AP World History Chapter 21 > The Muslim Empires Flashcards
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9104721634 | Which of he following was NOT one of the early modern Islamic Empires? | -Abbasid -The Ottoman, Safavid, and the Mughal Empire were the early modern Islamic empires | 0 | |
9104747291 | Prior to the Mongol invasions of thier empire, the Abbasid dynasty was dominated by _______ | the Seljuk Turks | 1 | |
9104760303 | The original base of the Ottoman Turks was ____________ | Anatolia | 2 | |
9104768795 | Following the invasions of Timur, the Ottoman Empire was restored under _______________ | Mehmed I | 3 | |
9105614768 | The Ottomans conquered Constantinople and ended the Byzantine Empire in ____________ | 1453 | 4 | |
9105623370 | The Janissaries were _______. | -slave troops of the Ottoman Empire that are forcibly conscripted as adolescents from conquered territories. -Conscripted youths from conquered regions who were trained as Ottoman infantry divisions; became an important political influence after the 15th century - Ottoman infantry divisions that dominated Ottoman armies; forcibly conscripted as boys in conquered areas of Balkans, legally slaves; translated military service into political influence, particularly after 15th century | 5 | |
9105641424 | What permitted the Janissaries to gain a position of prominence in the Ottoman Empire? | Their control of artillery and firearms gave them prominence over the aristocratic Turkish cavalry | 6 | |
9105653057 | The head of the Ottoman central bureaucracy was the ___________ | vizier | 7 | |
9105657545 | What did the Ottomans do to Constantinople following its fall in 1453? | Soon after its conquest, the Ottoman sultan undertook the restoration and beautification of Constantinople. | 8 | |
9105663726 | In what way were the artisans of Constantinople similar to their counterparts in the West? | Like their counterparts in medieval European towns, the artisans were organized into guilds | 9 | |
9118565363 | What was the chosen language of the Ottoman court? | Turkish and Arabic | 10 | |
9118569048 | How did the Ottoman dynasty compare to other ruling families? | The Ottoman dynasty lasted for over 600 years, a feat matched by no other ruling family | 11 | |
9118573368 | Which of the following was NOT a cause for the decline of the Ottoman Empire? | The addition of European military technology such as light artillery made the Janissaries so powerful that they could challenge the authority of the sultan | 12 | |
9118580440 | Which of the following was NOT a result of the Ottoman loss of monopoly over the Indian trade? | Bullion caused by a negative balance of trade flowed out of the Ottoman Empire to the West | 13 | |
9118585062 | Which of the following represents a difference between the declines of the Abbasids and the Ottomans? | The Ottomans were at a much greater disadvantage as a result of the more potent threat from the West | 14 | |
9118589823 | The center of the Safavid empire was the modern-day state of ______________ | Iran | 15 | |
9118591997 | The Safavid dynasty had its origins in the 14th century in a family devoted to what variant of Islam? | Sufi | 16 | |
9118596689 | Followers of the Safavids' followers were called ____________ | Red Heads | 17 | |
9118599020 | Why was the battle of Chaldiran in 1514 so important? | -The Safavids were dealt a devastating defeat that checked the westwards advance of Shi'ism and decimated the ranks of the Turkic warriors who had built the Safavid Empire. -demonstrated importance of muskets and field cannon in the gunpowder age -defeat put an end to further westward expansion | 18 | |
9118608038 | How did the Safavid economy compared to that of the Ottomans? | The Ottoman empire benefited in the short run from non-Muslim traders (Christians and Jews) who had extensive contacts with overseas empires that the Safavid empire lacked | 19 | |
9118614582 | What led to the rapid demise of the Safavid empire? | -Like the Ottoman empire, the lack of a principle of succession led Abbas the Great to eliminate all capable rivals, leaving no capable ruler following his death. -rebellions shook empire from within and nomadic raiders, Ottoman, and Mughal armies reduced their territory -Isfahan fell | 20 | |
9118618227 | Which of the following descriptions of the accomplishments of Babur is NOT accurate? | He reformed the ineffective Lodi Bureaucracy to create a streamlined administration. | 21 | |
9118624480 | Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the reign of Humayun? | Despite the seeming stability of Babur's reign, his son Humayun was exiled by 1540 and forced to fight to restore the Mughal rule | 22 | |
9118629806 | Which of the following statements concerning the reign of Akbar is NOT accurate? | He attempted to purify Islam by removing Hindu influences | 23 | |
9118633895 | What was the critical feature of Akbar's new religion, the Din-i-Ilahi? | It attempted to blend elements of the many faiths with which he was familiar as a means of reconciling Hindus and Muslims. | 24 | |
9118642092 | What was the outcome of the Din-i-Ilahi? | By Akbar's death in 1605, the Din-i-Ilahi was rejected by both Muslims and Hindus. | 25 | |
9118644759 | Which of the following statements concerning the economy of the Mughal empire is most accurate? | European traders brought products from throughout Asia to exchange for the subcontinent's famed cotton textiles | 26 | |
9118648870 | What was the state of the Mughal dynasty at the outset of the reign of Aurangzeb? | The Mughal bureaucracy was bloated and corrupt, the army was backward in weaponry and tactics, and the peasants and artisans had seen living standards fall. | 27 | |
9118656955 | What was the state of the Mughal empire following Aurangzeb's death on 1707? | -The empire was far larger than earlier, but control and state revenues passed increasingly to regional lords who gave little more than tribute payments to the emperors. -power drained the treasury and further enlarged an inefficient bureaucracy and army without gaining corresponding increases in revenues to support them. -revolts | 28 | |
9118668130 | ESSAY 1 > Discuss the social organization of the Ottoman Empire | -warrior aristocrats shared power with the absolutist monarchs -difficult peasant life (oppress by upper class) -higher class enjoyed prestige and luxury in the capital and on rural estates -banditry, peasant uprisings and flight occurred -upper class encourage merchant class to trade -women faced legal and social disadvantages -Women were subordinate to men (men on top) -women had no political or religious power -meager outlets for artistic or scholarly expression -women of nomadic background gradually lost their independence -women struggled against restrictions | 29 | |
9118673105 | ESSAY 2 > Discuss the political organization of the Ottoman Empire | -Janissaries had power in military and politics -by late 15th century they were deeply involved in court politics -by the mid-16th century they had power to depose sultans and decide which one of the dying ruler's son would mount the throne -rulers were absolute monarchs -the powerful sultan maintained his position by playing factions in the warrior elite off each other and pitting the warriors as a whole against the Janissaries and other groups -Ottoman sultans grew more and more distant from their subjects as their empire grew in size and wealth (splendid marble palaces, large number of slave and many wives and concubines of their harems) -day to day administration was carried out by a large bureaucracy headed by a grand vizier -greatly suffered because of vague Islamic principles of political succession that led to many civil strifes | 30 |