AP Psychology AP Review Flashcards
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13873424694 | psychology | the study of behavior and mental processes | 0 | |
13873424695 | psychology's biggest question | Which is more important in determining behavior, nature or nurture? | 1 | |
13873424696 | psychology's three levels of analysis | biopsychosocial approach (looks at the biological, psychological, and social-cultural approaches together) | 2 | |
13873424697 | biological approach | genetics, close-relatives, body functions | 3 | |
13873424698 | evolutionary approach | species - helped with survival (ancestors) | 4 | |
13873424699 | psychodynamic approach | (Freud) subconscious, repressed feelings, unfulfilled wishes | 5 | |
13873424700 | behavioral approach | learning (classical and operant) observed | 6 | |
13873424701 | cognitive approach | thinking affects behavior | 7 | |
13873424702 | humanistic approach | becoming a better human (behavior, acceptance) | 8 | |
13873424703 | social-cultural approach | cultural, family, environment | 9 | |
13873424704 | why experiments are important | hindsight bias + overconfidence | 10 | |
13873424705 | types of research methods | descriptive, correlational, and experimental | 11 | |
13873424706 | descriptive methods | case study survey naturalistic observation (DON'T SHOW CAUSE/EFFECT) | 12 | |
13873424707 | case study | studies one person in depth may not be typical of population | 13 | |
13873424708 | survey | studies lots of people not in depth | 14 | |
13873424709 | naturalistic observation | observe + write facts without interference | 15 | |
13873424710 | correlational method | shows relation, but not cause/effect scatterplots show research | 16 | |
13873424711 | correlation coefficient | + 1.0 (both increase) 0 (no correlation - 1.0 (one increases, other decreases) | 17 | |
13873424712 | experimental method | does show cause and effect | 18 | |
13873424713 | population | type of people who are going to be used in experiment | 19 | |
13873424714 | sample | actual people who will be used (randomness reduces bias) | 20 | |
13873424715 | random assignment | chance selection between experimental and control groups | 21 | |
13873424716 | control group | not receiving experimental treatment receives placebo | 22 | |
13873424717 | experimental group | receiving treatment/drug | 23 | |
13873424718 | independent variable | drug/procedure/treatment | 24 | |
13873424719 | dependent variable | outcome of using the drug/treatment | 25 | |
13873424720 | confounding variable | can affect dependent variable beyond experiment's control | 26 | |
13873424721 | scientific method | theory hypothesis operational definition revision | 27 | |
13873424722 | theory | general idea being tested | 28 | |
13873424723 | hypothesis | measurable/specific | 29 | |
13873424724 | operational definition | procedures that explain components | 30 | |
13873424725 | mode | appears the most | 31 | |
13873424726 | mean | average | 32 | |
13873424727 | median | middle | 33 | |
13873424728 | range | highest - lowest | 34 | |
13873424729 | standard deviation | how scores vary around the mean | 35 | |
13873424730 | central tendency | single score that represents the whole | 36 | |
13873424731 | bell curve | (natural curve) | ![]() | 37 |
13873424732 | ethics of testing on animals | need to be treated humanly basically similar to humans | 38 | |
13873424733 | ethics of testing on humans | consent debriefing no unnecessary discomfort/pain confidentiality | 39 | |
13873424734 | sensory neurons | travel from sensory receptors to brain | 40 | |
13873424735 | motor neurons | travel from brain to "motor" workings | 41 | |
13873424736 | interneurons | (in brain and spinal cord) connecting motor and sensory neurons | 42 | |
13873424929 | neuron | ![]() | 43 | |
13873424737 | dendrites | receive messages from other neurons | 44 | |
13873424738 | myelin sheath | protects the axon | 45 | |
13873424739 | axon | where charges travel from cell body to axon terminal | 46 | |
13873424740 | neurotransmitters | chemical messengers | 47 | |
13873424741 | reuptake | extra neurotransmitters are taken back | 48 | |
13873424742 | excitatory charge | "Let's do it!" | 49 | |
13873424743 | inhibitory charge | "Let's not do it!" | 50 | |
13873424744 | central nervous system | brain and spinal cord | 51 | |
13873424745 | peripheral nervous system | somatic nervous system autonomic nervous system | 52 | |
13873424746 | somatic nervous system | voluntary movements | 53 | |
13873424747 | autonomic nervous system | involuntary movements (sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems) | 54 | |
13873424748 | sympathetic nervous system | arousing | 55 | |
13873424749 | parasympathetic nervous system | calming | 56 | |
13873424750 | neural networks | more connections form with greater use others fall away if not used | 57 | |
13873424751 | spinal cord | expressway of information bypasses brain when reflexes involved | 58 | |
13873424752 | endocrine system | slow uses hormones in the blood system | 59 | |
13873424753 | master gland | pituitary gland | 60 | |
13873424754 | brainstem | extension of the spinal cord responsible for automatic survival | 61 | |
13873424755 | reticular formation (stimulated) | sleeping subject wakes up | 62 | |
13873424756 | reticular formation (damaged) | coma | 63 | |
13873424757 | brainstem (severed) | still move (without purpose) | 64 | |
13873424758 | thalamus | sensory switchboard (does not process smell) | 65 | |
13873424759 | hypothalamus | basic behaviors (hunger, thirst, sex, blood chemistry) | 66 | |
13873424760 | cerebellum | nonverbal memory, judge time, balance emotions, coordinate movements | 67 | |
13873424761 | cerebellum (damaged) | difficulty walking and coordinating | 68 | |
13873424762 | amygdala | aggression, fear, and memory associated with these emotions | 69 | |
13873424763 | amygdala (lesioned) | subject is mellow | 70 | |
13873424764 | amygdala (stimulated) | aggressive | 71 | |
13873424765 | hippocampus | process new memory | 72 | |
13873424766 | cerebrum | two large hemispheres perceiving, thinking, and processing | 73 | |
13873424767 | cerebral cortex | only in higher life forms | 74 | |
13873424768 | association areas | integrate and interpret information | 75 | |
13873424769 | glial cells | provide nutrients to myelin sheath marks intelligence higher proportion of glial cells to neurons | 76 | |
13873424770 | frontal lobe | judgement, personality, processing (Phineas Gage accident) | 77 | |
13873424771 | parietal lobe | math and spatial reasoning | 78 | |
13873424772 | temporal lobe | audition and recognizing faces | 79 | |
13873424773 | occipital lobe | vision | 80 | |
13873424774 | corpus callosum | split in the brain to stop hyper-communication (eliminate epileptic seizures) | 81 | |
13873424775 | Wernicke's area | interprets auditory and hearing | 82 | |
13873424776 | Broca's area | speaking words | 83 | |
13873424777 | plasticity | ability to adapt if damaged | 84 | |
13873424778 | sensation | what our senses tell us | 85 | |
13873424779 | bottom-up processing | senses to brain | 86 | |
13873424780 | perception | what our brain tells us to do with that information | 87 | |
13873424781 | top-down processing | brain to senses | 88 | |
13873424782 | inattentional blindness | fail to "gorilla" because attention is elsewhere | 89 | |
13873424783 | cocktail party effect | even with tons of stimuli, we are able to pick out our name, etc. | 90 | |
13873424784 | change blindness | giving directions and person is changed and we don't notice | 91 | |
13873424785 | choice blindness | when defending the choice we make, we fail to notice choice was changed | 92 | |
13873424786 | absolute threshold | minimum stimulation needed in order to notice 50% of the time | 93 | |
13873424787 | signal detection theory | we notice what is more important to us (rather hear a baby crying) | 94 | |
13873424788 | JND (just noticeable difference) | (Weber's law) difference between different stimuli noticed in proportion | 95 | |
13873424789 | sensory adaptation | tired of noticing (Brain says, "Been there, done that. Next?" | 96 | |
13873424790 | rods | night time | 97 | |
13873424791 | cones | color | 98 | |
13873424792 | parallel processing | notice color, form, depth, movement, etc. | 99 | |
13873424793 | Trichromatic theory | 3 corresponding color receptors (RGB) | 100 | |
13873424794 | Opponent-process theory (Hering) | after image in opposite colors (RG, YB, WB) | 101 | |
13873424796 | frequency we hear most | human voice | 102 | |
13873424797 | Helmoltz (hearing) | we hear different pitches in different places in basilar membrane (high pitches) | 103 | |
13873424798 | frequency theory | impulse frequency (low pitches) | 104 | |
13873424799 | Helmholtz + frequency theory | middle pitches | 105 | |
13873424800 | Skin feels | warmth, cold, pressure, pain | 106 | |
13873424801 | gate-control theory | small fibers - pain large fibers - other senses | 107 | |
13873424802 | memory of pain | peaks and ends | 108 | |
13873424803 | smell | close to memory section (not in thalamus) | 109 | |
13873424804 | grouping | Gestalt make sense of pieces create a whole | 110 | |
13873424805 | grouping groups | proximity similarity continuity connectedness closure | 111 | |
13873424806 | make assumptions of placement | higher - farther smaller - farther blocking - closer, in front | 112 | |
13873424807 | perception | mood + motivation | 113 | |
13873424808 | consciousness | awareness of ourselves and the environment | 114 | |
13873424809 | circadian rhythm | daily biological clock and regular cycle (sleep and awake) | 115 | |
13873424810 | circadian rhythm pattern | - activated by light - light sensitive retinal proteins signal brains SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus) - pineal gland decreases melatonin | 116 | |
13873424811 | Artificial light | Affects circadian rhythm | 117 | |
13873424812 | The whole sleep cycle lasts how long? | 90 minutes | 118 | |
13873424813 | sleep stages | relaxed stage (alpha waves) stage 1 (early sleep) (hallucinations) stage 2 (sleep spindles - bursts of activity) (sleep talk) stage 3 (transition phase) (delta waves) stage 4 (delta waves) (sleepwalk/talk + wet the bed) stage 5 (REM) (sensory-rich dreams) (paradoxical sleep) | 119 | |
13873424814 | purpose of sleep | 1. recuperation - repair neurons and allow unused neural connections to wither 2. making memories 3. body growth (children sleep more) | 120 | |
13873424815 | insomnia | can't sleep | 121 | |
13873424816 | narcolepsy | fall asleep anywhere at anytime | 122 | |
13873424817 | sleep apnea | stop breathing in sleep | 123 | |
13873424818 | night terrors | prevalent in children | 124 | |
13873424819 | sleepwalking/sleeptalking | hereditary - prevalent in children | 125 | |
13873424820 | dreaming | 1. vivid bizarre intense sensory experiences 2. carry fear/survival issues - vestiges of ancestors' survival ideas 2. replay previous day's experiences/worries | 126 | |
13873424821 | purpose of dreaming | 1. physiological function - develop/preserve neural pathways 2. Freud's wish-fulfillment (manifest/latent content) 3. activation synthesis - make sense of stimulation originating in brain 4. information processing 5. cognitive development - reflective of intelligence | 127 | |
13873424823 | depressants | slows neural pathways | 128 | |
13873424824 | alcohol | ((depressant)) disrupts memory formation (REM) lowers inhibition expectancy effect | 129 | |
13873424826 | opiates | ((depressant)) pleasure reduce anxiety/pain | 130 | |
13873424827 | stimulants | hypes neural processing | 131 | |
13873424829 | caffeine | ((stimulant)) | 132 | |
13873424832 | hallucinogen | excites neural activity | 133 | |
13873424833 | ecstasy | ((hallucinogen)) reuptake is blocked affects dopamine and serotonin | 134 | |
13873424836 | learning | organism changing behavior due to experience (association of events) | 135 | |
13873424837 | types of learning | classical operant observational | 136 | |
13873424838 | classical psychologists | Pavlov and Watson | 137 | |
13873424839 | famous operant psychologist | Skinner | 138 | |
13873424840 | observational psychologists | Bandura | 139 | |
13873424841 | classical conditioning | outside stimulus | 140 | |
13873424842 | Pavlov's experiment | Step 1: US (food) -> UR (salivation) Step 2: NS (bell) -> US (food) -> UR (salivation) Later... CS (bell) -> CR (salivation) | 141 | |
13873424843 | Watson's experiment | white rat was given to Little Albert Step 1: US (noise) -> UR (cry) Step 2: NS (rat) -> US (noise) -> UR (cry) Later... CS (rat) -> CR (cry) | 142 | |
13873424844 | generalization | any small, white fluffy creature will make Albert cry now | 143 | |
13873424845 | discriminate | any large, white fluffy creature won't make Albert cry | 144 | |
13873424846 | extinction | stop "treating" with conditioned response | 145 | |
13873424847 | spontaneous recovery | bring stimulus back after a while | 146 | |
13873424848 | operant conditioning | control by organism | 147 | |
13873424849 | Skinner's experiment | operant chamber / Skinner box (lead to shaping) | 148 | |
13873424850 | shaping | get animal closer to doing what you want them to do | 149 | |
13873424851 | reinforcement | want to continue behavior (positive reinforcement: give money to do laundry) (negative reinforcement: do to avoid nagging) | 150 | |
13873424852 | punishments | want to stop behavior (positive reinforcement: smack) (negative reinforcement: take away phone) | 151 | |
13873424853 | fixed ratio | happens a certain number of times (Starbucks punch card) | 152 | |
13873424854 | variable ratio | happens an unpredictable number of times (winning the lottery) | 153 | |
13873424855 | organism must do these | fixed ratio and variable ratio | 154 | |
13873424856 | fixed interval | happens at a certain time (mailman comes to the house at 10:00 AM) | 155 | |
13873424857 | variable interval | happens at any time (receive texts from friends) | 156 | |
13873424858 | these things happen regardless | fixed interval and variable interval | 157 | |
13873424859 | Which (fixed/variable) conditions better? | variable | 158 | |
13873424860 | criticisms of Skinner | doesn't take into account intrinsic motivation | 159 | |
13873424861 | intrinsic motivation | doing something for yourself, not the reward | 160 | |
13873424862 | extrinsic motivation | doing something for reward | 161 | |
13873424864 | famous observational experiment | Bandura's Bobo doll | 162 | |
13873424865 | famous observational psychologist | Bandura | 163 | |
13873424866 | mirror neurons | "feel" what is observed happens in higher order animals | 164 | |
13873424867 | Bobo doll study | violent video games/movies desensitize us see good: do good see evil: do evil | 165 | |
13873424868 | observational learning | biological behaviors work best | 166 | |
13873424869 | habituation | get used to it -> stop reacting | 167 | |
13873424870 | examples for observational learning | lectures and reading | 168 | |
13873424871 | serotonin involved with memory | speeds the connection between neurons | 169 | |
13873424872 | LTP | ((long-term potentiation)) strengthens potential neural forming (associated with speed) | 170 | |
13873424873 | CREB | protein that can switch genes on/off with memory and connection of memories | 171 | |
13873424874 | glutamate involved with memory | neurotransmitter that enhances LTP | 172 | |
13873424875 | glucose involved with memory | released during strong emotions ((signaling important event to be remembered)) | 173 | |
13873424876 | flashbulb memory | type of memory remembered because it was an important/quick moment | 174 | |
13873424877 | amygdala (memory) | boosts activity of proteins in memory-forming areas to fight/flight | 175 | |
13873424878 | cerebellum (memory) | forms and stores implicit memories ((classical conditioning)) | 176 | |
13873424879 | hippocampus (memory) | active during sleep (forming memories) ((information "moves" after 48 hours)) | 177 | |
13873424880 | memory | learning over time contains information that can be retrieved | 178 | |
13873424881 | processing stages | encoding -> storage -> retrieval | 179 | |
13873424882 | encoding | information going in | 180 | |
13873424883 | storage | keeping information in | 181 | |
13873424884 | retrieval | taking information out | 182 | |
13873424885 | How long is sensory memory stored? | seconds | 183 | |
13873424886 | How long is short-term memory stored? | less than a minute | 184 | |
13873424887 | How many bits of information is stored in short-term memory? | 7+/-2 | 185 | |
13873424888 | How many chunks of information is stored in short-term memory? | 4 | 186 | |
13873424889 | How many seconds of words is stored in short-term memory? | 2 | 187 | |
13873424890 | short term memory goes to ______________ | working memory | 188 | |
13873424891 | working memory | make a connection and process information to mean something | 189 | |
13873424892 | working memory goes to _________________ | long-term memory | 190 | |
13873424893 | How much is stored in long-term memory? | LIMITLESS | 191 | |
13873424894 | implicit memory | naturally do | 192 | |
13873424895 | explicit memory | need to explain | 193 | |
13873424896 | automatic processing | space, time, frequency, well-learned information | 194 | |
13873424897 | effortful processing | processing that requires effort | 195 | |
13873424898 | spacing effect | spread out learning over time | 196 | |
13873424899 | serial position effect | primary/recency effect | 197 | |
13873424900 | primary effect | remember the first things in a list | 198 | |
13873424901 | recency effect | remember the last things in a list | 199 | |
13873424902 | effortful processing | 1. recency effect 2. spacing effect 3. testing effect 4. serial position effect | 200 | |
13873424903 | semantic encoding (1) meaning (2) how to | make meaning out of something --- chunk, hierarchy, or connect to you | 201 | |
13873424904 | if we can't remember a memory | 1. change memory to suit us 2. fill in the blanks with logical story | 202 | |
13873424905 | misinformation effect | not correct information | 203 | |
13873424906 | imagination inflation | imagine or visualize something that isn't real | 204 | |
13873424907 | source amnesia | what is the truth? (is it a dream, story, memory, etc.?) | 205 | |
13873424908 | priming | association (setting you up) | 206 | |
13873424909 | context | environment helps with memory | 207 | |
13873424910 | state-dependency | you may remember something if you go back to the state you were in (go back to high) | 208 | |
13873424911 | mood-congruency | emotion will bring back similar emotional memories | 209 | |
13873424912 | forgetting curve | forget after 5 days forget after 5 years | 210 | |
13873424913 | the forgetting curve was created by | Ebbinghaus | 211 | |
13873424914 | proactive interference | old information interferes with the new | 212 | |
13873424915 | retroactive interference | new information interferes with the old | 213 | |
13873424916 | children can't remember before age | 3 | 214 | |
13873424917 | Loftus | connected to abuse cases/childhood | 215 | |
13873424918 | prototypes | generalize | 216 | |
13873424919 | problem solving | trial + error algorithms heuristic (representative + availability) insight - "AHA!" | 217 | |
13873424920 | against problem solving | fixation | 218 | |
13873424921 | mental set | what has worked in the past | 219 | |
13873424922 | functional fixedness | only way to do this is with this | 220 | |
13873424923 | Chomsky (nature or nurture) | "born with language" (nature) | 221 | |
13873424924 | Skinner (nature or nurture) | language is learned (nurture) | 222 | |
13873424925 | grammar is _________ | universal | 223 | |
13873424926 | phonemes | smallest sound unit | 224 | |
13873424927 | morphemes | smallest meaning unit | 225 |