AP World History Chapter 18 Flashcards
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12416821109 | Mestizos | A person of mixed Native American ans spanish | 0 | |
12416821110 | métis | People of mixed Native American and French Canadian descent | 1 | |
12416821111 | mita | Spanish | 2 | |
12416821112 | one-drop rule | the belief that "one drop" of black blood makes a person black, a concept that evolved from U.S. laws forbidding miscegenation | 3 | |
12416821139 | Geography | 4 | ||
12416821113 | New France | French colony in North America, with a capital in Quebec, founded 1608. New France fell to the British in 1763. | 5 | |
12416821114 | French | Canada | 6 | |
12416821115 | Dutch | northeast coast of Brazil, Caribbean, and new Netherlands (New York, which they gave to the English) | 7 | |
12416821116 | English | east coast of modern America. Jamestown and Virginia | 8 | |
12416821117 | New Spain | After the defeat of the Aztecs, it was a Spanish colony. Its capital was Mexico City. | 9 | |
12416821118 | Mita | Andean labor system based on shared obligations to help kinsmen and work on behalf of the ruler and religious organizations. | 10 | |
12416821140 | Section one | 11 | ||
12416821119 | Erauso | known as la monja alferez "the lieutenant nun" | 12 | |
12416821120 | social class of spanish | officials from spain and locally born spaniards mixed decent Indians and African slaves | 13 | |
12416821141 | Spanish empire was the most powerful european colonial venture in americas and established base of power at maniila in philippines | 14 | ||
12416821121 | Counsil of the Indies | was incharge of increasing authority througha centralized bureaucracy | 15 | |
12416821122 | 4 viceroyalties | New Spain ( cap. @ mexico city) , Peru(Lima), New Granada (Bogota), La Plata (Buenos aires) | 16 | |
12416821123 | spanish | catholic | 17 | |
12416821142 | missionary work | 18 | ||
12416821124 | catholic religious orders | protectors of indigenous peoples | 19 | |
12416821125 | Criollos (Creoles) | people born in the Americas of Spanish or Portuguese ancestry; they were participating in government | 20 | |
12416821126 | Peninsulares | civic and religious officials sent directly from spain, dissatisfied with their dominance | 21 | |
12416821127 | Potosi | Located in Bolivia, one of the richest silver mining centers and most populous cities in colonial Spanish America. | 22 | |
12416821128 | Encomineda | got restrictions | 23 | |
12416821129 | repartimiento | new legal system, gave spaniards the right to coerce amerindian labor for specific tasks. | 24 | |
12416821130 | families of conversos and moriscos | converted from judaism and islam | 25 | |
12416821131 | quilombos | runaway communities | 26 | |
12416821132 | kilombo | merit based league of warriors that cut across family ties | 27 | |
12416821133 | Ganga Zumba (great lord) | ruled them and elected them | 28 | |
12416821134 | France | sought route to asia | 29 | |
12416821135 | Brazil | sugar | 30 | |
12416821136 | France | fur | 31 | |
12416821137 | dutch | sugar | 32 | |
12416821138 | english | tobacco and sugar | 33 |