AP World History Chapter 16 Atlantic Revolutions, Global Echoes Flashcards
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10831239801 | abolitionist movement | movement succeeded in condemning slavery as morally repugnant and ending it in much of the world | 0 | |
10831239826 | Creoles/ Native-born elites in the Spanish colonies. | 1 | ||
10831239802 | Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen | equal rights ideologically launched the French Revolution. | 2 | |
10831239803 | Declaration of the Rights of Woman | Olympe de Gouges (1791) argument must include women. | 3 | |
10831239804 | Estates General | French representative assembly called into session by Louis XVI | 4 | |
10831239805 | Freetown | West African settlement in Sierra Leone for freed Africans | 5 | |
10831239806 | French Revolution | French society overthrew the monarchy | 6 | |
10831239807 | gens de couleur libres | free people of color described freed slaves - and mixed racial background | 7 | |
10831239808 | Haiti | former French colony of Saint Domingue | 8 | |
10831239809 | Haitian Revolution | Only successful slave rebellion in world history | 9 | |
10831239810 | Hidalgo-Morelos rebellion | Socially radical peasant insurrection that began in Mexico | 10 | |
10831239811 | Latin American revolutions | Series of risings in the Spanish colonies | 11 | |
10831239812 | Louverture, Toussaint | leader of the Haitian Revolution | 12 | |
10831239813 | maternal feminism | women have value in society as mothers | 13 | |
10831239814 | Napoleon Bonaparte | French head of state (1799 -1814) abdication (and again briefly in 1815 | 14 | |
10831239815 | Nation | Clearly defined territory whose people have a sense of common identity and destiny, thanks to ties of blood, culture, language, or common experience. | 15 | |
10831239816 | Nationalism | Part of a "nation" with a unique culture, territory, and destiny century. | 16 | |
10831239817 | North American Revolution | Successful rebellion conducted by colonists in North America | 17 | |
10831239818 | petit blancs | "little" (or poor) white population of Saint Domingue | 18 | |
10831239819 | Seneca Falls Conference | first organized women's rights conference | 19 | |
10831239820 | Elizabeth Cady Stanton | Leading early women's rights figure | 20 | |
10831239821 | The Terror | Radicals (revolutionary) violence under leadership of Maximillion Robespierre | 21 | |
10831239822 | Third Estate | 98 percent of the French population | 22 | |
10831239823 | Tupac Amaru | The last Inca emperor | 23 |