SUFFIXES AND ROOTS (AP Language) Flashcards
Terms : Hide Images [1]
14655443105 | able | able eg: capable | 0 | |
14655445778 | ade | result of action eg: lemonade | 1 | |
14655450430 | age | act of eg: salvage | 2 | |
14655450771 | al | relating to eg: manual | 3 | |
14655487602 | algia | pain eg: neuralgia | 4 | |
14655490426 | an | native of eg: African | 5 | |
14655527498 | ance | action eg: allowance | 6 | |
14655527994 | ant | performing, eg: assistant | 7 | |
14655531407 | ary | relating to eg: dictionary | 8 | |
14655532576 | ate | cause eg: segregate | 9 | |
14655534268 | cian | having a certain skill or art eg: musician | 10 | |
14655539330 | cule, | very small eg: molecule | 11 | |
14655539572 | cy | action eg: hesitancy | 12 | |
14655540994 | dom | quality eg: freedom | 13 | |
14655541785 | ee | one who receives the action eg: employee | 14 | |
14655542938 | en | made of eg: frozen | 15 | |
14655554471 | ence | action eg: difference | 16 | |
14655555478 | er | one who eg: teacher | 17 | |
14655559969 | escent | in the process of eg: adolescent | 18 | |
14655561013 | ese | the language of eg: Japanese | 19 | |
14655563032 | esis | action eg: genesis | 20 | |
14655565409 | ess | female eg: actress | 21 | |
14655565950 | et | small one eg: midget | 22 | |
14655566426 | fic | making eg: scientific | 23 | |
14655567958 | ful | full of eg: careful | 24 | |
14655569330 | fy | make eg: fortify | 25 | |
14655570624 | hood | order eg: manhood | 26 | |
14655650300 | ic | nature of eg: poetic | 27 | |
14655652284 | ice | condition eg: justice | 28 | |
14655652695 | id | a thing connected with or belonging to eg: fluid | 29 | |
14655655949 | ile | relating to eg: juvenile | 30 | |
14655661886 | ine | nature of eg: feminine | 31 | |
14655662304 | ion | act of eg: infection | 32 | |
14655667186 | ish | origin eg: foolish | 33 | |
14655669417 | ism | manner eg: alcoholism | 34 | |
14655670121 | ist | one who eg: artist | 35 | |
14655678346 | ite | nature of eg: dynamite | 36 | |
14655679549 | ity | state of eg: captivity | 37 | |
14655682478 | ive | causing eg: abusive | 38 | |
14655682974 | ize | make eg: emphasize | 39 | |
14655683812 | less | without eg: careless | 40 | |
14655685520 | ly | like eg: carelessly | 41 | |
14655686035 | ment | act of eg: contentment | 42 | |
14655687239 | ness | state of eg: carelessness | 43 | |
14655688897 | oid | resembling eg: asteroid | 44 | |
14655689518 | ology | study eg: biology | 45 | |
14655690420 | ous | full of eg: gracious | 46 | |
14655690952 | ship | office eg: friendship | 47 | |
14655691221 | some | tending to eg: lonesome | 48 | |
14655692137 | tude | state of eg: gratitude | 49 | |
14655692362 | ure | state of eg: culture | 50 | |
14655693419 | ward | in the direction of eg: forward | 51 | |
14655694610 | y | inclined to eg: cheery | 52 | |
14655697521 | ,acid, | bitter eg: acerbic | 53 | |
14655698342 | acu | sharp eg: acute | 54 | |
14655699139 | ag | do eg: agent | 55 | |
14655701798 | ali | other eg: alien | 56 | |
14655702766 | alt(us) | high eg: altitude | 57 | |
14655704342 | amor | love eg: amiable | 58 | |
14655705125 | anni | year eg: anniversary | 59 | |
14655706825 | anthrop | man eg: anthropology | 60 | |
14655707774 | anti(co) | old eg: antique | 61 | |
14655708344 | arch | rule eg: architect | 62 | |
14655708605 | aster, | star eg: asteroid | 63 | |
14655709702 | aud, | hear, listen eg: audio | 64 | |
14655710158 | aug, | increase eg: augur | 65 | |
14655711159 | auto | self eg: automobile | 66 | |
14655711459 | belli | war eg: rebellion | 67 | |
14655711841 | bibl | book eg: bible | 68 | |
14655712311 | bio | life eg: biology | 69 | |
14655712610 | brev | short eg: abbreviate | 70 | |
14655715221 | cad, cas | to fall eg: cadence | 71 | |
14655715719 | calor | heat eg: calorie | 72 | |
14655718455 | cap | take eg: capable | 73 | |
14655719424 | capit | head eg: decipitate | 74 | |
14655719994 | carn | flesh eg: carnivorous | 75 | |
14655722455 | caus | burn eg: caustic | 76 | |
14655722949 | cause | motive eg: because | 77 | |
14655723988 | ced | move eg: procedure | 78 | |
14655724465 | centri | center eg: concentric | 79 | |
14655725280 | chrom | color eg: chrome | 80 | |
14655725817 | chron | time eg: chronological | 81 | |
14655727062 | cide | kill eg: suicide | 82 | |
14655727643 | cit | to call eg: citation | 83 | |
14655728714 | civ | citizen eg: civic | 84 | |
14655729360 | clam | cry out eg: exclamation | 85 | |
14655730974 | claus | shut eg: include | 86 | |
14655731547 | gnosi | know eg: recognize | 87 | |
14655732199 | cardi | heart eg: cordial | 88 | |
14655733333 | corp | body eg: corporation | 89 | |
14655733870 | cosm | universe eg: cosmos | 90 |