AP Euro - Reformation in Europe Flashcards
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14835720045 | Martin Luther | - German Theologian - 95 Theses (1517) - Against Indulgences - Argued For Direct Connection To God Via Scripture - Opposed Political Dissent - Opposed German Peasant's War (1525) - Beliefs Primarily Centered in Central and Eastern Europe and Scandinavia | 0 | |
14835720046 | Lutheranism | - Branch of Protestantism Founded on Martin Luther's Teachings - Central, Eastern, and Northern Europe | ![]() | 1 |
14835720047 | John Calvin | - Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536) - Genevan Consistory - Predestination - Supported Political Dissent - Reform Church - | 2 | |
14835720048 | Similarities B/twn Calvinism & Lutheranism | - Both Preached Scriptural Reading As Primary Road To Connecting To God | 3 | |
14835720049 | Differences B/twn Calvinism & Lutheranism | - Calvinism Supported Political Dissent; Lutheranism Did Not - Calvinism Preached Predestination; Lutheranism Did Not - Lutheran Ideas Spread To One Distinct Region of Europe; Calvinism Spread To Various Regions & Was Often Tied To Political Discontent | 4 | |
14835720050 | Reasons for the Reformation | - People Heavily Invested in Religion (Integral Part Of Their Daily Lives) - Ignorance and Corruption in the Church (Indulgences, Pluralism, Clerical Exemption From Taxation) - History of Dissent in Europe | 5 | |
14835720051 | Ulrich Zwingli | - Swiss Protestant Leader and Thinker (Zurich) - Agreed With Many Of Luther's Ideas - Disagreed with Luther on Specifics of Eucharist | 6 | |
14835720052 | Protestantism | - Generally Believed Similar Things: Faith and Scripture Were Only Way To Salvation - Disagreed About Role of Eucharist (Lutherans - Christ Was "In" The Eucharist, Zwingli - Christ Was Symbolized By Eucharistic Celebration) | 7 | |
14835720053 | German Peasant's Revolt | - Central Holy Roman Empire (1525) - Aggravated by Crop Failures in 1523 & 1524 - Over 70,000 Peasants Killed By Noble Response | ![]() | 8 |
14835720054 | Protestantism & Marraige | - Protestants Saw Marriage As A Sacred Responsibility - Did Not See Celibacy As Natural (Opposed Celibate Clergy) - Believed Women Were Subject To Men In Marital Relationships - Supported Divorce As A Means Of Fixing Extreme Marital Problems | 9 | |
14835720055 | Protestantism & Women | - Convents Were Closed By Protestants - Condemned Prostitution Due To Belief That Marriage Was The Only Pious Solution For Sexual Lust - Women's Roles Came To Be Seen As Primarily Related To Marriage | 10 | |
14835720056 | Charles V & Habsburg Rule | - Charles V (1519 - 1556) Inherited Both Spain & Territories W/in the Holy Roman Empire - Elected Holy Roman Emperor In 1519 - Oversaw Spanish Empire In New World - Strongly Catholic | ![]() | 11 |
14835720057 | Religious Wars | - Switzerland (1520s - 1530s) - German States (1546 - 1555) (Peace of Augsburg) - France (1562 - 1598) (Est 2 - 4 Million People Killed) | 12 | |
14835720058 | Peace of Augsburg | - Ended 16th Century Religious Wars In Germany (1555) - "Whose Realm, His Religion" - Resulted in Religious Refugees Throughout Germany | 13 | |
14835720059 | Habsburg-Valois Wars | - 1494 to 1559 (a.k.a. - Italian Wars) - Wars Fought Over Control Of Italian City-States - Belligerents: France, Holy Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, England, Scotland, Spain, Swiss Confederation, Saxony, and the Various Italian City-States | 14 | |
14835720060 | Henry VIII | - Tudor King - King of England Responsible for Founding of Anglican Church (1534) - Dissolved English Monasteries & Confiscated Church Land - Enforced Adoption of Anglicanism In Largely Catholic Ireland | 15 | |
14835720061 | Elizabeth I | - Henry VIII's Daughter From Anne Boleyn - Protestant But Ruled Moderately In Terms Of Religion - Oversaw English Victory Over Spanish Armada (1588) - Major Contribution Was Helping To End Large Scale Religious Disunity In England | 16 | |
14835720062 | Protestantism In Eastern Europe | - Protestant Ideas Spread Intermittently To Eastern Europe - Many Regions Resisted Protestant Influence Out Of Strong Anti-German Sentiment - Lutherans, Calvinists, & Other Groups Had Trouble Unifying In Places Like Poland (Poland Remained Strongly Catholic) | 17 | |
14835720063 | Council of Trent | - 1545 to 1563 - Called By Pope Paul III To Reform Church - Reaffirmed The 7 Sacraments - Gave Equal Validity to Scripture & Church Rulings - Tried To Improve Corruption Issues - Decreed Marriage To Be A Publicly Held Event (Ended Tradition of Secret Marriages) | 18 | |
14835720064 | Society of Jesus | - Jesuits - Founded in 1540 by Ignatius Loyola - Goal: "To Help Souls" - Special Obedience To Pope - Hierarchical - Responsible For Missionary Activity That Brought Large Parts of Europe Back To Catholicism (Also, Brazil, Japan, & Congo) | 19 | |
14835720065 | St Bartholomew's Day Massacre | - 1572 (Paris) - Sparked Wave Of Religious Wars In France - Thousands Killed | ![]() | 20 |
14835720066 | Dutch Revolts | - 1568 to 1609 - Began As An Independence Movement Against Habsburgs - Developed Into Religious War As Well (Habsburgs & Catholics vs Rebels & Protestants) - Resulted in Union of Utrecht (1581) - Independence of United Provinces (1609) | ![]() | 21 |
14835720067 | European Witchhunts | - Height of Witchhunts, Late 1500s to Mid 1600s - Centered In Germany, Switzerland, Parts of France, Eastern Europe - Did Not Develop In Spain or Italy - Est 40,000 - 60,000 People Executed (Approx 75% Women) | ![]() | 22 |
14835720068 | Edict of Nantes | - France (1598) - Issued By Henry IV - Ended The French Religious Wars - Recognized Catholicism As Official Religion of France - Gave Protection & Some Freedom of Worship to French Huguenots (French Calvinists) | 23 | |
14835720069 | Huguenots | - French Calvinists - Numbered Approx 2 Million in 1562 (Out Of A Total French Population Of Approx 19 Million) | 24 | |
14835720070 | Henry IV (Navarre) | - King of France (1589 - 1610) - Politique - Born Catholic, Raised Protestant, Confirmed Catholic After Assuming French Throne - Distrusted By Catholics (Fought War Against Catholic League) - Traitorous To Protestants - Survived 12 Assassination Attempts (Died By Assassination in 1610) - Known Posthumously As "Good King Henry" - Issued Edict of Nantes | 25 | |
14835720071 | Holy Roman Empire Troops Sack Rome | - 1527 - Part of Habsburg-Valois Wars - Troops of Holy Roman Empire Mutinied & Pillaged Rome (Charles V Could Not Control Them) - Pope Clement VII Kept Hostage During Month Long Pillage - Population of Rome Dropped From 55,000 to 10,000 Following - Approx 1,000 Guards Executed - 6,000 to 12,000 Roman Citizens Murdered - Ended The Renaissance in Rome | 26 | |
14835720072 | Thomas Cranmer | Archbishop of Canterbury who influenced King Henry and the direction of the English Ref. | 27 | |
14835720073 | Jan Hus | Bohemian critic of the church (14th century) | 28 | |
14835720074 | Erasmus | Christian Humanist who criticized the church, as well as Luther. Laid the egg that Luther hatched. | 29 | |
14835720075 | Anabaptists | Protestants who were largely hated by everyone. Believed in separation of church and state | 30 | |
14835720076 | Philip Melanchthon | Luther's colleague, a Christian Humanist who helped set up schools in newly Lutheran states | 31 | |
14835720077 | Peace of Augsburg | Ended religious wars in Holy Roman Empire. Allowed Princes to decided between Catholicism and Lutheranism (not Calvinism) | 32 | |
14835720078 | Calvinism | Protestant reform group in Netherlands, Scotland, parts of France and England (Puritans) | 33 | |
14835720079 | Two sacraments accepted by protestants | holy communion (Lord's supper) and baptism. | 34 | |
14835720080 | Issue that Luther and Zwingli fought over | communion/Holy Supper | 35 | |
14835720081 | Predestination | Idea of Calvin that said God determined who would be saved and damned at the beginning of time. | 36 | |
14835720082 | Anglicanism | church of England | 37 | |
14835720083 | Phillip II | Most Catholic of Kings. Lost the Netherlands (United Provinces) | 38 | |
14835720084 | Politiques | Leaders who put welfare of their nation above their religious concerns. Elizabeth and Henry IV are examples of this. | 39 |