AP Spanish Literature Vocabulary Flashcards
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14815320754 | acotación | stage direction | 0 | |
14815324289 | Alegoría | allegory-a metaphor in which a character, place or event is used to deliver a broader message | 1 | |
14815332977 | alejandrinos | 14 syllable verse | 2 | |
14815338477 | Aliteración | alliteration-repetition of the same sound, usually initial, in two or more words | 3 | |
14815345116 | alusión | allusion-when an object or circumstance refers to an unrelated circumstance either covertly or indirectly. The audience has to make the direct connection | 4 | |
14815357488 | Anáfora | anaphora-repetition of a word, usually at the beginning of successive clauses or phrases, for emphasis | 5 | |
14815372739 | analogia | analogy-making a comparison with the intent to show a similarity | 6 | |
14815382729 | antagonista fidedigno | trustworthy antagonist | 7 | |
14815384823 | antífrasis | the use of a name that refers to a contrary characteristic of a person or a thing. Ej. calling Burlador de Sevilla "angelito" | 8 | |
14815398212 | antihéroe | antihero-a main character in a story who lacks conventional heroic qualities and attributes such as idealism, courage, and morality | 9 | |
14815410408 | Antítesis | antithesis-the juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas to give the feeling of balance | 10 | |
14815432539 | aparte | aside-a remark or passage in a play that is intended to be heard by the audience but unheard by the other characters in the play | 11 | |
14815438134 | apología | a speech or poem meant to defend or praise someone | 12 | |
14815442075 | apóstrofe | apostrophe-when a speaker breaks off from addressing one party and instead addresses a third party. This third party may be an individual, either present or absent in the scene. It can also be an inanimate object | 13 | |
14815457536 | arte menor | 8 syllables or less | 14 | |
14815460617 | arte mayor | 8 syllables or more | 15 | |
14815463455 | asíndenton | the lack of conjunctions | 16 | |
14815471707 | cesura | is a break in a verse where one phrase ends and the following phrase begins | 17 | |
14815477262 | cuarteto | quatrain-a type of stanza, or a complete poem, consisting of four lines | 18 | |
14815489710 | desdoblamiento | a fold or split in personality or time | 19 | |
14815496001 | dodecasílabos | 12 syllable verse | 20 | |
14815502700 | elipsis | ellipsis-omission of one or more words necessary to the meaning. The author allows the reader to fill in the missing pieces | 21 | |
14815512835 | encabalgamiento | enjambment-the running over of a sentence from one verse or couplet into another so that closely related words fall in different lines | 22 | |
14815521746 | endecasílabos | 11 syllable verse | 23 | |
14815526478 | Enumeración | listing various ideas or concepts | 24 | |
14815531351 | epífora | the repetition of the same word, usually at the end of successive clauses or phrases | 25 | |
14815541576 | epíteto | epithet-a device of emphasis in which the poet attributes some characteristic of a thing to another thing closely associated with it | 26 | |
14815556194 | estribillo | repetition of a stanza throughout the poem | 27 | |
14815561497 | eufemismo | euphemism-an inoffensive expression that is used in place of one that is considered offensive | 28 | |
14815571010 | fábula | fable-a fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, mythical creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that are given human qualities | 29 | |
14815585092 | falla trágica | a weakness or a fatal error made that leads to tragedy | 30 | |
14815589460 | gradación | a list in an ordered scale either increasing or decreasing | 31 | |
14815595937 | heptasílabo | 7 syllable verse | 32 | |
14815600974 | hipérbaton | changing the natural or grammatical order of words | 33 | |
14815604350 | hipérbole | hyperbole-exaggeration for effect | 34 | |
14815609775 | in media res | starting in the middle of the action | 35 | |
14815612689 | ironía | irony-the intentional use of words with a meaning contrary to the situation | 36 | |
14815623108 | metáfora | metaphor-an implied comparison where the use of a word or words suggests a likeness between what is actually being described and something else | 37 | |
14815632426 | metaficción | a form of literature that continually reminds the reader to be aware that they are reading or viewing a fictional work. It is frequently used as a form of parody or a tool to undermine literary conventions and explore the relationship between literature and reality, life, and art | 38 | |
14815652610 | metonimia | metonymy-use of one noun in place of another closely related noun to avoid common or prosaic words | 39 | |
14815665164 | moraleja | the lesson taught within a tale or story | 40 | |
14815667535 | narrador | fidedigno-trustworthy no fidedigno-not trustworthy testigo-witness omnisciente-all knowing | 41 | |
14815679340 | octosílabo | 8 syllable verse | 42 | |
14815684609 | narración epistolar | use of a series of real or imaginary events that are developed during a determined period of time | 43 | |
14815700776 | onomatopeya | onomatopoeia-use of words whose sound suggests the meaning | 44 | |
14815705606 | paradoja | paradox-self-contradiction | 45 | |
14815709146 | paralelismo | parallelism-repeating the same or a similar word, phrase or structure in a text | 46 | |
14815715786 | perífrasis | roundabout, not getting to the point | 47 | |
14815722682 | personificación | personification-treatment of an inanimate objects as human | 48 | |
14815732055 | perspectiva o punto de vista | perspective or point of view | 49 | |
14815734646 | pleonasmo | pleonasm-use of unnecessary words | 50 | |
14815737445 | polifonía | varying points of view and voices within a narration | 51 | |
14815743767 | Poliptoton | repetition of a verb but in different forms (conjugations) | 52 | |
14815748169 | polisíndeton | polysindeton-use of unnecessary conjunctions | 53 | |
14815760881 | prefiguración | foreshadowing what is to come | 54 | |
14815766532 | prosopopeya | prosopopoeia-synonymous with personification | 55 | |
14815770939 | redondilla | stanza form consisting of four lines, usually of eight syllables each, with a rhyme scheme of abba | 56 | |
14815783228 | retruécano | play with words, pun-changing the order of words in a phrase in order to form another which contrasts in meaning | 57 | |
14815790768 | rima asonante | the rhyme includes only the vowel sounds | 58 | |
14815794211 | rima consonante | the rhyme includes consonants and vowels | 59 | |
14815796962 | símil | simile-an expressed comparison, introduced by the word such as como | 60 | |
14815803016 | sinécdoque | synecdoche-use of the part for the whole to avoid common words or to focus attention on a particular part | 61 | |
14815812360 | sinéresis | to dipthong or bring together two syllables within the same word for poetic effect. Ej. To-a-lla->toa-lla | 62 | |
14815826771 | sinestesia | when you relate two images or sensations from different categories, for example, a white sound | 63 | |
14815833348 | terceto | a type of stanza consisting of 3 lines | 64 | |
14815836568 | verso | blanco-poetry written with regular metrical but unrhymed lines libre-poetry that does not use consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any musical pattern | 65 | |
14815847745 | verosimilitud | a narration that is or appears to be credible. This is accomplished through genre and form | 66 | |
14815856101 | Yuxtaposición | juxtaposition-the act of placing two elements close together or side by side in order to compare/contrast the two, to show similarities or differences | 67 |