Ap Literature Allusions Flashcards
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7196027438 | Achilles heel | Person's vulnerability or fatal flaw | 0 | |
7196027439 | Adonis | A legendary handsome young man | 1 | |
7196027440 | Apollo | God who representa the sun, light,music. Also a healer and protector but can inflict plague on those who agee him | 2 | |
7198949585 | Argus-eyed | Vigilant or observant | 3 | |
7198980761 | Athena/Minerva | Goddess of wisdom, craft, and war | 4 | |
7198980762 | Atlantean | A legendary island, beautiful and prosperous | 5 | |
7198980763 | bacchanalian | Characterized by or given to drunken revelry; riotously drunken | 6 | |
7198980764 | Chimera | a thing that is hoped or wished for but in fact is illusory or impossible to achieve | 7 | |
7198980765 | Cupidity | Excessive desire for wealth | 8 | |
7198980766 | Erotic | Deals with sexual love and desire tending to arouse sexual desire | 9 | |
7198980767 | Furor | An outbreak of public anger or excitement | 10 | |
7198980768 | Gorgon | a repulsively ugly or terrifying woman | 11 | |
7198980769 | Harpy | A greedy, grasping person | 12 | |
7198980770 | Hector | To bully; a prince of Troy and killed by Achilles | 13 | |
7198980771 | Helen of Troy | Daughter of Zeus and Leda | 14 | |
7198980772 | Herculean | having enormous strength, courage, or size. | 15 | |
7198980773 | hydra-headed | A many headed serpent or monster. Cut a head off and another grows back | 16 | |
7198980774 | Junoesque | stately imposing beauty; goddess who looked after the women of Rome | 17 | |
7198980775 | Lethargy | Lack of energy | 18 | |
7198980776 | Martial | of or relating to war or soldiers | 19 | |
7198980777 | Medea | A princess of Colchis who aided Jason in taking the Golden Fleece from her father | 20 | |
7198980778 | Mercury/Hermes | The son of Zeus and the Pleiad Maia. Considered a god of transitions and boundaries | 21 | |
7198980779 | Muse | The inspirational goddesses of literature, science, and the arts | 22 | |
7201348577 | narcissism | excessive love of one's body or oneself | 23 | |
7201348578 | Nemesis | Goddess of revenge, just punishment | 24 | |
7201348579 | Neptune | The god of fresh water and the sea | 25 | |
7201348580 | Niobe | mournful woman | 26 | |
7201348581 | Odyssey | a long, adventurous voyage; a quest | 27 | |
7201348582 | Olympian | Majestic | 28 | |
7201348583 | Pandora's Box | A box that Zeus gave to pandora. Pandora opened it and all the evils of the world came out to damage mankind | 29 | |
7201348584 | Pegasus | Winged bourse that was born from Medusas head when she was killed | 30 | |
7201348585 | Phoenix | anything that is restored after suffering great destruction | 31 | |
7201348586 | plutocracy | society ruled by the wealthy | 32 | |
7201348587 | Promethean | creative and boldly original | 33 | |
7201348588 | psyche | mind; soul | 34 | |
7201348589 | Pygmalion | someone (usually a male) who tries to fashion someone into the person he desires | 35 | |
7201348590 | Sisyphean | Requiring endless effort; without result or success | 36 | |
7201348591 | Stygian | dark and forbidding | 37 | |
7201348592 | tantalize | to tease, torment by teasing | 38 | |
7201348593 | titanic | Of enormous size, strength, or power | 39 | |
7201348594 | Volcanoes | originated from Vulcan, the Roman god of fire, whose forge is said to be under mountains | 40 | |
7201348595 | Vulcanize | To treat rubber with sulfur to increase strength and elasticity | 41 | |
7201348596 | Zeus | Most powerful god of all | 42 | |
7201348597 | Brobdingnagian | gigantic, enormous, on a large scale, enlarged | 43 | |
7201348598 | Cinderella | A person or thing that is undeservedly neglected or ignored | 44 | |
7201348599 | Don Juan | Man with a reputation for seducing women | 45 | |
7201348600 | Don Quixote | Someone overly idealistic to the point of having impossible dreams | 46 | |
7201348601 | Falstaffian | full of wit and bawdy humor | 47 | |
7201348602 | Frankenstein | Brings a manlike creature to life | 48 | |
7201348603 | Friday | Close friends and constant companions | 49 | |
7201348604 | Galahad | a pure and noble man with limited ambition | 50 | |
7201348605 | Jekyll and Hyde | A person marked by dusk personality | 51 | |
7201884978 | Lilliputian | Very small; tiny; narrow minded | 52 | |
7201885968 | Lothario | a charming young man who seduces and deceives women | 53 | |
7201887721 | Pickwickian | humorous, sometimes derogatory | 54 | |
7201888873 | Pollyanna | an excessively or blindly optimistic person. | 55 | |
7201889306 | Quixotic | overly idealistic; impractical | 56 | |
7201890278 | Scrooge | a bitter and/or greedy person | 57 | |
7201892240 | Svengali | a manipulative person | 58 | |
7201893387 | Uncle Tom | Someone thought to have the timid service attitude like that of a slave to his owner | 59 | |
7201893977 | Uriah Heep | obsequiousness and false humility, gesture of rubbing his hands together | 60 | |
7201894783 | Walter Mitty | a commonplace non-adventuresome person who seeks escape from reality | 61 | |
7201895857 | Yahoo | a boorish, crass, or stupid person | 62 | |
7201897374 | Alpha and Omega | Beginning and end | 63 | |
7201897385 | Cain | a brother who kills a brother | 64 | |
7201899281 | Daniel | synonymous with courage of one who faces great danger alone with no help | 65 | |
7201901878 | David and Bathsheba | represents a big sin | 66 | |
7201902845 | Eye of the Needle | A very difficult task | 67 | |
7201903716 | Goliath | (Noun) something or someone large in size and stature; giant | 68 | |
7201904080 | Good Samaritan | person who is helpful or compassionate | 69 | |
7201904922 | Handwriting on the Wall | what the future holds | 70 | |
7201905373 | Ishmael | God hears | 71 | |
7201906853 | Jacob | Abraham's grandson | 72 | |
7201908550 | Job | he who suffers a great deal but remains faithful | 73 | |
7201910485 | Job's Comforters | "friends" who try to help by bringing blame | 74 | |
7201911761 | Jonah | one who brings bad luck | 75 | |
7201912227 | Absolom | a son who brings heartache to his father; | 76 | |
7201913248 | Judas | a traitor | 77 | |
7201914054 | King Ahab and Jezabel | Wickedness; honoring pagan gods. | 78 | |
7201918193 | Manna | a sustaining life-giving source of food | 79 | |
7201919200 | Original Sin/ The Fall | the idea that all men are innately sinful as a result of Adam and Eve's fall from the state of innocence | 80 | |
7201921047 | Pearl of Great Price | something so precious that one would devote everything to or give up everything for it | 81 | |
7201924211 | Philistine | a person who is guided by materialism and is disdainful of intellectual or artistic values | 82 | |
7201925038 | Prodigal Son | a wasteful son who disappoints his father | 83 | |
7201925837 | Ruth and Naomi | paragons of love between in-laws; faithful friends | 84 | |
7201927389 | Samson and Delilah | treacherous love story | 85 | |
7201928099 | Scapegoat | a person or thing carrying the blame for others | 86 | |
7201930278 | Sodom and Gomorrah | Place of wickedness and sin | 87 | |
7201930651 | Solomon | an extremely wise person | 88 | |
7201932518 | Twelve Tribes of Israel | The name for the descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob | 89 | |
7201932855 | Attila | barbarian, rough leader | 90 | |
7201935123 | Bloomer | undergarment for dance or active war | 91 | |
7201936420 | casanova | a seductive, often promiscuous man | 92 | |
7201937291 | El Dorado | a place of reputed wealth | 93 | |
7201937957 | Hackney | Adj. used so often as to lack freshness or originality | 94 | |
7201938587 | Horatio Alger | Writer of novels stressing rags to riches stories of boys | 95 | |
7201940271 | Machiavellian | crafty; double-dealing | 96 | |
7201939836 | McCarthyism | The act of accusing people of disloyalty and communism | 97 | |
7201942238 | Shanghai | to cheat or steal | 98 | |
7201943215 | Spartan | simple, self-disciplined | 99 | |
7201945308 | Stonewall | Hinder or obstruct by evasive, delaying tactics | 100 | |
7201945990 | Swiftian | satirical | 101 | |
7201947242 | Thespian | Pertaining to drama or acting | 102 | |
7201947892 | Waterloo | A decisive or final defeat or setback; Belgian 1816, source of Napoleon's last defeat | 103 | |
7201949227 | Uncle Sam | Government of people of the United States | 104 | |
7201949942 | Utopia | an ideal society | 105 | |
7201950838 | Wagnerian | loud, harsh | 106 |