AP Spanish Appendix C Flashcards
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14497432948 | ¡Claro! | Of course! | 0 | |
14497432949 | ¡Claro que sí! | Of course! | 1 | |
14497432950 | ¡Cómo no! | Of course! | 2 | |
14497432951 | ¡Con mucho gusto! | It will be a pleasure! | 3 | |
14497432952 | ¡Desde luego! | Of course! | 4 | |
14497432953 | ¡Por supuesto! | Of course! | 5 | |
14497432954 | ¡De ninguna manera! | No way! | 6 | |
14497432955 | lo siento, pero | I am sorry, but | 7 | |
14497432956 | no voy a poder | I am not going to be able to | 8 | |
14497432957 | ye tengo planes | I already have plans | 9 | |
14497432958 | como quieras | Whatever you say | 10 | |
14497432959 | (me) da igual | it makes no difference (to me) / it's all the same (to me) | 11 | |
14497432960 | (me) da lo mismo | it makes no difference (to me) / it's all the same (to me) | 12 | |
14497432961 | no (me) importa | It doesn't matter (to me) | 13 | |
14497432962 | Creo que sí | i believe so | 14 | |
14497432963 | (Estoy) de acuerdo | i agree | 15 | |
14497432964 | en efecto | yes, indeed | 16 | |
14497432965 | es verdad | it is true. it is so | 17 | |
14497432966 | eso es | that's it | 18 | |
14497432967 | no cabe duda | there's no room for doubt | 19 | |
14497432968 | por supuesto que si | Agreed. Of course. | 20 | |
14497432969 | Tienes razón | you are right | 21 | |
14497432970 | ¡Claro que no! | of course not! | 22 | |
14497432971 | de ninguna manera | no way | 23 | |
14497432972 | estás equivocado(a) | you are wrong | 24 | |
14497432973 | ni hablar | no way | 25 | |
14497432974 | ¡Ni lo sueñes! | Don't even think about it! | 26 | |
14497432975 | No estoy de acuerdo | I do not agree | 27 | |
14497432976 | No puede ser | It is impossible (can't be done). | 28 | |
14497432977 | ¡Por supuesto que no! | Of course not! | 29 | |
14497432978 | ¡Qué va! | No way! | 30 | |
14497432979 | ¿De verdad? | Is that true? | 31 | |
14497432980 | ¿En serio? | seriously? | 32 | |
14497432981 | ¡Figúrate! | Imagine! | 33 | |
14497432982 | Lo dudo | I doubt it | 34 | |
14497432983 | ¡Mentira! | You are kidding me! | 35 | |
14497432984 | ¡No lo puedo creer! | I can't believe it! | 36 | |
14497432985 | ¡No me digas! | You don't say! | 37 | |
14497432986 | Parece mentira | It's hard to believe | 38 | |
14497432987 | ¡Qué bárbaro! | I can't believe it! | 39 | |
14497432988 | ¡Qué raro! | That's odd/weird! | 40 | |
14497432989 | ¿Has pensado que...? | Have you thought about...? | 41 | |
14497432990 | ¿No te parece que...? | Don't you think that...? | 42 | |
14497432991 | ¿Por qué no consideras...? | Why don't you consider...? | 43 | |
14497432992 | ¿Qué te parece si...? | What do you think if...? | 44 | |
14497432993 | Sería mejor que... | It would be better that... | 45 | |
14497432994 | A mí me parece que... | it seems to me that | 46 | |
14497432995 | Después de pensarlo, yo... | After thinking about it, I... | 47 | |
14497432996 | Para mí | for me | 48 | |
14497432997 | Personalmente, yo prefiero... | Personally, I prefer... | 49 | |
14497432998 | Estoy un poco confundido(a) | I am a little confused | 50 | |
14497432999 | No estoy seguro(a) de lo que dijiste, pero... | I am not sure what you said, but... | 51 | |
14497433000 | ¡Eso es el colmo! | That is the last straw! | 52 | |
14497433001 | ¡Ni lo sueñes! | Don't even think about it! | 53 | |
14497433002 | ¡No es posible! | It can't be! | 54 | |
14497433003 | ¡No puedo más! | I can't take it anymore! | 55 | |
14497433004 | ¡Qué barbaridad! | Good grief! | 56 | |
14497433005 | ¡Qué horror! | That's terrible! | 57 | |
14497433006 | ¡Cuánto lo siento! | I am so sorry! | 58 | |
14497433007 | ¡Qué lástima! | What a shame! | 59 | |
14497433008 | ¡Qué pena! | What a pity! | 60 | |
14497433009 | ¿Qué te parece si...? | What do you think if...? | 61 | |
14497433010 | Y tú, ¿qué piensas? | And what do you think? | 62 | |
14497433011 | Como | As | 63 | |
14497433012 | por esa razón | for that reason | 64 | |
14497433013 | Por lo tanto | therefore | 65 | |
14497433014 | ya que | because | 66 | |
14497433015 | Está bien | O.K., It's all right. | 67 | |
14497433016 | No hay más remedio | There is no other solution | 68 | |
14497433017 | ¿En serio? | Seriously? | 69 | |
14497433018 | Lo dudo | I doubt it | 70 | |
14497433019 | Parece mentira | It's hard to believe | 71 | |
14497433020 | Lo siento | I'm sorry | 72 | |
14497433021 | ¡Qué lástima! | What a pity! | 73 | |
14497433022 | ¡Qué pena! | What a pity! | 74 | |
14497433023 | Eso no vale | That's not fair | 75 | |
14497433024 | No puedo más | I can't stand it anymore | 76 | |
14497433025 | Creo (Pienso) que... | I think that | 77 | |
14497433026 | (Me) Parece que | it seems (to me) that | 78 | |
14497433027 | que yo sepa | as far as I know | 79 | |
14497433028 | Debe de ser... | It is probably... | 80 | |
14497433029 | es probable que | it's likely that | 81 | |
14497433030 | A mí me parece que... | it seems to me that | 82 | |
14497433031 | en otras palabras | in other words | 83 | |
14497433032 | es decir | that is to say | 84 | |
14497433033 | es que | The fact is (that)... | 85 | |
14497433034 | O sea | that is to say | 86 | |
14497433035 | ¿Qué crees (piensas) tú? | What do you think? | 87 | |
14497433036 | ¿Qué harías tú? | What would you do? | 88 | |
14497433037 | ¿Qué te parece? | How do you like it? What about it? What do you think of...? | 89 | |
14497433038 | ¿Te importa? | Do you mind? | 90 | |
14497433039 | ¿Te parece bien? | Do you like the suggestion? | 91 | |
14497433040 | ¿No crees que...? | Don't you think that...? | 92 | |
14497433041 | Propongo que | I propose that... | 93 | |
14497433042 | Sería mejor... | it would be better to | 94 | |
14497433043 | Sugiero que | I suggest that | 95 | |
14497433044 | ¿Me permites (dejas)...? | May I...? | 96 | |
14497433045 | ¿Se puede? | May I...? | 97 | |
14497433046 | ¿Te molesta que...? | Do you mind if...? | 98 |