AP World History Chapter 16 Flashcards
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15564261351 | Forgiveness of past sins, and indulgence, might be given for any of the following reasons except | becoming a monk | 0 | |
15564261352 | Martin Luther insisted that the only way to salvation was through | faith in Jesus Christ | 1 | |
15564261353 | The movement that began with the rejection of the pope's authority was the | Protestant Reformation | 2 | |
15564261354 | To promote his ideas, Luther used | the printing press | 3 | |
15564261355 | John Calvin preached that salvation was granted by | predestination | 4 | |
15564261356 | Calvinism went further that Lutheranism in | simplifying religious rituals | 5 | |
15564261357 | In the light of the challenges to the Catholic Church, man reforms were enacted, such as | reforming the education of the clergy | 6 | |
15564261358 | Ignatius of Loyola founded the | Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) | 7 | |
15564261359 | The Protestant challenge to the church and its supporters was intense and emotional, resulting in | bitter "wars of religion" | 8 | |
15564261360 | Europeans viewed the natural world through two belief systems | folklore, including magic, and Christian and Judaic teachings | 9 | |
15564261361 | Europeans believed that when natural disasters like earthquakes occurred, the cause was | supernatural forces | 10 | |
15564261362 | Women, especially widows, were often accused of being witches because it was believed that | women who lied without male authority were susceptible to evil | 11 | |
15564261363 | The Scientific Revolution demonstrated that the workings of the universe could be explained by | natural causes | 12 | |
15564261364 | The astronomer who discovered spots on the sun and the mountains on the moon was | Galileo Galilei | 13 | |
15564261365 | The scientist who asserted that mathematical laws governed the universe was | Isaac Newton | 14 | |
15564261366 | Many religious and intellectual leaders viewed the new science with suspicion, as shown by the | condemnation | 15 | |
15564261367 | Bourgeoisie means | wealthy urban class | 16 | |
15564261368 | The Dutch East and West Indies Company gained financial supremacy in all Europe by | doing al of these | 17 | |
15564261369 | Like merchants in the Islamic world, European merchants relied on | family and ethnic networks | 18 | |
15564261370 | One of the painters who exemplified the Renaissance in northern Europe was | Bruegel | 19 | |
15564261371 | Although European peasants were free during the early modern era, | their standards of living many have declined between 1500 and 1750 | 20 | |
15564261372 | The Enlightenment in Europe was | a blending of intellectual schools of thought from many diverse areas with the idea of improving the human condition | 21 | |
15564261373 | What new crops helped the rural poor of Europe avoid starvation | potatoes and corn | 22 | |
15564261374 | As the iron industry expanded, the consumption of fuel caused | deforestation | 23 | |
15564261375 | Unlike in other parts of the world, marriage patterns in early modern Europe reflected | a freer choice of one's marriage partner instead of an arranged marriage | 24 | |
15564261376 | The Holy Roman Empire was ruled by the | Habsburgs | 25 | |
15564261377 | In 1555, by the Peace of Augsburg, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V allowed German princes to choose | Catholicism or Lutheranism | 26 | |
15564261378 | Charles V failed to unify all of Europe, but Spain, France, and England successfully unified their states by | limiting the power of the church and the nobility | 27 | |
15564261379 | To ensure that his subjects did not resist royal authority, King Philip II of Spain | used the Spanish Inquisition to suppress opposition | 28 | |
15564261380 | The Edict of Nantes was revoked in 1685 by Louis XIV, eliminating | religious freedom for French Protestants | 29 | |
15564261381 | King Henry VIII of England severed his bond with the Catholic Church when | the pope refused to grant him a papal annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon | 30 | |
15564261382 | At the end of the English Civil War, the monarch was executed and replaced by | Oliver Cromwell | 31 | |
15564261383 | The Glorious Revolution and the English Civil War both started when | the monarch refused to share power with the Parliament | 32 | |
15564261384 | How was the Versailles palace a sort of "theme park" of royal absolutism? | The gigantic palace symbolized the French monarch's triumph over the rights of the nobility | 33 | |
15564261385 | English political philosopher John Locke asserted that if the monarch | abused his or her power, the people had a duty to rebel | 34 | |
15564261386 | The wars and devastation of the early modern era in Europe resulted in | better European armies, weapons, and maneuvers | 35 | |
15564261387 | How did European rulers pay their large war expenses? | By making alliances with the rising commercial elites and protecting markets overseas | 36 | |
15564261388 | The Netherlands revolted against Spain in the 1560s and 1570s because of | the imposition of the Spanish sales tax and Catholic orthodoxy | 37 | |
15564261389 | Which of the following religious groups was not seen as "rebelling" against the absolutist authority of the monarch? | Dominicans in France | 38 |