AP Literature Vocab 13 Flashcards
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9048578085 | accolade (ak' ə lād) | (n) praise or approval; a ceremonial embrace or greeting SYNONYMS: kudos, acclaim, cheers, plaudits ANTONYMS: boos, disapproval, censure | 0 | |
9048584636 | acerbity (ə ser' bə tē) | (n) sourness or bitterness of taste; harshness or severity of manner or expression SYNONYMS: acidity, astringency, mordancy, asperity ANTONYMS: blandness, mellowness, mildness | 1 | |
9048589614 | attrition (ə trish' ən) | (n) the process of wearing down by friction or gradual impairment SYNONYMS: abrasion, erosion, reduction ANTONYMS: augmentation, proliferation, enlargement | 2 | |
9048596070 | bromide (brō' mīd) | (n) a trite or commonplace remark; a tiresome or boring person; a sedative SYNONYM: platitude | 3 | |
9048603810 | chauvinist (shō' və nist) | (adj) extravagantly patriotic; blindly devoted to a cause; (n) such a person SYNONYMS: (n) superpatriot, flag-waver, jingoist | 4 | |
9048624426 | chronic (kron' ik) | (adj) continuing over a long period of time or recurring often SYNONYMS: recurrent, persistent, inveterate, habitual ANTONYMS: transitory, transient, sporadic | 5 | |
9048627477 | expound (ek spaůnd') | (v) to explain in detail SYNONYM: elucidate, delineate | 6 | |
9048633922 | factionalism (fak' shən əl iz əm) | (n) party strife and intrigue SYNONYM: infighting ANTONYMS: unanimity, harmony, agreement, consensus | 7 | |
9048638268 | immaculate (i mak' yə lit) | (adj) spotless; without blemish or fault SYNONYM: unsoiled ANTONYMS: blemished, tarnished, stained, sullied | 8 | |
9048646403 | imprecation (im prə kā' shən) | (n) a curse; the act of cursing SYNONYM: execration ANTONYM: benediction | 9 | |
9048652444 | ineluctable (in i lək' tə bəl) | (adj) not able to be avoided, changed, or overcome SYNONYMS: unavoidable, inevitable ANTONYMS: avoidable, escapable, reversible, revocable | 10 | |
9048659974 | mercurial (mər kyůr' ē əl) | (adj) characterized by rapid and unpredictable changes of mood; fickle or inconstant SYNONYMS: erratic, capricious, volatile ANTONYMS: phlegmatic, sluggish, constant, steady | 11 | |
9048667229 | palliate (pal' ē āt) | (v) to make less serious or severe by glossing over; to relieve without actually curing, mitigate SYNONYMS: alleviate, extenuate ANTONYMS: intensify, magnify, aggravate | 12 | |
9048672854 | protocol (prō' tə kôl) | (n) customs and regulations dealing with official behavior and etiquette, as in a court or among diplomats; a type of international agreement; a memorandum, official account, or record SYNONYMS: code of conduct, minutes | 13 | |
9048679097 | resplendent (ri splen' dənt) | (adj) shining or gleaming brilliantly; splendid or magnificent SYNONYMS: radiant, dazzling, glorious ANTONYMS: dull, lusterless | 14 | |
9048684600 | stigmatize (stig' mə tīz) | (v) to brand or mark as in some way discreditable, disgraceful, or ignominious SYNONYMS: sully, taint ANTONYM: whitewash, laud, extol | 15 | |
9048691538 | sub rosa (səb rō' zə) | (adv) in secret; confidentially; privately; (adj) secretive SYNONYMS: (adv) secretly, covertly, stealthily, furtively ANTONYMS: (adv) overtly, openly | 16 | |
9048698669 | vainglory (vān' glô rē) | (n) excessive pride in and boastfulness about one's own accomplishments or qualities; a vain show or display SYNONYM: vanity, conceit, swagger, pretentiousness ANTONYMS: humility, modesty, diffidence | 17 | |
9048710110 | vestige (ves' tij) | (n) a trace or visible evidence of something that once existed but now is lost or vanished SYNONYMS: artifact, remains | 18 | |
9048719263 | volition (vō lish' ən) | (n) the power to choose, will, or decide; the act of choosing, willing, or deciding SYNONYMs: free will ANTONYMS: coercion, compulsion, duress | 19 |