AP Language Vocabulary Flashcards
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11325354243 | Belabor(v) | To explain or work at something excessivley | 0 | |
11325354244 | Denote(v) | to indicate | 1 | |
11325354245 | Eschew(v) | to avoid | 2 | |
11325354246 | Taciturn(adj) | always silent | 3 | |
11325354247 | Credence(n) | belief or acceptance that something is true | 4 | |
11325354248 | Evince(v) | to show or make plain | 5 | |
11325354249 | Nefarious(adj) | wicked | 6 | |
11325354250 | Ostensibly(adv) | supposedly | 7 | |
11325354251 | Bastion(n) | a fortress | 8 | |
11325354252 | Jettison(v) | to get rid of | 9 | |
11325354253 | Emulate(v) | to imitate | 10 | |
11325354254 | Euphemism(n) | substituting something that is less offensive with something that is more offensive | 11 | |
11325354255 | Gainsay(v) | to contradict | 12 | |
11325354256 | Innate(adj) | inborn; natural | 13 | |
11325354257 | Felicity(n) | happiness | 14 | |
11325354258 | Elucidate(v) | to clarify | 15 | |
11325354259 | Onerous(adj) | burdensome | 16 | |
11325354260 | Robust(adj) | strong and healthy; vigorous | 17 | |
11325354261 | Dolt(n) | a stupid person | 18 | |
11325354262 | Attenuate(v) | to weaken in force | 19 | |
11325354263 | Placate(v) | to pacify | 20 | |
11325354264 | Abject(adj) | of the lowest kind | 21 | |
11325354265 | Nascent(adj) | newly formed; just coming into existence | 22 | |
11325354266 | Abide(v) | to act or accept in accordance with | 23 | |
11325354267 | Ameliorate(v) | make something bad better | 24 | |
11325354268 | Nadir(n) | the lowest point of something | 25 | |
11325354269 | Pungent(adj) | sharp to the senses | 26 | |
11325354270 | Rife(adj) (use with "with") | abundant | 27 | |
11325354271 | Adept(adj) (use with "at") | skillfull | 28 | |
11325354272 | Surreptitiously(adv) | done in a secret manner | 29 | |
11325354273 | Eviscerate(v) | disembowel | 30 | |
11325354274 | Copious(adj) | plentiful | 31 | |
11325354275 | Parsimonious(adj) | extremely frugal | 32 | |
11325354276 | Propensity(n) | a natural inclination | 33 | |
11325354277 | Garner(v) | to gather or collect | 34 | |
11325354278 | Foible(n) | a minor character flaw | 35 | |
11325354279 | Sacrosanct(adj) | sacred | 36 | |
11325354280 | Ignominious(adj) | deserving shame | 37 | |
11325354281 | Portend(v) | to indicate something in advance that is negative | 38 | |
11325354282 | Deftly(adv) | skillfully | 39 | |
11325354283 | Abrogate(v) | to abolish | 40 | |
11325354284 | Affable(adj) | friendly | 41 | |
11325354285 | Charlatan(n) | one who pretends to have knowledge in order to swindle others | 42 | |
11325354286 | Irrefragable(adj) | not to be disputed or contested | 43 | |
11325354287 | Vacillate(v) | to waver; to sway indecisively | 44 | |
11325354288 | Stellar(adj) | excellent | 45 | |
11325354289 | Circumvent(v) | to get around; to bypass | 46 | |
11325354290 | Precipitous(adj) | very steep | 47 | |
11325354291 | Sordid(adj) | dirty | 48 | |
11325354292 | Incidentally(adv) | without intention | 49 | |
11358892704 | Protract(v) | to prolong | 50 | |
11358892705 | Effervescent(adj) | bubbly, lively | 51 | |
11358892706 | Caveat(n) | a warning or caution to prevent misunderstanding | 52 | |
11358892707 | Gregarious(adj) | sociable | 53 | |
11358892708 | Exacerbate(v) | to make worse | 54 | |
11358892709 | Recalcitrant(adj) | resisting authority or control | 55 | |
11358892710 | Vindicate(v) | to free from blame | 56 | |
11358892711 | Harbinger(n) | an indication in advance | 57 | |
11358892712 | Circumspect(adj) | careful, cautious | 58 | |
11358892713 | Untenable(adj) | not capable of being held or defended | 59 | |
11358892715 | Embellish(v) | to decorate | 60 | |
11363176566 | Placid(adj) | calm, peaceful | 61 | |
11363176567 | Indelible(n) | cannot be removed or erased | 62 | |
11363176568 | Explicate(v) | to explain | 63 | |
11363176569 | Assuage(v) | to relieve | 64 | |
11363176570 | Purveyor(n) | supplier or provider of | 65 | |
11363176571 | Sophomoric(adj) | immature, juvenile | 66 | |
11363176572 | Mollify(v) | to soften (anger) | 67 | |
11363176573 | Frivolous(adj) | lacking seriousness | 68 | |
11363176574 | Truncate(v) | to shorten by cutting | 69 | |
11363228845 | Pensive(adj) | engaged in thought | 70 | |
11363228846 | Extrapolate(v) | to reason from the known to the unknown | 71 | |
11363228847 | Ruse(n) | an act to deceive or mislead | 72 | |
11363228848 | Germane(adj) | relevant | 73 | |
11366974679 | Penchant(n) | a strong liking | 74 | |
11366974680 | Augment(v) | to increase | 75 | |
11366974681 | Ubiquitous(adj) | found everywhere | 76 | |
11366974682 | Erudite(adj) | scholarly or learned diligently | 77 | |
11366974683 | Assiduously(adv) | carefully working at something | 78 | |
11366974684 | Imbue(v) | to instill(to put into) | 79 | |
11366974685 | Resonate(v) | echoes(literal meaning) something stays with someone(figurative) | 80 | |
11366974686 | Pejorative(adj) | belittling | 81 | |
11366974687 | Cogent(adj) | convincing | 82 | |
11366974688 | Codify(v) | arrange systematically | 83 | |
11366974689 | Decry(v) | to publicly express disapproval | 84 | |
11366974690 | Enjoin(v) | to prohibit | 85 | |
11366974691 | Perfunctory(adj) | done routinely | 86 | |
11366974692 | Tantamount(adj) | equiventally | 87 | |
11366974693 | Espouse(v) | support an idea or cause | 88 | |
11366974694 | Cognizant(adj) | having knowledge or being aware of | 89 | |
11455771261 | Abate(v) | to lessen negative emotions | 90 | |
11455771262 | Multifarious(adj) | of various kinds | 91 | |
11455771263 | Odious(adj) | repulsive | 92 | |
11455771264 | Dissemble(v) | to conceal | 93 | |
11455771265 | Aggrandize(v) | to increase | 94 | |
11455771266 | Inexorably(adv) | unyielding | 95 | |
11455771267 | Urbane(adj) | suave | 96 | |
11455771268 | Ascertain(v) | to find out or be certain of | 97 | |
11455771269 | Deride(v) | to ridicule | 98 | |
11455771270 | Clandestinely(adv) | done in a secret manner | 99 | |
11535772191 | Cogitate(v) | to ponder | 100 | |
11535772192 | Fallacious(adj) | logically false | 101 | |
11535772193 | Hubris(n) | excessive pride | 102 | |
11535772194 | Intemperate(adj) | lacking self control | 103 | |
11535772195 | Embody(v) | to personify; to be an expression of | 104 | |
11535772196 | Jocular(adj) | characterized by joking; playful | 105 | |
11535772197 | Malign(v) | to speak harmfully about | 106 | |
11535772198 | Malediction(n) | a wish of evil upon another | 107 | |
11535772199 | Capitulate(v) | to surrender | 108 | |
11535772200 | Recapitulate(v) | to summarize | 109 | |
11666033402 | Juxtapose(v) | to place side by side | 110 | |
11666033403 | Feckless(adj) | senseless, lacking purpose | 111 | |
11666033404 | Circumlocution(n) | roundabout way of speaking | 112 | |
11666033405 | Verbose(adj) | wordy | 113 | |
11666056879 | Engender(v) | to bring about | 114 | |
11666056880 | Pariah(n) | a social outcast | 115 | |
11666056881 | Expunge(v) | to erase or eliminate | 116 | |
11666056882 | Lethargy(n) | sluggishness | 117 | |
11666056883 | Rarefied(adj) | distant from ordinary people | 118 | |
11666056884 | Mordant(adj) | bitingly sarcastic | 119 | |
11792721529 | Obviate(v) | to anticipate or prevent | 120 | |
11792721530 | Unequivocal | leaving no doubt | 121 | |
11792721531 | Scrutinize(v) | to examine carefully | 122 | |
11792721532 | Malodorous(adj) | stinky | 123 | |
11792721533 | Insolence(n) | rude and disrespectful behavior | 124 | |
11792721534 | Formulate(v) | to create, to devise | 125 | |
11792721535 | Paragon(n) | model of excellence | 126 | |
11792721536 | Largess(n) | a generous gift | 127 | |
11792721537 | Potentate(n) | a powerful ruler | 128 | |
11792721538 | Misnomer(n) | wrong name or incorrect designation | 129 | |
11883486681 | Trenchant(adj) | thoroughly insightful | 130 | |
11883598335 | Equivocate(v) | to use unclear language to mislead | 131 | |
11883598336 | Roustabout(n) | an unskilled laborer | 132 | |
11883598337 | Plausible(adj) | seemingly believable | 133 | |
11883598338 | Inane(adj) | lacking sense | 134 | |
11883598339 | Posthumously(adv) | done after death | 135 | |
11883598340 | Indomitable(adj) | unconqerable | 136 | |
11883598341 | Furtive(adj) | secretive | 137 | |
11883598342 | Illicit(adj) | unlawful | 138 | |
11883598343 | Splendiferous(adj) | splendid | 139 | |
12025298061 | Proscribe(v) | to forbid | 140 | |
12025298062 | Generate(v) | to bring into existence | 141 | |
12025298063 | Disheveled(adj) | untidy; disordered | 142 | |
12025298064 | Countenance(n) | facial expression | 143 | |
12025298065 | Countenance(v) | to approve | 144 | |
12025298066 | Prescribe(v) | to recommend a course of action | 145 | |
12025298067 | Tawdry(adj) | showy but cheap | 146 | |
12025298068 | Virulent(adj) | bitterly hostile | 147 | |
12025298069 | Galvanize(v) | to motivate to action | 148 | |
12025298070 | Prescient(adj) | having foresight | 149 |