AP Language and Composition Flashcards
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10484167625 | cynical | believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity | 0 | |
10484172126 | redemptive | acting to save someone from error or evil | 1 | |
10484172127 | sublime | of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe | 2 | |
10484172128 | belligerent | given to fighting, warlike; combative, aggressive | 3 | |
10484173026 | frivolous | Lacking in seriousness or importance | 4 | |
10484173027 | parallelism | similarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses | 5 | |
10484173973 | disillusionment | a feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be | 6 | |
10484173974 | merit | deserving reward or praise | 7 | |
10484174561 | exhortation | an address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something | 8 | |
10484174562 | encapsulation | the hiding of implementation details | 9 | |
10484174563 | laudatory | giving praise | 10 | |
10484175779 | strident | loud and harsh; grating | 11 | |
10484175780 | refutes | prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove. | 12 | |
10484176862 | colloquial | Characteristic of ordinary conversation rather than formal speech or writing | 13 | |
10484306208 | congregation | a crowd of people, an assembly | 14 | |
10484308268 | consolidated | to unite; to strengthen; to make solid or firmly established | 15 | |
10492255541 | melancholy | sad, depressed | 16 | |
10509964622 | abstemious | (adj.) moderate, sparing (as in eating and drinking); characterized by abstinence and self-discipline | 17 | |
10509967616 | equanimity | calmness, composure | 18 | |
10517474671 | disquiet | a feeling of anxiety or worry | 19 | |
10517477284 | unmarred | undamaged; uninjured perfect, without flaws | 20 | |
10517482696 | vigor | physical strength and good health | 21 | |
10517483304 | lamentably | regrettably; mournfully | 22 | |
10517542851 | despondent | Depressed from loss of hope or confidence; utterly discouraged | 23 | |
10517612305 | incessant | Continuing without interruption | 24 | |
10517625701 | grotesquely | in a strange or distorted way | 25 | |
10517650929 | jauntiness | carefree attitude | 26 | |
10517650930 | enigma | a puzzle; a mystery | 27 | |
10517670479 | reticent | silent; reserved | 28 | |
10517673490 | ludicruous | absurd; ridiculous | 29 | |
10559950894 | ineffable | inexpressible | 30 | |
10560005988 | agog | highly excited by eagerness | 31 | |
10560250314 | austere | severe or stern in appearance; undecorated | 32 | |
10604959700 | strident | loud and harsh | 33 | |
10681984292 | sporadic | occurring irregularly | 34 | |
10682014744 | cinch | an extremely easy task | 35 | |
10713448734 | premonition | (n.) forewarning or foreboding of a future event | 36 | |
10713462933 | reconnoitered | to inspect, observe, or survey | 37 | |
10716934664 | expurgate | to remove vulgar or objectionable material | 38 | |
10716948921 | corroborate | to confirm | 39 | |
10729607304 | supplication | the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly | 40 | |
10790813171 | equivocal | ambiguous | 41 | |
10790818146 | vindictive | seeking revenge | 42 | |
10790823175 | disdainful | scornful, contemptuous | 43 | |
10790839937 | pretentiousness | showing off | 44 | |
10790854490 | enigmatic | (adj.) puzzling, perplexing, inexplicable, not easily understood | 45 | |
11145364418 | postulate | assumption | 46 | |
11145367081 | scrupled | hesitated because of feelings of guilt | 47 | |
11145369809 | chicane | Clever deception; trickery | 48 | |
11176684873 | Importuning | Troubling with requests or demands | 49 | |
11176690126 | sustenance | something that provides nourishment; food needed to live | 50 | |
11176694124 | rudiments | the parts of any subject or discipline that are learned first; the earliest stages of anything | 51 | |
11284207269 | congenial | (adj.) getting on well with others; agreeable, pleasant | 52 | |
11284221779 | dissuade | to persuade not to do something | 53 | |
11284730327 | prevailed | prove more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious | 54 | |
11284764081 | malevolent | having or showing a wish to do evil to others | 55 | |
11284795953 | hubris | excessive pride or self-confidence | 56 | |
11373493563 | musing | a period of reflection or thought | 57 | |
11396764942 | parse | to examine or analyze | 58 | |
11396768549 | condescending | possessing an attitude of superiority, patronizing | 59 | |
11631606973 | innocuous | harmless, inoffensive; insignificant | 60 | |
11631612601 | digression | wandering away from the subject | 61 | |
11631613724 | ostracize | to exclude from a group | 62 | |
11631618388 | wistfulness | characterized by melancholy; longing; yearning | 63 | |
11631628702 | embittered | Made bitter or resentful | 64 | |
11631630949 | apprehensive | anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen | 65 | |
11631633383 | morose | having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable | 66 | |
11631641150 | contemptous | scornful | 67 | |
11631644195 | sumptuous | splendid and expensive-looking | 68 | |
11716226091 | commensurately | of the same size or extent | 69 | |
11716260158 | alleviate | to relieve, make more bearable | 70 | |
12047423920 | indignant | angered at something unjust or wrong | 71 | |
12047437350 | precarious | uncertain, risky, dangerous | 72 | |
12072479762 | innate | inborn; natural | 73 | |
12072491801 | arroyo | a deep ditch caused by running water | 74 | |
12072497897 | unprecedented | never done or known before | 75 | |
12072509894 | fastidious | hard to please, demanding | 76 | |
12072520846 | baffled | confused | 77 | |
12274138398 | Sages | wise people, mentors | 78 | |
12356116073 | imperiousness | arrogance, commanding presence, dominant attitude | 79 | |
12356127935 | garrulity | talkativeness | 80 | |
12392513976 | dissemination | the act of spreading something, especially information, widely; circulation | 81 | |
12392515042 | cultivation | (agriculture) production of food by preparing the land to grow crops | 82 | |
12392520181 | veneration | great respect | 83 | |
12392523270 | reverential | showing respect | 84 | |
12392524763 | berating | scolding | 85 | |
12392537530 | eminence | high rank | 86 | |
12392538348 | unassailable | unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated | 87 | |
12761279237 | impetuous | acting or done quickly and without thought or care | 88 | |
12761289363 | chastise | to punish severely | 89 | |
12761291985 | verbosity | using too many words | 90 | |
12761306297 | insinuate | to suggest or hint slyly; to edge into something indirectly | 91 | |
12761320575 | aloof | reserved, distant | 92 | |
12761325995 | circumspection | caution | 93 | |
12761325996 | deference | respect; consideration | 94 | |
12761563379 | provisional | temporary | 95 | |
12761570545 | perpicuity | The quality of being clearly expressed or easily understood | 96 | |
12761598137 | perpetual | never ending or changing; everlasting | 97 | |
12761612882 | calamity | disaster | 98 | |
12822662577 | whimsical | (adj.) subject to odd ideas, notions, or fancies; playful; unpredictable | 99 | |
12822664366 | irreverent | disrespectful | 100 | |
12822665939 | polemical | controversial; argumentative | 101 | |
13058451933 | terse | brief and to the point | 102 | |
13058453340 | delineating | describing with precision | 103 | |
13058455247 | astute | (adj.) shrewd, crafty, showing practical wisdom, clever | 104 | |
13058456712 | tactful | (adj.) skilled in handling difficult situations or people, polite | 105 | |
13058457687 | repressed | restrained, inhibited, or oppressed | 106 | |
13058458567 | contrived | artificial; labored | 107 | |
13393130430 | solace | (n.) comfort, relief; (v.) to comfort, console | 108 | |
13393136157 | aesthete | one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature | 109 | |
13393144121 | exuberance | joyful enthusiasm | 110 | |
13393147687 | self-effacing | modest | 111 | |
13393148898 | ambivalent | Having mixed feelings | 112 | |
13442473833 | pedantic | tending to show off one's learning | 113 | |
13926136639 | blunders | careless mistakes | 114 | |
13926144057 | truism | a way-too-obvious truth | 115 | |
13926176766 | ingratiating | charming or flattering | 116 | |
13926176768 | elated | in high spirits, jubilant; extremely pleased | 117 | |
13926297706 | archaic | ancient; old-fashioned | 118 |