AP World- chapter 22 Flashcards
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9268205613 | Abdul Ghaffar Khan | founder of the Khudai Khidmatgar or "Servants of God" movement (1890-1988) in the Northwest Frontier Province of colonial India, he advocated throughout his life nonviolent social and political reform based on Islamic principles | 0 | |
9268209403 | African National Congress | South African political party established in 1912 by elite Africans who sought to win full acceptance in colonial society; it only gradually became a popular movement that came to control the government in 1994 | 1 | |
9268212862 | African Union | Federation of 53 African countries who work together to deal with social, political, economic, and military problems in africa | 2 | |
9268215515 | Amritsar Massacre | an incident in which British troops killed hundreds of innocent Indian civilians for ignoring British law that banned public meetings | 3 | |
9268219456 | Apartheid | policy of strict racial separation in South Africa; abolished in 1989 | 4 | |
9268223672 | Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal | founder and first president of the Republic of Turkey (1881-1938); as military commander and leader of the Turkish national movement, he made Turkey into secular state | 5 | |
9268226271 | Atrocity | brutal act committed against innocent people | 6 | |
9268234668 | Balfour Declaration | a public statement issued by the British Government during WWI announcing support for the establishment of a :national home for the jewish people" In Palestine | 7 | |
9268269303 | Black Consciousness | south african movement that sought to foster pride, unity, and political awareness among the countries african majority and often resorted to violent protest against white minority rule | 8 | |
9268277827 | Boers | also known as Afrikaners, the sector of the white pop. of south Africa that was descended from early dutch settlers | 9 | |
9268283545 | decolonization | process in which many african and asian states won their independence from western colonial rule, in most cases by negated settlement with gradual political reforms and a program of investment rather than through military confrontation | 10 | |
9268287270 | DeKlerk, F.W. | was elected president of South Africa in 1989. He called for an end to apartheid and freed Nelson Mandela in 1990 | 11 | |
9268291451 | democracy in Africa | a subject of debate among scholars, the democracies est. in the wake of decolonization in Africa proved to be fragile and often fell to military coups or were taken over by single-party authoritarian systems; Africa's initial rejection of democracy has sometimes been taken as a sign that Africans were not ready for democratic politics or that traditional African culture did not support it | 12 | |
9268301335 | economic development | a process of growth or increasing production and the distribution of the proceeds of that growth to raise living standards; nearly universal desire for economic development in the second half of the twentieth century reflected a central belief that poverty was no longer inevitable | 13 | |
9268305638 | export-led industrialization | a model for economic development that advocates specializing in the production of specific products to export | 14 | |
9268309881 | Ghandi, Mohandas K | usually referred to by his sobriquet "Mahatma" (Great Soul), Ghandi (1869-1948) was a political leader and the undoubted spiritual leader of the Indian drive for independence from Great Britain | 15 | |
9268316428 | import substitution industrialization | a model for economic development that advocated reducing an economy's dependence on the uncertain | 16 | |
9268319638 | Indian National Congress | organization est. in 1885 by Western-educated elite Indians in an effort to win a voice in the governance of India; over time, the NYC became a major popular movement that won India's independence from Britain | 17 | |
9268324126 | Islamic Fundamentalists | muslims who strictly follow the teachings of the Koran and reject western ideas | 18 | |
9268329063 | Jinnah, Muhammad Ali | leader of India's All-India Muslim League and first president of the breakaway state of Pakistan (1876-1948) | 19 | |
9268333243 | Kenyatta, Jomo | a nationalist leader who fought to end oppressive laws against Africans; later became the first Prime Minister of Kenya | 20 | |
9268337373 | Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah | important Shia ayatollah (advanced scholar of Islamic law and religion) who became the leader o Iran's Islamic revolution | 21 | |
9268340805 | Mandela, Nelson | south african nationalist (b.1918) and leader of the African National Congress who was imprisoned for 27 years on charges of treason, sabotage, and conspiracy to overthrow the apartheid gov. of south africa; he was elected president of south africa in 1994, four years after he was finally released from prison | 22 | |
9268343857 | Muslim League | The all-india muslim league, created in 1906, was a response to the Indian National Congress in India's struggle for independence from Britain; the League's leader, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, argued that regions of India with a Muslim majority should form a separate state called Pakistan | 23 | |
9268350302 | Nehru, Jawaharlal | first prime minister of independent India (1889-1964) | 24 | |
9268402184 | Nkrumah, Kwame | worked to remove British imperialists from Africa; became the first Prime Minister of Ghana | 25 | |
9268405315 | Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza | born in 1919, Pahlavi was shah of Iran from 1941 until he was deposed and fled the country in 1979; he died in 1980 | 26 | |
9268409403 | Palestinian Liberation Organization | organization founded in 1964 with the purpose of the "liberation of Palestine" through armed struggle, with much of its violence aimed at Israeli civilians | 27 | |
9268413729 | Pan-Arabism | ideology espousing the unification of the countries of North Africa and West Asia from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Sea, referred to as the Arab world | 28 | |
9268419870 | Pan-Africanism | movement emphasizing the unity of Africans and people of African descent all over the world | 29 | |
9268422440 | Satyagraha | literally "truth force"; Mahatma Ghandi's political philosophy, which advocated confrontational but nonviolent political action | 30 | |
9268425281 | Soweto | impoverished black neighborhood outside Johannesburg, South Africa, and the site of violent uprising in 1976 in which hundreds were killed; that rebellion began a series of violent protests and strikes that helped end apartheid | 31 | |
9268431047 | Theocracy | government ruled by religious leaders | 32 | |
9268435001 | Tutu, Desmond | Anglican Bishop who won the Nobel Prize for his nonviolent opposition to apartheid in South Africa | 33 | |
9268437693 | Zionist Movement | the national movement of the Jewish people that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel | 34 |