AP French Language and Culture: La Famille Flashcards
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8738431220 | la famille | the family | 0 | |
8738431221 | le père | the father | 1 | |
8738431222 | la mère | the mother | 2 | |
8738431223 | les parents | the parents, relatives | 3 | |
8738431224 | la soeur | the sister | 4 | |
8738431225 | le frère | the brother | 5 | |
8738431226 | les enfants | the children | 6 | |
8738431227 | le bébé | the baby | 7 | |
8738431228 | le fils | the son | 8 | |
8738431229 | la fille | the daughter, girl | 9 | |
8738431230 | le mari | the husband | 10 | |
8738431231 | l'époux | the husband (spouse) | 11 | |
8738431232 | la femme | the wife, woman | 12 | |
8738431233 | l'épouse | the wife, spouse | 13 | |
8738431234 | la grand-mère | the grandmother | 14 | |
8738431235 | le grand-père | the grandfather | 15 | |
8738431236 | le petit-fils | the grandson | 16 | |
8738431237 | la petite-fille | the grandaughter | 17 | |
8738431238 | les ancêtres | the ancestors | 18 | |
8738431239 | l'oncle | the uncle | 19 | |
8738431240 | la tante | the aunt | 20 | |
8738431241 | le neveu | the nephew | 21 | |
8738431242 | la nièce | the niece | 22 | |
8738431243 | le (la) cousin(e) | the cousin (m/f) | 23 | |
8738431244 | le beau-père | the father-in-law/stepfather | 24 | |
8738431245 | la belle-mère | the mother-in-law/stepmother | 25 | |
8738431246 | le beau-frère | the brother-in-law/stepbrother | 26 | |
8738431247 | la belle-soeur | the sister-in-law/stepsister | 27 | |
8738431248 | le demi-frère | the half brother | 28 | |
8738431249 | la demi-soeur | the half sister | 29 | |
8738431250 | le beau-fils | the son-in-law | 30 | |
8738431251 | la belle-fille | the daughter-in-law | 31 | |
8738431252 | le parrain | the godfather | 32 | |
8738431253 | la marraine | the godmother | 33 | |
8738431254 | le filleul | the godson | 34 | |
8738431255 | la filleule | the goddaughter | 35 | |
8738431256 | les rapports/les relations | the relationships | 36 | |
8738431258 | le divorce | the divorce | 37 | |
8738431259 | le mariage | the marriage | 38 | |
8738431260 | l'union libre/la cohabitation | the living together/unmarried cohabitation | 39 | |
8738431261 | le mariage civil | the civil ceremony | 40 | |
8738431262 | la mairie | the city hall | 41 | |
8738431263 | le/la partenaire | the partner | 42 | |
8738431264 | le père célibataire | the single father | 43 | |
8738431265 | la mère célibataire | the single mother | 44 | |
8738431266 | la famille monoparentale | the single parent family | 45 | |
8738431267 | la famille étendue | the extended family | 46 | |
8738431268 | la femme au foyer | the stay at home mom | 47 | |
8738431269 | la famille nucléaire | the immediate family | 48 | |
8738431270 | la famille recomposée | the remarried family | 49 | |
8738431272 | les fiançailles | the engagement | 50 | |
8738431273 | le mariage | the marriage celebration | 51 | |
8738431275 | un veuf | a widower | 52 | |
8738431276 | une veuve | a widow | 53 | |
8738431277 | la démographie | the demographics | 54 | |
8738431278 | l'enfance | the childhood | 55 | |
8738431279 | la jeunesse | the youth | 56 | |
8738431280 | la vieillesse/le troisième âge | the old age | 57 | |
8738431281 | le jeune/l'ado | the teenager | 58 | |
8738431282 | gamin(e)/gosse/môme | the kid (slang) | 59 | |
8738431284 | le fossé des générations | the generation gap | 60 | |
8738431285 | marié | married | 61 | |
8738431286 | divorcé(e) | divorced | 62 | |
8738431287 | célibataire | single | 63 | |
8738431288 | amoureux/seuse | in love | 64 | |
8738431291 | enceinte | pregnant | 65 | |
8738431294 | se marier avec | to get married with | 66 | |
8738431295 | épouser | to marry | 67 | |
8738431308 | grandir | to grow up | 68 | |
8738431309 | vieillir | to age | 69 | |
8738431313 | dépendre de quelqu'un | to depend on someone | 70 | |
8738431315 | divorcer | to divorce | 71 | |
8738431316 | quitter quelqu'un | to leave someone | 72 | |
8738431318 | adopter | to adopt | 73 | |
8738431319 | être fiancé/se fiancer | to get engaged | 74 | |
8738431320 | tomber/être amoureux | to fall in love | 75 | |
8738431321 | cohabiter | to live together | 76 | |
8738431325 | rompre avec | to break up | 77 | |
8738431326 | se séparer de | to get separated | 78 | |
8738431329 | se rapprocher | to reconcile | 79 |