AP Language Vocab Section 14 Flashcards
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9983437216 | Blithe | Definition: showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper; lacking due thought POS: adj Synonyms: casual, indifferent, unconcerned, unworried, untroubled, uncaring, careless, heedless, thoughtless, nonchalant, blase, cheerful, mirthful, jovial, jocund Antonyms: thoughtful, depressed, lethargic, troubled, worried, sad, sorrowful, unhappy, morose, grouchy, serious | 0 | |
9983437217 | Cavalier | Definition: showing a lack of proper concern; often disdainful or dismissful; dismissing important matters POS: adj Synonyms: offhand, indifferent, casual, dismissive, insouciant, unconcerned, supercilious, disdainful, scornful, contemptuous, debonair, insolent, haughty, cocky Antonyms: humble, reticent, shy | 1 | |
9983437218 | Culpability | Definition: responsibility for a fault or wrong POS: N Synonyms: blame, guilt, fault, responsibility, accountability, liability, condemnation Antonyms: innocent, irresponsible, blameless, inculpable, fault | 2 | |
9983437219 | Excoriate | Definition: to denounce or berate severely; to strip or rub off the skin of something (to flay); make raw and sore; to censure or criticize somebody POS: V Synonyms: abrade, chafe, flay, fret, gall, peel, rub, scarify, scratch, skin, strip, denounce violently, chafe, lambaste, denounce verbally, castigate, vilify, scathe Antonyms: cover, compliment, EXTOL, PRAISE, LAUD, APPLAUSE, CLAIM, COMMEND | 3 | |
9983437220 | Legerdemain | Definition: skillful use of one's hands when performing conjuring tricks; deception or trickery; slight of hand POS: N Synonyms: sleight of hand, conjuring, magic, wizardry; cunning, chicanery, skulduggery, deceit, deception, artifice, magic, prestodigitacious | 4 | |
9983437221 | Noisome | Definition: offensive to the senses and especially to the sense of smell; highly obnoxious or objectionable POS: adj Synonyms: abhorrent, abominable, appalling, awful, disgusting, distasteful, offensive, obscene, odious, repugnant, repulsive, harmful, malodorous, putrid, noxious Antonyms: innocuous, inoffensive, agreeable, alluring, delightful, felicitous, palatable, pleasant, wholesome, salubrious, mellifluous | 5 | |
9983437222 | Nugatory | Definition: of little or no consequence; having little or no force POS: adj Synonyms: inoperative, invalid, nonbinding, null, trifle, inconsequential, picayune, vain, idle Antonyms: binding, valid, worthy, important, significant | 6 | |
9983437223 | Piety | Definition: something related to being religious POS: N Synonyms: devotion, religion, faith Antonyms: atheism | 7 | |
9983437224 | Procrustean | Definition: marked by arbitrary often ruthless disregard of individual differences or special circumstances (ruthless individuals) POS: adj Synonyms: ruthless, relentless, ignorant, harsh (times a million) Antonyms: gentle, merciful | 8 | |
9983437225 | Pyrrhic | Definition: consisting of two short or unaccented syllables; metric foot; (ADJ) achieved at excessive cost, costly to the point of negating the benefits POS: N; ADJ | 9 | |
9983437226 | Saturnine | Definition: cold and steady in mood; of a gloomy or surly disposition; having a sardonic aspect POS: adj Synonyms: cheerless, depressing, desolate, disconsolate, dreary, glum, murky, gloomy, somber, sullen, wretched, grave, reserved Antonyms: bright, cheerful, cheering, cheery, friendly, heartwarming, genial, cordial, light, cheery, life, optimistic | 10 | |
9983437227 | Sinecure | Definition: a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit; giving someone a position that has no work because they are related POS: N | 11 | |
9983437228 | Sobriquet | Definition: a descriptive name or epithet POS: N Synonyms: nickname, alias, byname, cognomen | 12 | |
9983437229 | Tome | Definition: a volume forming a part of a larger work; a huge volume part of a larger work; larger scholarly book POS: N Synonyms: book, volume | 13 | |
9983437230 | Traduce | Definition: to expose to shame or blame by means of falsehood and misrepresentation POS: V Synonyms: calumniate, defame, malign, smear, slander, vilify, shame, blame Antonyms: glorify, honor, acclaim, applaud, laud | 14 | |
9983437231 | Urbane | Definition: having the polish and suavity regarded as characteristic of sophisticated social life in major cities POS: adj Synonyms: affable, civilized, sophisticated, cultured, polished, suave, cosmopolitan, gential, refined, civil Antonyms: unrefined, rude, unsophisticated, bucolic | 15 |