AP Literature terms (12/14) Flashcards
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12026519562 | Local Color | a term applied to fiction or poetry which tends to place special emphasis on a particular setting, including its customs, clothing, dialect and landscape. | 0 | |
12026519563 | Loose Sentence | one in which the main clause comes first, followed by further dependent grammatical units | 1 | |
12026519564 | Lyric Poem | a poem that does not tell a story but expresses the personal feelings or thoughts of a speaker | 2 | |
12026519565 | Metaphor | a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. | 3 | |
12026519566 | Implied Metaphor | does not state explicitly the two terms of the comparison | 4 | |
12026519567 | Extended Metaphor | is a metaphor that is extended or developed as far as the writer wants to take it. (conceit if it is quite elaborate). | 5 | |
12026519568 | Dead Metaphor | is a metaphor that has been used so often that the comparison is no longer vivid: "The head of the house", "the seat of the government", "a knotty problem" are all dead metaphors. | 6 | |
12026519569 | Mixed Metaphor | is a metaphor that has gotten out of control and mixes its terms so that they are visually or imaginatively incompatible. "The President is a lame duck who is running out of gas." | 7 | |
12026519570 | Metonomy | A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated (such as "crown" for "royalty"). | 8 | |
12026519571 | Mood | Feeling or atmosphere that a writer creates for the reader | 9 | |
12026519572 | Motif | A recurring theme, subject or idea | 10 | |
12026519573 | Onomatopoeia | A word that imitates the sound it represents. | 11 | |
12026519574 | Oxymoron | A figure of speech that combines opposite or contradictory terms in a brief phrase. | 12 | |
12026519575 | Paradox | A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. | 13 | |
12026519576 | Parallel Structure | the repetition of words or phrases that have similar grammatical structures | 14 |