AP Literature Tone Vocabulary Flashcards
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8614974391 | Acculturated | (adj) adopted to or borrowing traits from another culture, assimilate or cause to assimilate a different culture, typically the dominant one | 0 | |
8614975640 | Aesthetically pleasing | (adj) pleasing to the senses (pleasing to artistic sensibilites) | 1 | |
8614975641 | Alliance | (n) a merging of efforts or interests by persons, families, states or organizations | 2 | |
8614976494 | Altruistic | (adj) unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others | 3 | |
8614980623 | Ambivalence | (n) the state of having mixed or contradictory ideas about something or someone (not to be confused with apathy) | 4 | |
8614980624 | Amoral | (adj) without morals | 5 | |
8614981510 | Antithesis | (n) the direct opposite | 6 | |
8614981511 | Bathos | (n) an effect of anticlimax (disappointing end to exciting series of events) created by an unintentional lapse in mood from the sublime to the trivial or ridiculous | 7 | |
8614983602 | Belligerence | (n) aggressive or warlike behavior | 8 | |
8614985087 | Bleak | (adj) not hopeful or encouraging; unlikely to have a favorable outcome | 9 | |
8614985171 | Calculating | (adj) acting in a scheming and ruthlessly determined way | 10 | |
8614986601 | Caustic | (adj) sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way | 11 | |
8614988096 | Chagrin | (n) distress or embarrassment at having failed or been humiliated | 12 | |
8614993811 | Clamorous | (adj) expressing or characterized by vehement protests or demands | 13 | |
8614994685 | Condescension | (n) an attitude of patronizing superiority; disdain | 14 | |
8614995877 | Conviction | (n) a firmly held belief or opinion | 15 | |
8614996921 | Cynicism | (n) an inclination to believe that people are motivated by self-interest; skepticism | 16 | |
8614996922 | Demeaning | (adj) causing someone to lose their dignity of and respect for others | 17 | |
8614998374 | Derisive | (adj) expressing contempt or ridicule | 18 | |
8614998375 | Didactic | (adj) making moral observations, designed to teach, intended to convey instruction and information | 19 | |
8615003089 | Disdain | (n) the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt | 20 | |
8615007647 | Disillusioned | (adj) disappointed in someone or something that one discovers to be less good than one had believed | 21 | |
8615009407 | Disjointed | (adj) lacking a coherent sequence or connection | 22 | |
8615009408 | Effusive | (adj) expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner | 23 | |
8615011212 | Epiphany | (n) a moment of sudden realization or insight | 24 | |
8615033518 | Extroverted | (adj) outgoing and socially confident | 25 | |
8615033531 | Fastidious | (adj) very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail | 26 | |
8615035101 | Felicity | (n) intense happiness | 27 | |
8615035102 | Fervent | (adj) having or displaying a passionate intensity | 28 | |
8615038585 | Flippant | (adj) not showing a serious or respectful attitude | 29 | |
8615040672 | Foreboding | (adj) implying or seeming to imply that something bad is going to happen | 30 | |
8615040673 | Grimness | (adj) forbidding or uninviting | 31 | |
8615042401 | Impish | (adj) inclined to do naughty things for fun, mischievous | 32 | |
8615042402 | Inept | (adj) having or showing no skill; clumsy | 33 | |
8615045779 | Intimate | (adj) closely acquainted familiar, close; private and personal | 34 | |
8615045780 | Laxity | (n) lacking strictness or care | 35 | |
8615051913 | Levity | (n) humor or frivolity especially with the treatment of a serious matter or to be lacking due respect | 36 | |
8615336083 | Loathing | (n) a feeling of intense dislike or disgust; hatred | 37 | |
8615337551 | Lustrous | (adj) having luster; shining | 38 | |
8615337552 | Maudlin | (adj) self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental, often through drunkenness | 39 | |
8615339575 | Melancholy | (adj) sad and pensive; having a feeling of melancholy | 40 | |
8615340645 | Mocking | (adj) making fun of someone or something in a cruel way; derisive | 41 | |
8615345285 | Morbid | (adj) characterized by or appealing to an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease | 42 | |
8615345286 | Naive | (adj) showing lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment | 43 | |
8615348535 | Nostalgic | (adj) showing a sentimental or wistful yearning for the happiness felt in a former place, time, or situation | 44 | |
8615351928 | Obsolete | (adj) out of date or no longer used or produced | 45 | |
8615354323 | Ominous | (adj) giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening; inauspicious | 46 | |
8615360646 | Opportunism | (n) the taking of opportunities as when they arise, regardless of planning or principle | 47 | |
8615362262 | Pedantic | (adj) ostentatious in one's learning | 48 | |
8615369648 | Perceptive | (adj) having or showing sensitive insight | 49 | |
8615371146 | Petulance | (n) the quality of being childishly sulky or bad-tempered | 50 | |
8615372261 | Pious | (adj) devoutly religious | 51 | |
8615373132 | Poignant | (adj) evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret | 52 | |
8615383118 | Pompous | (adj) affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important | 53 | |
8615388320 | Pragmatic | (adj) dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical instead of theoretical considerations | 54 | |
8615390216 | Quixotic | (adj) exceedingly idealistic, unrealistic and impractical | 55 | |
8615390896 | Rationalization | (n) the action of attempting to explain or justify behavior or an attitude with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate | 56 | |
8615391774 | Reciprocal | (adj) given, felt, or done in return | 57 | |
8615392548 | Remote | (n) unlikely to occur | 58 | |
8615392562 | Reproach | (n) an expression of disapproval or disappointment | 59 | |
8615394274 | Reproof | (n) an expression of blame or disapproval | 60 | |
8615395843 | Resentment | (n) bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly | 61 | |
8615395844 | Resignation | (n) the acceptance of something undesirable but inevitable | 62 | |
8615401607 | Sardonic | (adj) grimly mocking or cynical, bitterly sarcastic | 63 | |
8615405725 | Scornful | (adj) feeling or expressing extreme contempt or derision | 64 | |
8615435675 | Seductive | (adj) tempting and attractive; enticing | 65 | |
8615438521 | Serendipitous | (adj) occurring or discovered by chance in a happy or beneficial way | 66 | |
8615441406 | Transgression | (n) an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offense | 67 | |
8615448139 | Trendy | (adj) very fashionable or up to date in style or influence | 68 | |
8615448599 | Trepidation | (n) a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen | 69 | |
8615449837 | Unadulterated | (adj) pure, not mixed or diluted with any different or extra elements; complete and absolute | 70 | |
8615449838 | Unfathomable | (adj) incapable of being fully explored or understood | 71 | |
8615450863 | Uninhibited | (adj) expressing one's feelings or thoughts unselfconsciously and without restraint | 72 | |
8615454515 | Unyielding | (adj) unlikely to be swayed; resolute | 73 | |
8615455087 | Vain | (adj) having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance, abilities or worth | 74 | |
8615455935 | Vindictive | (adj) having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge | 75 | |
8615458014 | Whimsical | (adj) playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way | 76 | |
8615461844 | Wistful | (adj) having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing | 77 | |
9227740056 | Willy | (adj) skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully | 78 | |
9227755462 | Witty | (adj) showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor | 79 |