AP Literature Vocabulary Flashcards
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10639107055 | adjunct | (n.) something added to something else as a helpful but not necessary element; an assistant or helper (adj.) added or connected in a subordinate capacity | 0 | |
10639150378 | bellwether | (n) leader of a group; indicator of trends | 1 | |
10639156679 | caterwaul | (n) a harsh or noisy cry (intransitive verb) to howl or screech like a cat | 2 | |
10639174653 | chimerical | (adj) absurd; wildly fantastic, impossible | 3 | |
10639182748 | effete | (adj) lacking in energy; work-out; sterile | 4 | |
10639188217 | metaphor | (n) figure of speech in which a term is applied to something which is not literal in order to suggest a resemblance | 5 | |
10639199918 | elegiac | (adj) expressing sorrow or lamentation | 6 | |
10639206091 | hidebound | (adj) narrow-minded and rigid; stubborn | 7 | |
10639214628 | hierarchy | (n) system of things or people arranged in order of rank, wealth, class, etc. | 8 | |
10639226205 | liturgy | (n) religious service or rite | 9 | |
10639237254 | morass | (n) a patch of low, soft, wet ground; swamp; confusing situation in which one is entrapped | 10 | |
10639247782 | simile | (n) a comparison of two unlike things explicitly, generally using "like" or "as" | 11 | |
10639260776 | noisome | (adj) offensive or disgusting; foul-smelling; harmful or injurious | 12 | |
10639270229 | personification | (n) the attribution of human nature or character to non-human entities as a figure of speech | 13 | |
10639317528 | poltroon | (n) a base coward; one rules by fear | 14 | |
10639321391 | proselyte | (n) a convert; a disciple | 15 | |
10639330288 | raillery | (n) good-humored ridicule; teasing | 16 | |
10639337521 | ribald | (adj) irreverently mocking; coarse, vulgar, or indecent in language | 17 | |
10894195899 | supine | (adj) lying flat on one's back; listless or lethargic; apathetic or passive | 18 | |
10894208347 | vignette | (n) a short description or sketch | 19 | |
10894222334 | aegis | (n) protection, patronage, sponsorship | 20 | |
10894228387 | apprise | (V) to inform of; to make aware of through verbal or written notice | 21 | |
10894244350 | bibulous | (adj) fond of or inclined to drink | 22 | |
10894248970 | figurative language | (n) any use of non-literal language | 23 | |
10894255784 | claque | (n) a group of people hired to applaud a performer or performance; enthusiastic or fawning admirers; an opera hat | 24 | |
10894281177 | Deracinate | (v) to pull up by the roots; to root out, or dislocate; to eliminate all traces of | 25 | |
10894295497 | Indigenous | (adj) originating in the country or region where found, native; inborn; inherent | 26 | |
10894309779 | lachrymose | (adj) given to tears or weeping; causing to shed tears; mournful | 27 | |
10894326247 | sardonic | (adj) characterized by bitter or scornful decision, mocking and cynical, sneering | 28 | |
10894337079 | symbol | (n) use of a literal idea within a text to stand for a non-literal idea | 29 | |
10894345142 | allusion | (n) a reference to a recognizable element - often a literary text - in order to build in some of the meaning of that text | 30 | |
10894363529 | lexicon | (n) a dictionary of a language; the special vocabulary of a person, group, or subject | 31 | |
10894375804 | microcosm | (n) a miniature world or universe; a group or system viewed as a model of a larger group or system | 32 | |
10894392284 | obfuscate | (tr. v) to darken or obscure; to confuse or bewilder | 33 | |
10894404199 | paternalism | (n) policy or practice of treating or governing people in the manner of a father dealing with his children | 34 | |
10894425260 | Polarize | (tr. v) to cause to concentrate around two conflicting or contrasting positions | 35 | |
11261570566 | Purview | (n) range, extent, or scope of something | 36 | |
11261574307 | Sanguine | (adj) having a ruddy complexion; of a naturally cheerful outlook | 37 | |
11261585953 | solecism | (n) ungrammatical usage; mistake | 38 | |
11261588902 | vassal | (n) person under protection of feudal lord; a subordinate or dependent (adj) subservient | 39 | |
11261603240 | Verisimilitude | (n) quality of appearing to be true, real, or likely | 40 | |
11261612799 | Iambic Pentameter | (n) a repetition of five iambs (two syllables, first unaccented, second accented) in a single line of poetry for a total of ten syllables | 41 | |
11261631888 | Bowlderize | (v) remove material considered offensive from a book, play, or film | 42 | |
11261637168 | Cozen | (v) to trick; to cheat or swindle | 43 | |
11261644242 | Didactic | (adj) intended to teach | 44 | |
11261647286 | Enclave | (n) an enclosed district, region, or area inhabited by a particular group of people | 45 | |
11261652716 | Gratis | (adv) free; without charge | 46 | |
11261660152 | Irony | (n) figure of speech in which expectations are defied | 47 | |
11261665930 | Idiosyncratic | (adj) peculiar to the individual | 48 | |
11261681760 | Imagery | (n) the presentation of a vibrant and graphic scene or character through sensory description | 49 | |
11261694026 | interstice | (n) a small space between things | 50 | |
11261697032 | mountebank | (n) a trickster or swindler | 51 | |
11261698889 | Paean | (n) a song of praise, joy, or triumph | 52 | |
11261703742 | pragmatic | (adj) practical | 53 | |
12922075092 | quizzical | (adj) puzzled; mocking; odd; equivocal | 54 | |
12922098253 | rapacity | (n.) inordinate greed; the disposition to obtain one's desires by force, extortion, or plunder | 55 | |
12922104748 | schism | (n.) a formal split within a religious organization; any division or separation of a group or organization into hostile factions | 56 | |
12922116556 | affinity | (n.) a natural attraction to a person, thing, or activity; a relationship, connection | 57 | |
12922124823 | bilious | peevish or irritable; sickeningly unpleasant | 58 | |
12922143149 | sonnet | a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, in English typically having ten syllables per line. | 59 | |
12922149787 | ballad | A narrative poem written in four-line stanzas, characterized by swift action and narrated in a direct style. | 60 | |
12922162555 | cognates | (adj.) closely in origin or function (n.) such as person or thing | 61 | |
12922176783 | corollary | (n.) a proposition that follows from one already proven; a natural consequence or result; (adj.) resultant or consequent | 62 | |
12922181362 | derring-do | (n.) valor or heroism; daring deeds or exploits | 63 | |
12922186356 | divination | (n.) the art or act of predicting the future or discovering hidden knowledge | 64 | |
12922192830 | folderol | (n.) foolish talk, ideas, or procedures; nonsense; a trifle | 65 | |
12922196026 | admoinsh | (v.) warn or reprimand someone firmly | 66 | |
12922202570 | Allegory | (n.) a narrative comprising a series of symbolic entities that builds a cohesive second meaning under the first, generally to instill a specific moral | 67 | |
12922229838 | gamut | (n.) the whole range or extent | 68 | |
12922234953 | hoi polloi | (n). the common people; the masses | 69 | |
12922245679 | ineffable | (adj.) inexpressible | 70 | |
12922261577 | lucubration | (n.) laborious study or thought, especially at night | 71 | |
12922267323 | connotation | (n.) the implied or associative meaning of a word | 72 | |
12922281028 | obloquy | (n.) public abuse indicating strong disapproval or censure | 73 | |
12922285737 | pundit | (n.) a learned person; one who gives authoritative opinions | 74 | |
12922289867 | risible | (adj.) pertaining to laughter; inclined to laugh | 75 | |
12922307382 | ubiquitous | (adj.) present or existing everywhere | 76 | |
12922311846 | wry | (adj.) using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor | 77 | |
12922320615 | aficionado | (n.) an enthusiastic fan or admirer | 78 | |
12922337371 | browbeat | (v.) bully; intimidate | 79 | |
12922354473 | commensurate | (adj.) proportional | 80 |