AP Language: Tone Words, AP Language: Tone Words Flashcards
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13218639178 | acerbic | bitter, sharp in taste or temper | 0 | |
13218639179 | ambivalent | Uncertain; unable to decide, or wanting to do two contradictory things at once | 1 | |
13218639180 | apathetic | Feeling or showing little emotion; indifferent | 2 | |
13218639181 | ardent | Enthusiastic or passionate | 3 | |
13218639182 | belligerent | Hostile and aggressive | 4 | |
13218639183 | benevolent | Kind | 5 | |
13218639184 | callous | Emotionally hardened, unfeeling | 6 | |
13218639185 | candid | Impartial and honest in speech | 7 | |
13218639186 | conciliatory | Appeasing; soothing; showing willingness to reconcile | 8 | |
13218639187 | contemptuous | Feeling hatred; scornful | 9 | |
13218639188 | cynical | believing that people act only out of selfish motives; bitterly pessimistic | 10 | |
13218639189 | derisive | expressing contempt or ridicule; mocking | 11 | |
13218639190 | dignified | worthy of respect | 12 | |
13218639191 | disparaging | disapproving; belittle | 13 | |
13218639192 | dogmatic | dictatorial in one's opinions; stubborn | 14 | |
13218639193 | earnest | Serious and sincere | 15 | |
13218639194 | facetious | humorous, not meant seriously; sarcastic | 16 | |
13218639195 | frank | honest | 17 | |
13218639196 | irreverent | disrespectful | 18 | |
13218639197 | laudatory | expressing praise | 19 | |
13218639198 | macabre | horrible; grim | 20 | |
13218639199 | patronizing | Condescending, having a superior manner, treating as an inferior | 21 | |
13218639200 | pensive | Thoughtful | 22 | |
13218639201 | pretentious | done for show, striving to make a big impression; claiming merit or position unjustifiably; making demands on one's skill or abilities, ambitious | 23 | |
13218639202 | reverent | deeply respectful | 24 | |
13218639206 | scathing | bitterly severe, withering; causing great harm | 25 | |
13218639207 | benevolent | well meaning and kindly | 26 | |
13218639208 | zealous | having or showing zeal (passion) | 27 | |
13218639209 | poignant | evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret; ie: moving, rending | 28 | |
13218639210 | somber | having or conveying a feeling of deep seriousness and sadness | 29 | |
13218639211 | accusatory | charging of wrong doing | 30 | |
13218639212 | acerbic | bitter, sharp in taste or temper | 31 | |
13218639215 | ambivalent | Uncertain; unable to decide, or wanting to do two contradictory things at once | 32 | |
13218639216 | amused | pleasurably entertained | 33 | |
13218639217 | animated | lively; spirited | 34 | |
13218639218 | apathetic | Feeling or showing little emotion; indifferent | 35 | |
13218639221 | ardent | Enthusiastic or passionate | 36 | |
13218639222 | arrogant | haughty, too convinced of one's own importance | 37 | |
13218639223 | assertive | Acting with confidence and force; sure of one's self | 38 | |
13218639224 | belligerent | Hostile and aggressive | 39 | |
13218639225 | benevolent | Kind | 40 | |
13218639227 | callous | Emotionally hardened, unfeeling | 41 | |
13218639229 | celebratory | congratulatory, honoring | 42 | |
13218639231 | concerned | feeling or showing worry or solicitude | 43 | |
13218639232 | conciliatory | Appeasing; soothing; showing willingness to reconcile | 44 | |
13218639233 | condescending | possessing an attitude of superiority, patronizing | 45 | |
13218639234 | contemptuous | Feeling hatred; scornful | 46 | |
13218639236 | cynical | believing that people act only out of selfish motives; bitterly pessimistic | 47 | |
13218639238 | defiant | Boldly resistant or challenging | 48 | |
13218639239 | demeaning | causing someone to lose their dignity and the respect of others; degrading | 49 | |
13218639240 | derisive | expressing contempt or ridicule; mocking | 50 | |
13218639242 | dignified | worthy of respect | 51 | |
13218639243 | disheartening | discouraging | 52 | |
13218639244 | disparaging | disapproving; belittle | 53 | |
13218639247 | earnest | Serious and sincere | 54 | |
13218639248 | egotistical | excessively self-centered; conceited | 55 | |
13218639249 | empathetic | identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives | 56 | |
13218639251 | evasive | not frank; trying to hide the truth; eluding; evading; V. evade: avoid (a duty or responsibility) or escape from by deceit | 57 | |
13218639252 | facetious | humorous, not meant seriously; sarcastic | 58 | |
13218639253 | flippant | Lacking in seriousness; disrespectful, saucy | 59 | |
13218639260 | impartial | unbiased, fair | 60 | |
13218639261 | inane | Foolish | 61 | |
13218639262 | incensed | angered at something unjust or wrong | 62 | |
13218639263 | incredulous | Disbelieving, skeptical | 63 | |
13218639264 | indignant | Feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment | 64 | |
13218639265 | intimate | marked by close acquaintance | 65 | |
13218639268 | jaded | Worn out; wearied | 66 | |
13218639270 | laudatory | expressing praise | 67 | |
13218639271 | macabre | horrible; grim | 68 | |
13218639272 | malicious | Intended to hurt or harm | 69 | |
13218639274 | mourning | the act of showing sorrow or grief | 70 | |
13218639275 | naive | lacking sophistication or experience | 71 | |
13218639276 | narcissistic | Conceited; having excessive self-love or admiration | 72 | |
13218639277 | nostalgic | longing for the past | 73 | |
13218639279 | obsequious | Overly submissive and eager to please | 74 | |
13218639280 | optimistic | Hopeful, cheerful | 75 | |
13218639281 | outraged | angered at something unjust or wrong | 76 | |
13218639282 | outspoken | candid | 77 | |
13218639283 | patronizing | Condescending, having a superior manner, treating as an inferior | 78 | |
13218639284 | pensive | Thoughtful | 79 | |
13218639285 | pessimistic | a tendency to stress the negative or unfavorable. | 80 | |
13218639286 | philosophical | calm and wise; reasonable Interested in the study of basic truths of existence and reality | 81 | |
13218639287 | pragmatic | Practical | 82 | |
13218639288 | pretentious | done for show, striving to make a big impression; claiming merit or position unjustifiably; making demands on one's skill or abilities, ambitious | 83 | |
13218639289 | resentful | angry due to a feeling of being treated unfairly | 84 | |
13218639290 | resigned | accepting one's fate; unresisting; patiently submissive | 85 | |
13218639291 | reverent | deeply respectful | 86 | |
13218639293 | satirical | criticizing through ridicule | 87 | |
13218639295 | scathing | bitterly severe, withering; causing great harm | 88 | |
13218639296 | scornful | contemptuous; disdainful | 89 | |
13218639300 | solemn | serious | 90 | |
13218639301 | subjective | Existing in the mind or relating to one's own thoughts, opinions, emotions, etc.; personal, individual, based on feelings | 91 | |
13218639302 | submissive | docile; meek | 92 | |
13218639303 | sulking | sad, pouting, usually silent | 93 | |
13218639304 | sympathetic | Compassionate | 94 | |
13218639307 | unassuming | modest | 95 | |
13218639309 | vindictive | Revengeful | 96 |