AP World History Dates Flashcards
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13437868060 | 476 | End of Roman Empire/Start of Feudal West Europe (Classical to Post Classical) | 0 | |
13437868062 | 1054 | Great Schism in Byzantium - Post Classical | 1 | |
13437868063 | 1095 | First Crusade: Europeans go to West Asia to re-conquer Holy Lands - Post Classical | 2 | |
13437868064 | 1250-1350 | Mongol EmpireL 4 Khanates -- Russia, Persia, Central Asia, China - Post Classical | 3 | |
13437868065 | 1450 | Italian Renaissance | 4 | |
13437868066 | 1405-1433 | Voyages of Admiral Zheng He on Indian Ocean Post Classical to Early Modern Era | 5 | |
13437868067 | 1453 | Fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks turning point to Early Modern | 6 | |
13437868068 | 1492 | Spain Unifies, Columbus, Start of Columbian Exchange, Moors driven out - Early Modern Era | 7 | |
13437868069 | 1600 | British East India Company trading in India - Early Modern Era | 8 | |
13437868070 | 1839-1860 (1843) | Opium Wars (Treaty of Nanjing) Imperialism in MODERN P5 | 9 | |
13437868071 | 1868 | Meji Restoration in Japan MODERN P5 | 10 | |
13437868072 | 1884 | Berlin Conference to decide rules for dividing Africa P5 | 11 | |
13437868073 | 1914-1918 | WW1 - Contemporary | 12 | |
13437868074 | 1917 | The Russian Revolution - Contemporary | 13 | |
13437868075 | 1939-1945 | WW2 - Contemporary | 14 | |
13437868076 | 1947 | Indian Independence - Contemporary | 15 | |
13437868077 | 1949 | Communist Revolution in China - Contemporary | 16 | |
13437868078 | 1960s | "The Year of Africa" when many African nations gain independence | 17 | |
13988076701 | 1971 | Nixon Detente fail | 18 | |
13437868080 | 1994 | End of apartheid/Nelson Mandela elected as President of South Africa | 19 | |
13437868081 | 1750 | Enlightenment, Nationalism, Industrial Revolution | 20 | |
13437868082 | 600 | Islam Begins (Post Classical) | 21 | |
13437868083 | 1517 | Protestant Reformation Begins (Early Modern Era) | 22 | |
13988397510 | 1848 | Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx (Early years of German industry) | 23 | |
13988403990 | 1776 | Capitalism, Declaration of Independence | 24 | |
13988426185 | 1961 | Berlin Wall built | 25 |