AP Literature: Lesson 4 Vocabulary (No Images) Flashcards
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11371329594 | approbation | (n.) an expression of approval; praise (permission, consent, endorsement, support, sanction) | 0 | |
11371329595 | benighted | (adj.) existing in the state of moral, cultural, or intellectual darkness; unenlightened (uneducated, uncultured, uncivilized, primitive, ignorant, dark) | 1 | |
11371332610 | bourgeois | (n.) the middle class or a member of the middle class (common, conventional, materialistic, conservative, traditional) | 2 | |
11371332611 | credo | (n.) a strongly held belief; a guide to one's action (creed, philosophy, tenet, code) | 3 | |
11371336002 | empirical | (adj.) based on experience or observation as opposed to theory; capable of being confirmed (experimental, pragmatic, observed, factual, realistic) | 4 | |
11371337973 | eschew | (v.) to stay away from; to shun, especially on practical or moral grounds (abandon, avoid, renounce, abstain, refrain, evade) | 5 | |
11371340502 | expatiate | (v.) to speak or write about in great detail; to elaborate, usually used with on or upon (develop, dilate, enlarge, expound) | 6 | |
11371342886 | iconoclast | (n.) one who attacks established beliefs, customs, or institutions (critic, cynic, heretic, radical, rebel, sceptic, nonbeliever, non-conformist) | 7 | |
11371346109 | indigence | (n.) an extreme level of poverty (destitution, penury, deficit, famine, scarcity, hardship) | 8 | |
11371346110 | laudable | (adj.) praiseworthy (commendable, creditable, deserving, meritable, worthy) | 9 | |
11371348031 | mandate | (n.) a clear command or instruction (decree, directive, sanction, edict, imperative, warrant) | 10 | |
11371348032 | ostensible | (adj.) only seemingly so; apparent; stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so (plausible, avowed, purported, valid, alleged, conceivable) | 11 | |
11371350039 | recalcitrant | (adj.) unwilling to accept another's authority; stubbornly defiant (rebellious, unruly, resistant, opposing, insubmissive, withstanding, undisciplinable, wild) | 12 | |
11371352465 | regurgitate | (v.) to expel (partially digested food) from the stomach (eject, expel, emit, gag, hurl, puke, retch, spew) | 13 | |
11371354364 | risible | (adj.) provoking or causing laughter (comical, droll, amusing, funny, ludicrous, laughable) | 14 |