AP Language Vocab Section 4 Flashcards
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7918593017 | canard | Definition: an unfounded rumor or story, "fake news" POS: N Synonyms: hoax, exaggeration, rumor, spoof, falsehood, fib, misrepresentation Antonyms: truth, verity, fact | 0 | |
7918593018 | éclat | Definition: brilliant display or effect; ostentatious display; showy display; being known for negative things POS: N Synonyms: style, confidence, dash, flair, vigor, gusto, verve, zest, sparkle, publicity, celebrity, praise, applause, publicity, Antonyms: obscurity, contempt, derision, dishonor, oblivion | 1 | |
7918593019 | élan | Definition: energy and enthusiasm POS: N Synonyms: animation, ardor, dash, impetuosity, vigor, vigorous spirit, enthusiasm, impetus, animation Antonyms: passivity, nonchalant, indifferent ` | 2 | |
7918593020 | gallivant | Definition: go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment POS: V Synonyms: jaunt, flit, run, rove, roam, wander, gad, meander, ramble, roam, stray Antonyms: stay, behave, be direct, go direct, settle, remain, perch | 3 | |
7918593021 | histrionics | Definition: (1) exaggerated dramatic behavior designed to attract attention; displays of emotion for affect POS: (1) N Synonyms: dramatics, theatrics, affectation, overacting, pretense Antonyms: undramatic | 4 | |
7918593022 | jingoism | Definition: extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy; extreme devotion to a belief or nation; extreme love of country (chauvinism) POS: N Synonyms: chauvinism, xenophobia, flag-waving, militarism, belligerence, zealotry, nationalism Antonyms: unbias, openmindedness, tolerance, compassion | 5 | |
7918593023 | lassitude | Definition: a state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy POS: N Synonyms: lethargy, weariness, languor, fatigue, torpor, apathy, tired, exhaustion Antonyms: vigor, refreshment, rejuvenation, elan, energy, might, power, strength | 6 | |
7918593024 | littoral | Definition: of, relating to, or situated on the shore of the sea or a lake or ocean POS: adj Synonyms: coast, shore, waterfront, bank, beach, seaboard Antonyms: landlocked | 7 | |
7918593025 | mores | Definition: the essential or characteristic customs and conventions of a community (group); moral values and attitudes of a group (practices of a group) POS: N Synonyms: customs, manners, principles, rituals, habits, ethic, morality, morals, etiquette, Antonyms: rudeness, purtenous | 8 | |
7918593026 | obfuscate | Definition: render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible; making something unclear; perplex or puzzle someone POS: V Synonyms: obscure, confuse, blur, muddle, complicate, muddy, befog, cloud, befuddle, bewilder, overcast, darken Antonyms: clarify, enlighten, explicate, illuminate, reveal, explain, elucidate | 9 | |
7918593027 | redolent | Definition: strongly reminiscent or suggestive of (something); giving off a specified fragrant POS: adj Synonyms: evocative, suggestive, reminiscent, aromatic, scented Antonyms: malodorous, putrid, fetid, foul | 10 | |
7918593028 | sapient | Definition: wise, or attempting to appear wise; possessing or expressing great sagacity POS: adj Synonyms: discerning, insightful, perceptive, prudent, sagacious, sage, wise, erudite Antonyms: unperceptive, unwise, dense, dull, obtuse, purblind, brainless, feebleminded, ignorant, uneducated | 11 | |
7918593029 | specious | Definition: superficially plausible, but actually wrong; appears to be true, but actually false POS: adj Synonyms: misleading, deceptive, false, fallacious, unsound, spurious, deceptive, showy, counterfactual, pretentious, apparent, inaccurate, ostensible Antonyms: accurate, correct, genuine, honest, real, right, true, truthful, valid, credible, profound | 12 | |
7918593030 | turgid | Definition: swollen and distended or congested; in a state of distension; excessively embellished in style or language POS: adj Synonyms: swollen, distended, tumescent, bloated, tumid, pompous, arrogant, bombastic, grandiloquent Antonyms: humble, modest, plain, quiet, reserved, simple | 13 | |
7918593031 | vixen | Definition: an angry and unpleasant woman; nasty, ill-tempered woman POS: N Synonyms: fury, harpy, harridan, virago, shrew, coquette, fishwife, nitpicker, amazon, scolding shrew Antonyms: ??? | 14 |