AP World History Chapter 18 Flashcards
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14058649845 | What was the principal cause of mortality aboard Atlantic slave ships? | Disease | 0 | |
14058649846 | On most islands, the percentage of slaves in the population was | 90 percent | 1 | |
14058649847 | The cultivation and production of sugar can best be described as | requiring farm as well as factory production methods. | 2 | |
14058649848 | Which maroon community first signed treaties recognizing their independent status as runaway slaves? | Jamaican | 3 | |
14058649849 | The majority of African slaves in the Islamic world were: | The majority of African slaves in the Islamic world were: | 4 | |
14058649850 | The second leg of the Atlantic Circuit, transporting slaves across the Atlantic to plantation colonies, was known as: | the Middle Passage | 5 | |
14058649851 | Most slaves died of | disease | 6 | |
14058649852 | Which area best illustrates the dramatic transformation that sugar brought to the 17th century Caribbean? | Barbados | 7 | |
14058649853 | Most slaves taken from Africa were | prisoners of war. | 8 | |
14058649854 | "Drivers" were typically | male slaves. | 9 | |
14058649855 | Generally, the Atlantic African slave trade was based on a partnership between | European and African elites. | 10 | |
14058649856 | Mercantilism is | a government policy that protects trade and demands the accumulation of gold and silver. | 11 | |
14058649857 | The expansion of sugar plantations in the West Indies required | a sharp increase in the African slave trade. | 12 | |
14058649858 | Africans who provided slaves to Europeans most often preferred to receive in return | guns and textiles | 13 | |
14058649859 | The greatest source for slaves for the Atlantic trade was from: | Angola | 14 | |
14058649860 | To reduce the risks of overseas trading, companies | bought insurance. | 15 | |
14058649861 | Which was NOT a method used to curtail African cultural traditions by European planters? | Mandatory primary education. | 16 | |
14058649862 | Both Muslims and Europeans obtained slaves from sub-Saharan Africa, but | the Islamic trade was much smaller. | 17 | |
14058649863 | Which of the following is true regarding the Atlantic slave trade? | Europeans gained far more wealth than Africans. | 18 | |
14058649864 | Sugar plantations caused environmental damage through | soil exhaustion and deforestation. | 19 | |
14058649865 | How did France and England expand their Caribbean holdings? | By attacking older Spanish colonies. | 20 | |
14058649866 | Plantation slaves were motivated to work hard | to escape punishment. | 21 | |
14058649867 | In the seventeenth-century Caribbean, indentured servants cost ____ as slaves. | half as much | 22 | |
14058649868 | Among the planter elite in Saint Domingue, where would free blacks rank in the social hierarchy? | Fourth, after free whites | 23 | |
14058649869 | Men outnumbered women on Caribbean plantations because | twice as many men were imported. | 24 | |
14058649870 | In the eighteenth century, what was the major source of slaves in the interior of the Bight of Biafra? | Kidnapped people | 25 | |
14058649871 | Although tobacco was a New World plant long used by Amerindians, | it was Europeans who began growing the crop on large plantations. | 26 | |
14058649872 | glish Navigation Acts in the 1660s were meant to | confine trade to English ships and cargoes. | 27 | |
14058649873 | The "clockwise" network of trade in the Atlantic was the | Atlantic Circuit. | 28 | |
14058649874 | Most slaves in the Islamic world were | soldiers and servants. | 29 | |
14058649875 | In the eighteenth century, West Indian plantations were controlled by a plantocracy, | a small number of rich men who owned the land and slaves. | 30 | |
14058649876 | The French plantation economies were considered "more diverse" because they also produced | coffee and cacao | 31 | |
14058649877 | During the "sugar boom" from 1650 to 1800, ____ slaves were transported. | 7.5 million | 32 | |
14058649878 | Life expectancy for nineteenth-century Brazilian male slaves was | 23 years | 33 | |
14058649879 | ring the first 150 years after the European discovery of the Americas, how many Africans were transported in the Atlantic slave trade? | 800,000 | 34 | |
14058649880 | While the British system of mercantilism was defined by the Navigation Acts, the French system used laws known as: | Exclusif | 35 | |
14058649881 | Chartered companies were | private investors with trade monopolies in colonies. | 36 | |
14058649882 | Where would slave children most likely be found working? | in "grass gangs" doing simple, lighter work. | 37 |