Literary Terms AP Language Flashcards
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14505937067 | Ad Hominem | An argument attacking an individual's character rather than his or her position on an issue | 0 | |
14505937068 | Allegory | A literary work in which characters, objects, or actions represent abstractions | 1 | |
14505937069 | Alliteration | The repetition of initial sounds in successive or neighboring words | 2 | |
14505937070 | Allusion | A reference to something literary, mythological, or historical | 3 | |
14505937071 | Analogy | The comparison between two different things which are similar in some way | 4 | |
14505937072 | Anaphora | The repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of consecutive lines or sentences | 5 | |
14505937073 | Anecdote | A brief personal narrative which focuses on a particular incident or event | 6 | |
14505937074 | Antithesis | A statement in which two opposing ideas are balanced | 7 | |
14505937075 | Aphorism | A concise statement which succinctly expresses a general truth or idea, often using rhyme and balance | 8 | |
14505937076 | Apostrophe | The act of speaking directly to an absent or imaginary person, or to some abstraction | 9 | |
14505937077 | Asyndeton | An expression in which elements are presented in a series without conjunctions | 10 | |
14505937078 | Bathos | Insincere or overly sentimental pathos; descent into mundane or sentimental language by a writer who is striving for the noble and elevated | 11 | |
14505937079 | Chiasmus | A statement consisting of two parallel parts in which the second part is structurally reversed | 12 | |
14505937080 | Cliche | An expression that has been overused to an extent that its freshness has worn off | 13 | |
14505937081 | Colloquialism | Informal words or expressions not usually acceptable in writing form | 14 | |
14505937082 | Conceit | A fanciful, particularly clever, extended metaphor | 15 | |
14505937083 | Connotation | The implied or associative meaning of a word | 16 | |
14505937084 | Denotation | The literal meaning or a word | 17 | |
14505937085 | Diction | Having to do with the word choices made by a writer | 18 | |
14505937086 | Didactic | Something which has as its primary purpose to teach or instruct | 19 | |
14505937087 | Ellipsis | The omission of a word or phrase which is grammatically necessary but can be deduced from the context | 20 | |
14505937088 | Epiphany | A moment of sudden revelation or insight | 21 | |
14505937089 | Equivocation | A kind of pun in which language is so used that it has two different but appropriate meanings | 22 | |
14505937090 | Ethos | The character of the speaker or writer as reflected in speech or writing; the image projected of a comparison's maker | 23 | |
14505937091 | Euphemism | An indirect, less offensive way of saying something that is considered unpleasant | 24 | |
14505937092 | Genre | A major category or type of literature | 25 | |
14505937093 | Homily | A form of oral religious instruction; a moralistic lecture; usually gives practical moral counsel rather than discussion of doctrine | 26 | |
14505937094 | Hyperbole | Intentional exaggeration to create an effect | 27 | |
14505937095 | Idiom | An expression in a given language that cannot be understood from the meaning of its individual elements; or, a regional speech or dialect | 28 | |
14505937096 | Imagery | Concrete sensory details which contribute to the themes or ideas of a work | 29 | |
14505937097 | Invective | An intensely vehement, highly emotional verbal attack | 30 | |
14505937098 | Irony | A situation or statement where the truth is the opposite of appearances | 31 | |
14505937099 | Jargon | The specialized language or vocabulary of a particular group or profession | 32 | |
14505937100 | Juxtaposition | Placing two elements side by side to present a comparison or contrast | 33 | |
14505937101 | Litotes | A type of understatement in which something affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite | 34 | |
14505937102 | Logos | Persuading by the use of reason; the logic used to support a claim (induction and decision); can also be the facts or statistics used to help support the argument | 35 | |
14505937103 | Metaphor | A direct comparison of two different things which suggests they are somehow the same | 36 | |
14505937104 | Metonymy | Substituting the name of one object for another object closely associated with it | 37 | |
14505937105 | Motif | A standard theme or dramatic situation which recurs in various works | 38 | |
14505937106 | Non Sequitur | An inference that does not logically follow from the premise(s) | 39 | |
14505937107 | Onomatopoeia | A word formed from the imitation of natural sounds | 40 | |
14505937108 | Oxymoron | An expression in which two words that contradict each other are joined | 41 | |
14505937109 | Paradox | An apparently contradicting statement which actually contains some truth | 42 | |
14505937110 | Parallelism | The use of corresponding grammatical or syntactical forms | 43 | |
14505937111 | Parody | A humorous imitation of a serious work | 44 | |
14505937112 | Pathos | The quality in a work that prompts the reader to feel pity or sorrow | 45 | |
14505937113 | Pedantic | Describing an excessive display of learning | 46 | |
14505937114 | Personification | Endowing nonhuman objects or creatures with human qualities or characteristics | 47 | |
14505937115 | Polysyndeton | The use of more conjunctions than is necessary or natural for rhetorical effect | 48 | |
14505937116 | Pun | A play on words, often using words with similar sounds but different meanings | 49 | |
14505937117 | Red Herring | A fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue. The basic idea is to "win" an argument by leading attention away from the argument and to another topic | 50 | |
14505937118 | Sarcasm | Harsh, cutting language/tone designed to ridicule | 51 | |
14505937119 | Satire | The use of humor to emphasize human weakness or imperfections in social institutions | 52 | |
14505937120 | Style | The overall manner in which an individual writer expresses his ideas | 53 | |
14505937121 | Syllepsis | The linking of one word with two other words in two strikingly different ways | 54 | |
14505937122 | Syllogism | A logical argument in which the conclusion is based on a major premise and a minor premise | 55 | |
14505937123 | Symbol | An object which is something in itself yet is used to represent something else | 56 | |
14505937124 | Synesthesia | Describing one kind of sensation in terms of another | 57 | |
14505937125 | Synecdoche | Using one part of an object to represent the entire object | 58 | |
14505937126 | Syntax | The manner in which words are arranged by a writer into sentences | 59 | |
14505937127 | Tautology | Needless repetition which adds no meaning or understanding | 60 | |
14505937128 | Tone | The attitude of a writer, usually implied, toward the subject or audience | 61 | |
14505937129 | Understatement | The deliberate representation of something as less in magnitude than it really is | 62 | |
14505937130 | Vernacular | The nonstandard or substandard everyday speech of a particular country of region, or street talk of a native language | 63 |