AP Language tone/diction words + definitions Flashcards
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13628253637 | admiring | complimentary, favorable | 0 | |
13628253638 | alarmed | excited | 1 | |
13628257167 | allusive | suggestive, hinting | 2 | |
13628257235 | aloof | distant | 3 | |
13628259801 | ambivalent | indecisive | 4 | |
13628261495 | angry | irate | 5 | |
13628261496 | anxious | uneasy, brooding | 6 | |
13628264791 | apathetic | uncaring, uninvolved | 7 | |
13628266496 | apologetic | regretful | 8 | |
13628269720 | audacious | bold, insolent | 9 | |
13628269721 | belligerent | contentious | 10 | |
13628272025 | benevolent | kindly | 11 | |
13628272026 | bitter | hating, malicious, resentful, rancorous | 12 | |
13628273734 | candid | frank, truthful | 13 | |
13628278329 | captious | ready to detect trivial faults | 14 | |
13628280295 | censorious | severely critical | 15 | |
13628280296 | clinical | detached, coolly dispassionate | 16 | |
13628283941 | cold | unemotional | 17 | |
13628283942 | complacent | self-satisfied | 18 | |
13628286551 | condescending | showing superiority, patronizing | 19 | |
13628295248 | confident | certain, full of conviction | 20 | |
13628297390 | confused | perplexed | 21 | |
13628297391 | contemptuous | scornful, disdainful, disrespectful, irrelevant | 22 | |
13628301600 | critical | judging harshly | 23 | |
13628304682 | cynical | contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives | 24 | |
13628307194 | depressed | dejected | 25 | |
13628307195 | desperate | showing a loss of hope | 26 | |
13628310470 | detached | unconcerned, aloof, distant, unbiased | 27 | |
13628312741 | didactic | instructive | 28 | |
13628315938 | dispassionate | unaffected by strong feelings; showing coolness of judgement | 29 | |
13628317803 | dogmatic | authoritative, assertive, arrogant | 30 | |
13628321161 | dreamy | vague, in a state of reverie, appearing tranquil | 31 | |
13628325074 | effusive | excessively demonstrative, gushing | 32 | |
13628327159 | elated | joyful | 33 | |
13628327160 | elegiac | Expressing sorrow or lamentation | 34 | |
13628329606 | fanciful | whimsical | 35 | |
13628329607 | flippant | lacking proper respect or seriousness | 36 | |
13628335899 | forgiving | pardoning, excusing | 37 | |
13628337930 | frivolous | lacking seriousness, playful, silly | 38 | |
13628340309 | Giddy | lighthearted | 39 | |
13628345506 | hesitant | reluctant | 40 | |
13628345507 | impartial | unbiased | 41 | |
13628345508 | impassioned | ardent, fervent, fervid | 42 | |
13628348183 | importunate | overly persistent in demand | 43 | |
13628350113 | incredulous | not believing | 44 | |
13628351976 | indignant | showing anger at injustice | 45 | |
13628351977 | insolent | arrogant, overbearing, impudent | 46 | |
13628354678 | ironic | expressing the opposite of the literal meaning | 47 | |
13628357766 | irreverent | disrespectful | 48 | |
13628359982 | jocular | joking, humorous | 49 | |
13628362883 | lugubrious | dismal, mournful | 50 | |
13628365965 | matter of fact | concerned with fact only, not imaginative or fanciful; objective | 51 | |
13628368599 | melancholy | sadness | 52 | |
13628371222 | optimistic | inclined to expect the best possible outcome | 53 | |
13628373401 | pedantic | tending to show off one's learning | 54 | |
13628375391 | pessimistic | seeing the worst side of things; no hope | 55 | |
13628375392 | pompous | arrogant, self important | 56 | |
13628378798 | puerile | childish, juvenile, immature | 57 | |
13628380904 | pungent | caustic, stinging, biting, strong | 58 | |
13628382472 | restrained | reserved | 59 | |
13628382474 | sardonic | grimly or scornfully mocking, bitterly sarcastic | 60 | |
13628385197 | satirical | ridiculing, ironic, mocking, taunting | 61 | |
13628389175 | sentimental | affectedly emotional, maudlin | 62 | |
13628391432 | skeptical | inclined to doubt; slow to accept something as true | 63 | |
13628393923 | somber | serious; gloomy | 64 | |
13628396217 | supercilious | proud and contemptuous; showing scorn because of a feeling of superiority | 65 | |
13628398229 | tongue-in-cheek | ironic, facetious, sarcastic | 66 | |
13628401233 | threatening | menacing | 67 | |
13628403298 | urgent | needing quick action or attention | 68 | |
13628403299 | vexed | annoyed, agitated | 69 | |
13628405115 | vindictive | vengeful, unforgiving (Cersei Lannister) | 70 | |
13628407228 | zealous | eager, earnest, devoted | 71 | |
13628447851 | artificial | fake | 72 | |
13628450315 | colloquial | Characteristic of ordinary conversation rather than formal speech or writing | 73 | |
13628450316 | colorful | richly eventful or picturesque | 74 | |
13628453856 | concrete | existing in a material or physical form; real or solid; not abstract. | 75 | |
13628453857 | connotative | the implied or associated meaning of a word | 76 | |
13628456150 | cultured | marked by refinement in taste and manners | 77 | |
13628459254 | elevated | lifted up; in language this means using fanciful expressions | 78 | |
13628462652 | emotional | showing strong feelings | 79 | |
13628465399 | esoteric | intended for or understood by only a small group | 80 | |
13628465400 | Euphemism | An indirect, less offensive way of saying something that is considered unpleasant | 81 | |
13628467542 | exact | (verb): to demand and obtain by force or authority; (adj): specific | 82 | |
13628474812 | grotesque | absurd; distorted | 83 | |
13628477648 | homespun | simple and unsophisticated | 84 | |
13628479429 | idiomatic | characteristic of a particular language | 85 | |
13628481919 | insipid | lacking flavor; dull; not at all stimulating | 86 | |
13628486005 | jargon | special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand. | 87 | |
13628488370 | learned | having much knowledge; scholarly; erudite | 88 | |
13628488392 | moralistic | concerned with morals | 89 | |
13628493051 | obscure | difficult to understand; partially hidden | 90 | |
13628496777 | plain | unimaginative, bland | 91 | |
13628499076 | poetic | having a quality or style characteristic of poetry | 92 | |
13628499077 | scholarly | concerned with academic learning or research | 93 | |
13628500904 | prosaic | (adj.) dull, lacking in distinction and originality; matter-of-fact, straightforward; characteristic of prose, not poetic | 94 | |
13628500923 | precise | exact; accurate | 95 | |
13628503310 | pretentious | pompous, self-important | 96 | |
13628505205 | slang | informal language | 97 | |
13628505206 | symbolic | serving as a symbol | 98 | |
13628505208 | vulgar | lacking refinement or taste; crude | 99 |