AP Literature and Composition Vocabulary Flashcards
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12656437114 | Aster, Astro | Star | 0 | |
12656437115 | Aud, Aus | Hear, listen | 1 | |
12656441314 | Bibl | Book | 2 | |
12656441315 | Chron | Time | 3 | |
12656444402 | Cred | Believe | 4 | |
12656455830 | Duc, Duct | Lead | 5 | |
12656455831 | Graph | Write | 6 | |
12656460458 | Man | Hand | 7 | |
12656464687 | Mor, Mort | Death | 8 | |
12656464688 | Vit, Viv | Alive, life | 9 | |
12656468525 | Chrom | Color | 10 | |
12656468526 | Dem | People | 11 | |
12656474683 | Auditory Imagery | a form of mental imagery that is used to organize and analyze sounds when there is no external auditory stimulus present | 12 | |
12656482288 | Synecdoche | a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa Example: Cleveland won by six runs (meaning "Cleveland's baseball team") | 13 | |
12656482289 | Farce | a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations | 14 | |
12963749826 | Fed, fid | Trust, faith | 15 | |
12963749827 | Fin | End, limit | 16 | |
12963749828 | Flu | Flow | 17 | |
12963749829 | Gen | Race, kind, birth | 18 | |
12963749830 | Greg | Group, flock, herd | 19 | |
12963749831 | Mis, mit | Send | 20 | |
12963749832 | Port | Carry | 21 | |
12963749833 | Avi | Bird | 22 | |
12963749834 | Dic, dict | Say, speak | 23 | |
12963749835 | Fac, fec, fic | Make | 24 | |
12963749836 | Geo | Earth, ground | 25 | |
12963749837 | Hydr | Water | 26 | |
12964947619 | Archetype | A universal symbol/symbol that crosses many cultures | 27 | |
12964947620 | Epigram | Short, witty saying | 28 | |
12964947621 | Hubris | The ancient Greek term for "pride" or "ego" | 29 | |
12964947622 | Meter, metr | Measure | 30 | |
12964947623 | Nov | New | 31 | |
12964947624 | Phon | Sound | 32 | |
12964947625 | Scrib, scrip | Write, draw | 33 | |
12964947626 | Ben, bon | Good | 34 | |
12964947627 | Car, carp | Body | 35 | |
12964947628 | Luc, lum, lus | Light, shine | 36 | |
12964947629 | Mal | Mad | 37 | |
12964947630 | Mut | Change | 38 | |
12964947631 | Ped, pod | Foot | 39 | |
12964947632 | Phil | Love | 40 | |
12964947633 | Tor, tort | Turn, twist | 41 | |
12964947634 | Litotes or understatement | understatement for emphasis | 42 | |
12964947635 | Malapropism | The misuse of words, especially words that sound like other words | 43 | |
12964947636 | Olfactory Imagery | language or images appealing to the sense of smell | 44 | |
12964947637 | Ver | True, real | 45 | |
12964947638 | Vict, vinc | Conquer | 46 | |
12964947639 | Fer | Bring, bear | 47 | |
12964947640 | Ject | Throw | 48 | |
12964947641 | Nais, nasc, nat | To be born | 49 | |
12964947642 | Pac | Peace | 50 | |
12964947643 | Pyr | Fire | 51 | |
12964947644 | The, theo | God | 52 | |
12964947645 | Ven | Come | 53 | |
12964947646 | Vers, vert | Turn | 54 | |
12964947647 | Vid, vis | See | 55 | |
12964947648 | Hom | Man | 56 | |
12964947649 | Phlegmatic | Medieval bodily humor- dull | 57 | |
12964947650 | Tactile Imagery | language or images which appeal to the sense of touch or feeling | 58 | |
12964947651 | Apostrophe | To address a person not present; or personify an object or trait and address the personified thing | 59 | |
12964947652 | Homo | Same | 60 | |
12964947653 | Mem, mim | Remember | 61 | |
12964947654 | Psych | Mind | 62 | |
12964947655 | Soph | Wise | 63 | |
12964947656 | Spec, spic | See, watch | 64 | |
12964947657 | Ten, tent | Hold | 65 | |
12964947658 | Tract | Draw, pull | 66 | |
12964947659 | Anthrop | Man, human | 67 | |
12964947660 | Arch | Ruler, first | 68 | |
12964947661 | Cede, creed, cess | Move, go | 69 | |
12964947662 | Clar | Clear | 70 | |
12964947663 | Log, loc, loq | Word, speech | 71 | |
12964947664 | Pen, pend | Hang | 72 | |
12964947665 | Pon, pos | Place, put | 73 | |
12964947666 | Sci | Know | 74 |