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14872409684 | Christian humanism | an intellectual movement in northern Europe in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries that combined the interest in the classics of the Italian Renaissance with an interest in the sources of early Christianity, including the New Testament and the writings of the church fathers. They believed that to change a society you had to change the people in it and focused a lot on education. | 0 | |
14872409685 | Desiderius Erasmus | the most influential of Christian humanists who wrote The Handbook of the Christian Knight which said that Christianity should be a guide for life, not a system of dogmatic practices. In order to return to the simplicity of early church, he edited the Bible and republished it. In 1511 he wrote The Praise of Folly which criticized the corrupt world around him. All of his works focused on a reformation within the church and he lead the way for all later Protestant groups. | 1 | |
14872409717 | The Praise of Folly (1509) | written by Desiderius Erasmus, satirized ambitious and corrupt church officials | 2 | |
14872409686 | Thomas More's Utopia | he held a government office and was a close friend of Erasmus. He still made time for religion though, and in 1516 he published Utopia. It described a world in which cooperation and reason were the motivating agents for human society. It reflected the economic, social, and political problems of his time. There was no private property and there was lots of leisure time. Utopia was an orderly world where social relations, recreation, and even travel were carefully controlled for the moral welfare of society and its members. He also justified his working for the King in his novel, saying that "you wouldn't abandon ship in a storm just because you couldn't control the winds" | 3 | |
14872409687 | Act of Succession | document passed by the Reformation Parliament in the same year as the Act of Supremacy that made Anne Boleyn's children legitimate heirs to the throne | 4 | |
14872409688 | Martin Luther | : he was a lawyer, but after being saved in a storm he became a monk. There was a question that was nagging him though...How do I ensure salvation? He went to confession all the time but was always worried that he forgot something, so he became a theologian. That was when he found his answer that it was faith in the promises of God. Justification by faith and the Bible as the sole authority became the core of Protestant religions. | 5 | |
14872409689 | Priesthood of all believers | because Martin Luther believed that the Scriptures alone should lead a believer, that meant that everyone was their own priest. They didn't have to make a hierarchical priesthood, but everyone was at the same level | 6 | |
14872409690 | Johann Tetzel and indulgences | when St. Peter's Basilica was being built, the papacy had to have a way to pay for it. They invented indulgence which would supposedly shorten your, or your loved ones', time in purgatory. Johann Tetzel was chief marketer or salesman of indulgences. The indulgences were really the start of the protestant religions | 7 | |
14872409691 | Ninety-Five Theses | Martin Luther was enrage at the sale of indulgences (he thought anyone who relied on a slip of paper to get into heaven surely wouldn't get in) so he made this. It attacked the purpose of indulgences and the Pope treated him like a joke. If the Pope had a response, it might not have been such a big deal considering Luther wasn't intending to break away from the church when he set out. Copies were quickly printed and Germans quickly adopted his view (they already had resentment for Pope) | 8 | |
14872409692 | The Edict of Worms | Martin Luther wrote many pieces attacking the papacy and the sacraments. He was excommunicated in January 1521 and then summoned to appear before a council in Worms. He went a response ('battle cry of the reformation') basically saying he still believed in what he had said and didn't show up. Then the Emperor, Charles V, issued the Edict of Worms that outlawed Luther within the empire. His works were to be burned and Luther to be captured. Luther escaped to Wartburg | 9 | |
14872409693 | The Peasants War, 1524 | peasants in South Germany didn't get the benefits from the revived economy because their rulers were still abusing their power. Angered, they turned to Luther for support, but he denied them because he needed the support of German Princes for his cause. Just because everyone is equal before God doesn't mean they're equal on earth. He didn't care what happened to the peasants. | 10 | |
14872409694 | Charles V: | he inherited a great amount of land (result of Habsburg marriage) and tried to keep his control over these lands. His other goal was to maintain the unity of the Holy Catholic Church. He had issues though; the French and Charles had a dispute over some land which led to the Habsburg-Valois wars, meanwhile the pope was beginning to get frightened over how much power he was amassing and refused to help Charles deal with the Luther situation in Germany. This made Charles sack Rome. The Ottomans were continuing to encroach on European lands but stopped in Vienna. When he finally got around to dealing with Germany, the Protestants had grown but still lost when faced with the Spanish army. Later the protestant princes allied themselves with the French King, Henry II and forced Charles to make the Peace of Augsburg. | 11 | |
14872409695 | Pope Clement VII | because he was beginning to get fearful of how much power Charles possessed, Clement decided to side with the Valois in the Habsburg-Valois wars. This angered Charles and so he attacked and sacked Rome. This made Charles V leader of most of Italy by 1530. | 12 | |
14872409696 | Peace of Augsburg: | HUBDATE 1555... Charles made this rule/document/whatever and it formally acknowledged the division of Christianity with Lutheranism granted equal legal standing with Catholicism. It gave each German Ruler the right to determine the religion of his subjects. | 13 | |
14872409697 | Marburg Colloquy | Zwingli wanted to build a league of evangelical cities by seeking an agreement with Luther and the German reformers. Protestants from both nations realized the need to unite to defend against imperial and conservative opposition. Landgrave Philip of Hesse convinced the leaders of both groups to attend the Colloquy of Marburg. The groups couldn't decide on the Lord's Supper though, and the groups remained independent. | 14 | |
14872409718 | Millenarianism ** | belief in the Christian doctrine of the millennium mentioned in the Book of Revelations | 15 | |
14872409698 | Menno Simons | the man most responsible for rejuvenating Dutch Anabaptism. He spread peaceful, evangelical Anabaptism. | 16 | |
14872409699 | Henry VII | he wanted out of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon (because she couldn't produce a male heir) but the pope wouldn't grant annulment because Charles V had him and Catherine was Charles' aunt. He then created a new church in England to get the annulment he wanted. Henry married Anne Boleyn and had Elizabeth. The Act of Supremacy was made and it declared that the king was the supreme head on earth of the church of England. The Treason Act made it punishable by death to deny that the king was the supreme head of the church, essentially making believing in the pope treason. | 17 | |
14872409719 | Consistory | the governing council of the Calvinist Geneva, consisting of members from the city government, the church leadership, and the laity | 18 | |
14872409700 | Catherine of Aragon | she was Henry VIII's first wife and the aunt of Charles V. She couldn't produce a male heir so Henry made the new church to get annulment. | 19 | |
14872409701 | Anne Boleyn: | Henry VIII's second wife and gave birth to Elizabeth | 20 | |
14872409702 | Act of Supremacy | this declared that the king was the only supreme head on earth of the Church of England | 21 | |
14872409703 | John Calvin | he organized the second generation of Reformation and was the most determined of all Protestants. His ideas were very similar to Luther's, but he believed in the absolute sovereignty of God and predestination. He kept the same two sacraments as the other Protestant religions and Calvinism became a very active faith. Members of this church actively tried to spread the religion. | 22 | |
14872409704 | Predestination: | because of the belief of absolute sovereignty of God, Calvinists believed that God already knew who was going to heaven and who wasn't. | 23 | |
14872409705 | Ignatius Loyola | he was a soldier but got hurt and could no longer fight, so he decided to fight for God. He, like Luther, went through a spiritual torment, but instead of making a new doctrine, he decided to submit his will to the will of the church. He wrote a book, The Spiritual Exercises, that held exercises by which the human will could be strengthened and made to follow the will of God as manifested by the Catholic Church. | 24 | |
14872409706 | Jesuits: | the society of Jesus, pledged absolute obedience to the papacy. It had the structure of a military command and they were the most important group in regaining followers for Catholicism (Francis Xavier). They made great schools and were some of the best educators in Europe | 25 | |
14872409707 | Francis Xavier | he spread Catholicism through the East and into Japan and China (this sparked an interest in China). He won back Poland and most of the other areas converted were through the Jesuits. | 26 | |
14872409708 | Council of Trent | originally they were going to compromise with the Protestants, but then a different 'ambassador' was sent to the council and they held strong to Catholic beliefs. Catholics won and the Roman inquisition was rejuvenated and the Index of Forbidden Books was created. | 27 | |
14872409709 | Huguenots | name for French Calvinists. They were about 10% of the population, but were cause for worry (for Catholics) because they accounted for 40-50 % of nobility | 28 | |
14872409710 | Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre | because the Huguenots had such a large hold on the French nobility, the ultra-Catholics got scared (Guise family was a big part because they had resources and money). The two sanctions were supposedly united by a marriage that many Huguenots (leaders) attended in Paris. Such a big gathering of them was seen as a threat so the Catholics attacked and murdered 3000. | 29 | |
14872409711 | Henry IV | he was the result of the war of three Henries (1588-1589). Henry, duke of Guise, working on behalf of Philip II seized Paris and forced King Henry III to make him chief minister. Henry III assassinated the duke to rid himself of Guise influence and allied himself with Henry of Navarre to crush the Catholic Holy League. King Henry was killed by a monk who was angry he had aligned with a Calvinist and Henry of Navarre took the throne. This ended the religious wars and he made the edict of Nantes. | 30 | |
14872409712 | Edict of Nantes | This was issued in 1598 and it acknowledged Catholicism as the official religion of France but guaranteed the Huguenots the right to worship in selected places in every district and allowed them to retain a number of fortified towns for their protection. They were allowed to enjoy all political privileges, including the holding of public offices. It was made only out of political necessity not out of conviction. | 31 | |
14872409713 | Battle of Lepanto (1571): | a great victory because of the defeat of the Muslim attack on the island of Cyprus. It pushed back Turkish encroachments. | 32 | |
14872409714 | Union of Utrecht | the protestant union of the Netherlands. They eventually broke away from the Netherlands and became the United Provinces. This was all a result of Philip II trying to strengthen his control over the Netherlands. The people of the Netherlands were mad at how their tax dollars were being spent, didn't want a monarchial ruler, and were angry at some of the taxes. When Philip attempted to crush Calvinism there was a major rebellion. The Council of Troubles introduced an age where nobody was safe. William of Orange tried to unify all the provinces of the Netherlands, but religious differences caused the South half to go back to Philip. | 33 | |
14872409715 | Elizabeth I: | she was the daughter Anne Boleyn (#2) and Henry VIII. She led with great skill and managed to keep both protestants and Catholics happy by staying in the middle. She avoided wars and kept good relations, making the need for cash small. Puritans were a small problem and so was her cousin Mary. Eventually she sided with the rebels in the Netherlands and Spain attacked but England won. | 34 | |
14872409716 | Spanish Armada | they went into the war with England hoping for a miracle from God, but it never happened. This was a big psychological blow. England remained a Protestant country. | 35 | |
14872409720 | Simony | the buying and selling of church offices | 36 | |
14872409721 | Pluralism | an official holding more than one office at a time | 37 | |
14872409722 | absenteeism | an official not participation in benefices but receiving payment and privileges. On of the corruptions in the Catholic Church | 38 | |
14872409723 | nepotism | favoritism to relatives | 39 | |
14872409724 | clerical ignorance | clergy was ignorant; many preached in Latin that they couldn't read or understand | 40 | |
14872409725 | Lollards | John Wycliffe's followers | 41 | |
14872409726 | 95 Theses (1517) | 95 arguements by Martin Luther protesting against indulgences | 42 | |
14872409727 | Baroque Art | art that originated in Rome and is associated with the Catholic Reformation, characterized by emotional intensity, strong self-confidence, spirit | 43 | |
14872409728 | El Greco | Spanish painter (born in Greece) remembered for his religious works characterized by elongated human forms and dramatic use of color (1541-1614) | 44 | |
14872409729 | Thomas Cranmer | first archbishop of the Church of England, wrote The Book of Common Prayer | 45 | |
14872409730 | Thirty-Nine Articles (1563) | The official statement of the beliefs of the Church of England. They established a moderate form of Protestantism. | 46 | |
14872409731 | Diet of Worms | Assembly of the estates of the empire, called by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1521. Luther was ordered to recant but he refused. Charles V declared Luther an outlaw. | 47 | |
14872409732 | Twelve Articles | 1525 - writen by representatives of the Swabian peasants in a Greman city, expressed their grievances, summarized the agarian crisis of the early 16th century | 48 | |
14872409733 | Mannerism | an artistic movement that emerged in Italy in the 1520s and 1530s; it marked the end of the Renaissance by breaking down the principles of balance, harmony, and moderation | 49 | |
14872409734 | Tragedy at Munster | Anabaptist extremists took power over Münster; Anabaptists in the city forced the Catholics and Lutherans to either convert or emigrate; Münster was blockaded by besieging armies and under pressure transformed into an Old Testament theocracy | 50 | |
14872409735 | Michael Servetus (1511-1553) | Described the circulatory system of the lungs, explained how digestion is a source of heat for the body | 51 | |
14872409736 | Geneva | the Swiss city where Calvin was asked to establish a Christian community | 52 | |
14872409737 | John Knox | This was the man who dominated the reform movement in Scotland. He established the Presbyterian Church of Scotland so that ministers ran the church, not bishops | 53 | |
14872409738 | Presbyterianism | a branch of the Protestant reformation that grew in Scotland, many of their ideas are rooted in Calvinism. They believed in a method of church governance where there were no bishops | 54 | |
14872409739 | Puritans | A religious group who wanted to purify the Church of England. They came to America for religious freedom and settled Massachusetts Bay. | 55 | |
14872409740 | English Reformation | result of the disagreement between Henry VIII and the Pope, created the Church of England or Anglican Church which was separate from the Catholic Church, still left little room for religious freedom | 56 | |
14872409741 | William Tyndale | An English professor who believed that everyone should be able to interpret the Bible. He translated the Bible to English which led for his arrest. However, he escaped and continued to translate the Bible. He was eventually executed. | 57 |