AP Language SAT Vocabulary Flashcards
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14801640095 | alacrity | (noun) great speed; promptness | 0 | |
14801645710 | arcane | (adjective) obscure; mysterious | 1 | |
14801647852 | archaic | (adjective) obsolete; old-fashioned; out-of-date | 2 | |
14801650170 | atone | (verb) to make amends; to make up for | 3 | |
14801652197 | capricious | (adjective) very changeable; fickle; constantly shifting moods; mercurial | 4 | |
14801654148 | cosmopolitan | (adjective) very worldly; sophisticated | 5 | |
14801656752 | excoriate | (verb) to denounce scathingly | 6 | |
14801661598 | hubris | (noun) exaggerated pride; arrogance | 7 | |
14801669339 | indefatigable | (adjective) tireless; unflagging | 8 | |
14801669340 | indomitable | (adjective) invincible; incapable of being conquered | 9 | |
14801674852 | ineffable | (adjective) incapable of being put into words; indescribable | 10 | |
14801677818 | innocuous | (adjective) harmless; inoffensive | 11 | |
14801680342 | inundate | (verb) to fill with water; to flood | 12 | |
14801682669 | juxtapose | (verb) to place side by side | 13 | |
14801684502 | laconic | (adjective) very brief; concise; succinct | 14 | |
14801686364 | machinations | (noun) crafty schemes | 15 | |
14801689563 | motley | (adjective) very different; very heterogeneous | 16 | |
14801697476 | pernicious | (adjective) very injurious; destructive; deadly | 17 | |
14801699970 | quandary | (noun) a dilemma; a predicament | 18 | |
14801702465 | reciprocal | (adjective) shared and expressed by both sides; mutual | 19 | |
14801705552 | rudimentary | (adjective) basic; elementary | 20 | |
14801708280 | supplant | (verb) to take the place of | 21 | |
14801710593 | ubiquitous | (adjective) present everywhere; prevalent; widespread | 22 | |
14801713266 | vacillate | (verb) to waver; to hesitate; to be indecisive; to swing back and forth | 23 | |
14801715858 | vilify | (verb) to denounce; to defame; to turn into a villain | 24 | |
14801718191 | ameliorate | (verb) to make better; improve | 25 | |
14801720755 | aplomb | (noun) poise; confidence; self-assurance | 26 | |
14801722451 | cajole | (verb) to coax or entice someone into doing something; coerce | 27 | |
14801724779 | cathartic | (adjective) emotionally cleansing | 28 | |
14801727352 | chicanery | (noun) trickery; fraud; deception; disingenuousness | 29 | |
14801727935 | consensus | (noun) a general agreement | 30 | |
14801732066 | contrite | (adjective) expressing remorse, regret, sorrow for misdeeds; penitent | 31 | |
14801733907 | enthralled | (adjective) fascinated; spellbound | 32 | |
14801736065 | equanimity | (noun) evenness of mind, especially under stress | 33 | |
14801737660 | eschew | (verb) to abstain from; avoid; engage in abstinence | 34 | |
14801740684 | futile | (adjective) doomed to failure and therefore pointless | 35 | |
14801744492 | heinous | (adjective) hatefully evil; abominable | 36 | |
14801746539 | improvised | (adjective) done on the spur of the moment without preparation; impromptu | 37 | |
14801749465 | incessant | (adjective) constant; continuous; unceasing | 38 | |
14801751359 | inexorable | (adjective) relentless; unstoppable | 39 | |
14801753668 | innate | (adjective) inborn; present at birth | 40 | |
14801753669 | inured | (adjective) accustomed to accepting something undesirable | 41 | |
14801756150 | magisterial | (adjective) learned and authoritative | 42 | |
14801759419 | maxim | (noun) a short, concise wise saying | 43 | |
14801762305 | palpable | (adjective) capable of being perceived; tangible | 44 | |
14801764968 | paradigm | (noun) a model of thought | 45 | |
14801767042 | pejorative | (adjective) belittling; disparaging; putting someone down | 46 | |
14801769347 | penchant | (noun) a preference or liking | 47 | |
14801771860 | premonition | (noun) a forewarning; hunch; a feeling ahead of an event | 48 | |
14801772592 | prevaricate | (verb) to lie | 49 |