AP Vocabulary Lesson 25 Flashcards
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12272846036 | arcane | secret, mysterious | 0 | |
12272846037 | artifacts | simple objects showing human workmanship | 1 | |
12272846038 | atone | to make amends | 2 | |
12272846039 | callow | immature, inexperienced | 3 | |
12272846040 | clamor | loud noise or shouting | 4 | |
12272846041 | countenance | to condone or to give approval | 5 | |
12272846042 | dilettante | an aimless and superficial follower of the arts, a dabbler | 6 | |
12272846043 | foreboding | premonition of evil, an ominous omen | 7 | |
12272846044 | hack | one who forfeits professional integrity in exchange for money or reward | 8 | |
12272846045 | impede | to interfere with or to obstruct the progress | 9 | |
12272846046 | indubitable | not open to question or doubt | 10 | |
12272846047 | invective | critical or abusive language; violent abuse | 11 | |
12272846048 | philanthropist | one who tries to do good for mankind; lover of mankind | 12 | |
12272846049 | precursor | something that comes before, forerunner | 13 | |
12272846050 | relish | to take great pleasure or delight in | 14 | |
12272846051 | rhetoric | the art of using words effectively in speaking or writing; inflated language | 15 | |
12272846052 | rigor | strictness, severity | 16 | |
12272846053 | somnambulist | a sleepwalker | 17 | |
12272846054 | stymie | to block, to present an obstacle | 18 | |
12272846055 | tepid | moderately warm; lacking in passion, force, or animation | 19 | |
12272846056 | unkempt | disheveled in appearance | 20 | |
12272846057 | vacuous | lacking content; marked by a lack of intelligence | 21 | |
12272846058 | variegated | changed in appearance by using or applying different colors | 22 | |
12272846059 | vehement | forcefully expressing emotion or conviction | 23 | |
12272846060 | zealot | one who embraces a cause and supports it with vigor | 24 |