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action. | 105 | |
9226154631 | Aloof | not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant. | 106 | |
9226158009 | Callous | showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others. | 107 | |
9226162440 | Mundane | lacking interest or excitement; dull. | 108 | |
9226164432 | Stoic | a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining. | 109 | |
9226168420 | Content | in a state of peaceful happiness. | 110 | |
9226172307 | Impulsive | acting or done without forethought. | 111 | |
9226178041 | Secular | denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis. | 112 | |
9226183445 | Epilogue | a section or speech at the end of a book or play that serves as a comment on or a conclusion to what has happened. | 113 | |
9226186385 | Penitent | feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant. | 114 | |
9248680820 | Amorphous | without a clearly defined shape or form. | 115 | |
9248687399 | Haphazard | lacking any obvious principle of organization. | 116 | |
9248693100 | Cavernous | like a cavern in size, shape, or atmosphere. | 117 | |
9248702522 | Primitive | relating to, denoting, or preserving the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something. | 118 | |
9248708047 | Conciliatory | intended or likely to placate or pacify. | 119 | |
9248712089 | Premises | a previous statement or proposition from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion. | 120 | |
9248727084 | Allegorical | constituting or containing allegory. | 121 | |
9248733994 | Oblique | neither parallel nor at a right angle to a specified or implied line; slanting. | 122 | |
9768109037 | Hindrance | a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone. | 123 | |
9768116258 | Jilted | suddenly reject or abandon (a lover). | 124 | |
9768123800 | Impediment | a hindrance or obstruction in doing something. | 125 |