Unit 4, AP World History Flashcards
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16142421833 | Akbar I | Theme: GOV Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 1542-1605 Location: South Asia- Purple Facts (2): Created The Divine Faith Mughul Empire | 0 | |
16142422567 | Amerindian | Theme: CDI Social- orange Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: travelled from Asia to North America around 30,000-12,000 years ago on land bridge Location: North America- Black Latin America- Grey Facts (2): member of indigenous people of the Americans pre-columbian people of north, central, and south america | 1 | |
16142423690 | Ashanti Empire | Theme: GOV Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: late 17th century - current? Location: Africa- Yellow Facts (2): Akan Empire Modern Day Ghana supplied slaves to British and Dutch traders on the coast | 2 | |
16142427478 | Atlantic system | Theme: ECN Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 16th - 19th century Location: Europe- Red Africa- Yellow North America- Black Latin America- Grey Facts (2): Trade network that allowed movement of goods, people, cultures, etc. across the Atlantic Ocean Basin known as the triangular trade? | 3 | |
16142429925 | Babur | Theme: GOV Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Date: 1483-1530 Location: South Asia- Purple Facts (2): First Emperor of the Mughul Empire Grandson was Akbar | 4 | |
16142431357 | British Empire | Theme: GOV Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 12th century/1490s/1600s (beginning date disputed) - 1960s (most colonies independently ruling themselves) Location: Oceania- Blue Europe- Red North America- Black (13 colonies) South Asia- Purple Facts (2): large maritime power during 1450-1750 set up many trading posts and slave labor sites | 5 | |
16142435302 | caravel | Theme: TEC Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 15th - 17th century Location: Europe- Red Facts (2): small ship used by Portuguese use lateen sail (maritime technology) | 6 | |
16142436330 | Carrack | Theme: TEC Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 14th - 17th century Location: Europe- Red Facts (2):Ship used square and lateen sails use by merchant ships of Mediterranean powers. Precursor of the galleon. | 7 | |
16142437473 | cash crops | Theme: ECN Economic- blue Date: 17th century - current? Location: Europe- Red Africa- Yellow North America- Black Latin America- Grey Facts (2): Crops grown for commercial value rather than for use by the farmer. Sugar and tobacco (cash crops). | 8 | |
16142443046 | Catholic Reformation | Theme: CDI Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Date: 1545 - end of 16th century Location: Europe- Red Facts (2): Reformation by Roman Catholicism to counter growth of Protestantism Followed after the spread of Protestantism | 9 | |
16142444623 | Charter Company | Theme: ECN Political- red Economic- blue Date: second half of 16th century (greatest increase in chartered company use) - current (some of the oldest ones still exist ex. Hudson's Bay Company) Location: Europe- Red Facts (2): group formed by investors and stockholders for trade, exploration, and colonization The East India Trading Company was a charter company | 10 | |
16142445609 | Chattel Slavery | Theme: ECN Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 1619 - 1865 Location: Africa- Yellow North America- Black Latin America- Grey Facts (2): also known as traditional slavery chattel = personal property people are treated as personal property of the owner and are bought and sold. | 11 | |
16142448233 | Civil Service Exam | Theme: SIO Cultural- yellow Social- orange Political- red Date: 581 CE - 1905 CE Location: East Asia- Orange Facts (2): Chinese system used to appoint the most studious and learned people as bureaucrats supported Confucian ideology and classics | 12 | |
16142449405 | Columbian Exchange | Theme: ECN Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 1492 (Columbus discovery) - late 1700s Location: Europe- Red Africa- Yellow North America- Black Latin America- Grey Facts (2): also known as Columbian Interchange transfer of plants, animals, cultures, and human populations between the New and Old world (Americas, Europe, and West Africa) | 13 | |
16142451492 | Cossacks | Theme: SIO Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Date: 14/15th century - current Location: Europe- Red? (Russia) Facts (2): people of Russian empire that lived outside of the farming villages they led conquest of Siberia in 16th and 17th centuries | 14 | |
16142452469 | creole | Theme: SIO Location: North America- Black Latin America- Grey Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Date: especially 18th century Facts (2): any person from African/European (often France/Spanish) descent who has been born in the West Indies/Carribean term varies from region to region (in Spanish colonial America) they were legally equal to Spaniards, but were discriminated against | 15 | |
16142453789 | daimyo | Theme: GOV Location: East Asia- Orange Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Date: ended in 1868 Facts (2): Feudal lords in Japan Samurai worked for them Vassals for shoguns | 16 | |
16142456397 | devshirme | Theme: SIO Central Asia- Brown Middle East- Pink Europe- Red Africa- Yellow Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Date: late 14th century Facts (2): Christian boys were recruited to be serve the Ottoman Empire Janissaries were a part of them | 17 | |
16142457697 | divine right | Theme: GOV Southeast Asia- Green East Asia- Orange South Asia- Purple Europe- Red Africa- Yellow Middle East- Pink- Mesopotamia (precursor to divine right) Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Date: in europe from 16th to 18th centuries Facts (2): idea that a divine figure gives a monarch the right to rule has been used throughout history Emerged in Europe in high middle ages/renaissance times King is not subject to church or people; only God | 18 | |
16142457698 | Dutch Empire | Theme: SIO Oceania- Blue Southeast Asia- Green East Asia- Orange South Asia- Purple Europe- Red Africa- Yellow North America- Black Latin America- Grey Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: Location: Facts (2): A joint stock company they made was called the VOC (The Dutch East India Company) They were from the Netherlands | 19 | |
16142460601 | encomienda | Theme: ECN Europe- Red North America- Black Latin America- Grey Oceania- Blue Social- orange Political- red Economic- blue Date: legally defined in 1503 (in Americas) Facts (2): Use by Spanish conquistadors first on the Moorish people in the reconquista, then in the Caribbean, then in Mexico and Peru Forced natives work and give tribute in exchange for "help" Also used in the Philippines in 1570 | 20 | |
16142465566 | English Civil War | Theme: GOV Europe- Red Social- orange Political- red Economic- blue Date: 1642-1651 Facts (2): over how England was governed A series of political machinations and civil wars between Parliamentarians ("Roundheads") and Royalists ("Cavaliers") | 21 | |
16142466126 | European nobility | Theme: SIO Europe- Red Social- orange Political- red Economic- blue Date: originated in Middle ages with the feudal system Facts (2): Consisted of someone who held land under vassalage in exchange of military services to a nobleman or monarch Generally very wealthy | 22 | |
16142470053 | Ferdinand Magellan | Theme: CDI Oceania- Blue Southeast Asia- Green Europe- Red Latin America- Grey Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 1480-1521 Facts (2): started circumnavigation Juan Sebastian Elcano completed the circumnavigation because Magellan died in the Philippines Portugues explorer who organized a Spanish expedition that resulted in circumnavigation | 23 | |
16142470602 | fluyt | Theme: ECN Europe- Red Political- red Economic- blue Date: 17th century Facts (2): Dutch cargo vessel designed to carry as much cargo as possible | 24 | |
16142472293 | Manchu | Theme: GOV Southeast Asia- Green East Asia- Orange Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: Qing Dynasty from 1636-1912 Facts (2): From steppes Made Qing dynasty in china Treated Chinese as inferior people | 25 | |
16142473389 | French Empire aka the First French Empire | Theme: GOV Europe- Red Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 1804-1815 Facts (2): Rule of Napoleon the I and II Napoleonic Wars occurred House of Bourbon succeed the First French Empire Second Frech empire started with the rule of Napoleon III (1852-1870) | 26 | |
16142488874 | hacienda | Theme: ECN North America- Black Latin America- Grey Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: Survived until late 20th century Facts (2): Large estates used for the production of foodstuff and crafts In mexico and peru because of the Spainsih conquistadors needed laborers so they used encomienda and debt peonage | 27 | |
16142488873 | gentry | Theme: SIO Europe- Red Social- orange Cultural- yellow Date: started in 14th century Facts (2): "well born" people (specifically in the UK) One step below nobility | 28 | |
16142492203 | human sacrifice | Theme: CDI East Asia- Orange Middle East- Pink Africa- Yellow North America- Black Latin America- Grey Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Date: Aztecs started it at around 15th century Location: Facts (2): Many cultures did it but the Aztecs and Inca we most prominent Aztecs and Incas (mainly Aztecs) did this to please their gods and the sacrifices were often prisoners | 29 | |
16142494564 | Humanists | Theme: CDI, SIO Location: Europe-red Social- orange Cultural- yellow Date: 1304 Facts (2): They revived Greek and Roman styles as well as studying them. They believed human nature was good and focuses on human values and morals. It was a big part of the renaissance especially in their art | 30 | |
16142499833 | Indentured Servitude | Theme: SIO, ECN Location- North America- Black Social- orange Interactions- green Economic- blue Date: 1607 Facts (2): This was when a person would contract a certain amount of time to work for a person and at the end of the time freedom was given It first started in the settlement Jamestown by the Virginia Company as a need for cheap labor | 31 | |
16142505866 | John Locke | Theme: TEC Location: Europe- Red Social- orange Date: 1632- 1704 Facts (2): he was a philosopher, academic, and medical researcher He wrote, Essay Concerning Human Understanding and looked to understand the human mind.He helped greatly to start the scientific revolution and liberalism | 32 | |
16142499836 | indulgences | Theme: CDI Location: Europe- Red Social- orange Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date:1095-1567 Facts (2): It was a thing in the catholic church were you could bye salvation by paying money for your sins It first started in the crusades and those who went to the crusades were saved and those who couldn't would pay money to be saved. later the money was used in the church to rebuild things like the St. Peter's Basilica in Rome | 33 | |
16142505311 | Janissaries | Theme: SIO Location: Middle East- Pink Europe- Red Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Date: 1363- 1826 Facts (2): They built up the Ottoman empire's infantry and were the first modern standing army in Europe. The soldiers were built up of christian captives that were forced to convert to Islam but they were treated well and trusted by the sultan. | 34 | |
16142507846 | joint-stock company | Theme: ECN Location: Europe- Red North America- Black Latin America- Grey Political- red Interactions- green Economic- blue Date: 1606 Facts (2): Joint stock companies are still used today and are where someone invests money into your company and then gets some of your profit. This was very helpful in colonizing the new world because without it leaders were very unwilling to give money to colonize | 35 | |
16142509614 | Kabuki | Theme: CDI Location: East Asia- Orange Social- orange Cultural- yellow Date: 1603 Facts (2): This was a new style of theatrical drama in Japan were the actors would often address the audience and the audience would leave and go at anytime and even shout out actors names It started as women dancing but soon women were banned from it and it became only a male thing. | 36 | |
16142514534 | Little Ice Age | Theme: ENV Location: Primarily North Hemisphere also other places Oceania- Blue East Asia- Orange Europe- Red North America- Black Latin America- Grey Political- red Interactions- green Economic- blue Date: 1300-1850 Facts (2): Volcanic eruptions caused many chilled summers. 1.great famine --> lowered immune systems of humans --> allowed rats to flourish and the balck plague. 2. cold dry weather in China -->people unable to pay taxes --> Manchurian invaders. 3. balmed witches on the weather -->witch hunts. 4.civil discontent → 13 yr war. | 37 | |
16142517862 | Louis XIV | Theme: GOV Location: Europe- Red Political- red Economic- blue Date:1638-1715 Facts (2): He was the longest ruling king of France (and longest in know in Europe) He brought France to its peak by centralizing his power and declaring divine right to rule. He also expanded the kingdom. | 38 | |
16142518903 | Mancus | Theme: ECN Location:Europe- Red Economic- blue Date: 9th-11th centuries Facts (2): It was a gold coin weighing 4.25g worth 30 silver pence and were very valuable They were one of the few coins known from that time. | 39 | |
16142519655 | Maria Theresa | Theme: GOV Location:(Austria) Europe- Red Political- red Interactions- green Economic- blue Date: 1717-1780 Facts (2): She succeeded to the Habsburg throne only because her father reformed the law keeping daughters from inheriting the throne She made reforms that improved public health, and unified state and tax and improved education and military. | 40 | |
16142520594 | Martin Luther | Theme: CDI Location: Europe- Red Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Date: 1483-1546 Facts (2): He was the start of the Prodestant reforms. He wrote the 95 theses which was the list of 95 things he did not like about the Catholic church. | 41 | |
16142521934 | Mausolea | Theme: CDI Location:Found through out the whole world Oceania- BlueSoutheast Asia- GreenEast Asia- OrangeSouth Asia- PurpleCentral Asia- BrownMiddle East- PinkEurope- RedAfrica- YellowNorth America- BlackLatin America- Grey Social- orange Cultural- yellow Date: 350 BC Facts (2): It was a building that housed a tomb or tombs. It was a way to remember and honor the dead | 42 | |
16142523449 | Mehmed the Conqueror (Mehmed II) | Theme: GOV Location:Middle East- Pink Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date:1432-1481 Facts (2): He was a major expander for the Ottomans by using Janissaries to take over the city Constanipole and turn it into his capital, Istanbul. He also expanded into the Balkans. he transformed the Hagia Sophia into a mosque. he also made the codes of Mehmed the 2. | 43 | |
16142524972 | mercantilism | Theme: ECN Location: Europe- Red North America- Black Latin America- Grey Political- red Interactions- green Economic- blue Date: 16th-19th centuries Facts (2): This was getting profit from your trade and making it commercialism. it was controlled by the government and had to start through the government. They used tariffs and would increase exports to get valuable goods. idea that there was only a certain amount of money available→ made everyone want to get it | 44 | |
16146541441 | Mestizo | Theme: SIO Southeast Asia- Green North America- Black Latin America- Grey Social- orange Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Date: 16-17th century Location: Mexico and Peru Facts (2): People of mixed race between Indians and Spaniards in the new colonial societies.They were looked down upon my Spaniards as illegitimate. Mestizos were in the middle of Spain's colonial hierarchies, below creoles and above indigenous people. | 45 | |
16146551021 | miniature paintings | Theme: ECN South Asia- Purple Middle East- Pink Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 16th- mid-19th century Facts (2): Small paintings of mainly religious figures They were less expensive than regular paintings and were affordable by the middle and working castes for decoration | 46 | |
16146544047 | Millet System | Theme: ECN Middle East- Pink Europe- Red Africa- Yellow Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Date: 1300-1923 Location: Ottoman Empire Facts (2): Their way of organizing/ working with religious minorities. Millet's let their own laws and managed their own taxes in exchange for being loyal to the ottoman empire. (any dispute with a Muslim fell under their sharia-based law, but other crimes were under their own jurisdiction) | 47 | |
16146555272 | monopoly | Theme: ECN, GOV Oceania- Blue Southeast Asia- Green East Asia- Orange South Asia- Purple Central Asia- Brown Middle East- Pink Europe- Red Africa- Yellow North America- Black Latin America- Grey Social- orange Political- red Economic- blue Date: in US Congress enacted it in 1890 when monopolies were trusts. Location: Facts (2): Corporations that gain complete control of the production of a good/service. An absence of competition. Done by the Portuguese as well as ruling empires to gain money | 48 | |
16146557400 | Mughal Empire | Theme: GOV South Asia- Purple Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 1526-mid 19th century Location: India and Pakistan Facts (2): An Islamic imperial power that ruled a large portion of Indian subcontinent after it invaded Hindustan It was established by Babur, and the high point was under the rule of Akbar | 49 | |
16146568380 | Omani-European rivalry | Theme: ECN Southeast Asia- Green East Asia- Orange South Asia- Purple Middle East- Pink Europe- Red Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Economic- blue Date: 17th-18th century Location: Indian Ocean Facts (2): Rivalry between the Europeans and Omani in over dominance in the Indian Ocean Trade, leading to wars Both wanted to have exclusive rights to supply/ transfer goods from east to west. | 50 | |
16146570778 | Ottoman Empire | Theme: GOV Central Asia- Brown Middle East- Pink Europe- Red Africa- Yellow Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 1299-1922 Facts (2): Seized constantinople with gunpowder and changed the name to istanbul (suleyman the great) Islamic Sunni empire | 51 | |
16146563572 | mulatto | Theme: SIO Europe- Red Africa- Yellow North America- Black Latin America- Grey Social- orange Cultural- yellow Date: 16th century Location: Spanish and Portuguese colonies Facts (2): A person with mixed heritage of one black parent and one white parent. They were below mestizos in Spain's colonial hierarchy. | 52 | |
16146574478 | Ottoman-Safavid conflict | Theme: CDI Central Asia- Brown Middle East- Pink Europe- Red Africa- Yellow Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 1623-1693 Location: Ottoman and Safavid empires Facts (2): Ongoing conflict between the Ottomans and the Safavids because of their different beliefs and lust for land and territory The conflict ended a period of almost constant fighting between the two empires. The war ended in a stalemate, as neither army was able to successfully press into the other's territory. | 53 | |
16146579634 | Palace of Versailles | Theme: ENV, SIO Europe- Red Social- orange Political- red Interactions- green Date: 1638-1715 Location: France Facts (2): Palace constructed by Louis XIV outside of Paris to glorify his rule and subdue the nobility. enforced absolutism | 54 | |
16146594052 | Peninsulares | Theme: SIO Latin America- Grey Social- orange Date: 16th-19th century Facts (2): Colonial residents born in Spain were the highest social class | 55 | |
16146596384 | Peter the Great | Theme: GOV Central Asia- Brown Europe- Red Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 1672-1725 Location: Russia Facts (2): Russian czar who westernized Russia and ended serfdom Also created a strong navy and secularized schools | 56 | |
16146598764 | plantation agriculture | Theme: ECN Southeast Asia- Green Europe- Red Africa- Yellow North America- Black Latin America- Grey Social- orange Interactions- green Economic- blue Date: 16th century Location: North America and Caribbean (mainly) Facts (2): growing of cash crops on plantations Driving factor of the economy and dependent on slaves for labor | 57 | |
16146617388 | Portuguese Empire | Theme: GOV Southeast Asia- Green East Asia- Orange South Asia- Purple Middle East- Pink Europe- Red Africa- Yellow Latin America- Grey Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 1415-1999 Location: Facts (2): Trading post empire Portugal dominated the world's seas for much of the age of discovery. Portugese ships and explorers were some of the best in the world, bringing the country's wealth and power. The Portugese were the first to circumvent Africa and access the Indian Ocean trade. | 58 | |
16146631635 | Protestant Reformation | Theme: CDI, GOV Europe- Red Social- orange Political- red Cultural- yellow Economic- blue Date: 1519 Location: Europe Facts (2): Religious reform movement within the Latin Christian Church (Split) Due to people voicing their concerns about the corruption of the church Spread with the help of the printing press (95 theses- Martin Luther) | 59 | |
16146644417 | Reconquista | Theme: SIO, CDI Political- red Cultural- yellow Date: 718 to 1492. Location: Europe- Red Facts (2): A long battle between the Christian Kingdoms and the Muslim Moors over the control of the Iberian Peninsula. Granada, the last Muslim ruler in Spain, gave up his kingdom the Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. | 60 | |
16146637235 | Qing Dynasty | Theme: GOV, SIO, CDI Political- red Cultural- yellow Date: 1644 - 1912 Location: East Asia- Orange Facts (2): The last of two Chinese dynasties not to be ruled by the Han majority. A loss in the opium wars, and open corruption lead to the downfall of the Qing, resulting in the ROC/KMT(Republic Of China), the Warlords, and the CPC(Communist Party Of China) | 61 | |
16146644418 | Renaissance | Theme: SIO, CDI Social- orange Date: 1300-1600 Location: Europe- Red Facts (2): New ideas of thought, such as humanism, and the arts, developed as a result of the Renaissance. Members of the powerful Medici family, which ruled Florence for more than 60 years, were famous backers of the movement. | 62 | |
16146653464 | Republica de Indios | Theme: CDI, SIO, ECN Political- red Social- orange Date: about 1492 Location: Europe- Red South Asia- Purple Facts (2): An Indian political society that was established in the Indies , within the Spanish Empire, was made up of Spanish and indigenous cultural/ethnic groups The Spanish legal structure formally separated what they called the república de indios from the república de españoles. | 63 | |
16146653489 | Russian Empire | Theme: GOV, SIO Political- red Social- orange Date: 1721-1917 Location: Europe- Red Central Asia- Brown Facts (2): Unlike empires like the British or French empire, which the foreign lands they conquered were the empire, the Russian land, and the domain of the Russian State was the empire. Russian Empires had conquered the lands that were to the east that nobody wanted, due to the idea of putting as much land between them and the people, so that invasion would be expensive and impractical. | 64 | |
16146673509 | samurai | Theme: SIO, CDI Political- red Cultural- yellow Social- orange Date: 1185-1868 Location: East Asia- Orange Facts (2): Japanese warriors, who, during the warring states period of Japan(Sengoku Jidai) took over the provinces of Japan to establish their own empires. The idea of the Samurai stood with the Japanese military until the end of the Japanese Empire in 1945, but the official warrior class of the samurai started in the early 12th century, and were abolished in the 1870s. | 65 | |
16146687276 | Shah Abbas | Theme: GOV Political- red Social- orange Date: January 27, 1571-January 19, 1629 Location: Middle East- Pink Facts (2): The 5th Safavid Shah of Iran, and is generally considered the strongest ruler of the Safavid dynasty. He expelled Ottoman and Uzbek troops from Persian soil and promoted commerce and the arts, so that Persian artistic achievement reached a high point during his reign. | 66 | |
16146704114 | smallpox, measles, and influenza | Theme: ENV, CDI, SIO Interactions- green Social- orange Date:10,000 BC(when smallpox first appeared), 1765(measles), 1919(smallpox)-1979(declaration of eradication for smallpox), 2000(eradication of measles) and Present(influenza has not been eradicated) Location: Europe- RedLatin America- Grey Facts (2): Brought over to the americas via the columbian exchange, and proceed to wipe out many of the native population. In particular, the smallpox influenza could be wiped out with the counterpart, cowpox, which would begin the end of the smallpox disease as one considered extremely dangerous. | 67 | |
16146671201 | Safavid Empire | Theme: GOV, SIO, CDI Political- redSocial- orange Date: 1501-1722 Location: Middle East- Pink Facts (2): A persian military state that dominated the middle east for about 2 centuries, and initiated one of the golden ages of Iran. In opposition to the ottomans, the Safavids were Shi'ites, and were one of the gunpowder empires like the Ottomans. | 68 | |
16146706439 | Spanish Empire | Theme: GOV, SIO Political- red Date: April 17, 1492-1975 Location: Europe- Red Latin America- Grey Facts (2): The Spanish Empire in the Americas was formed after conquering indigenous empires and claiming large stretches of land, beginning with Christopher Columbus in the Caribbean Islands. Spain held onto significant fragments of its empire in Asia, America and Oceania until the Spanish-American War of 1898, and in Africa until 1975. | 69 | |
16146706440 | Spanish mit'a | Theme: SIO, ENV, CDI Social- orange Political- red Economic- blue Date: 1499 conception, 1755 full use-1812 Location: Latin America- Grey Facts (2): The mita system was a system established by the Inca Empire in order to construct buildings or create roads throughout the empire. After the conquest of the Inca empire by the Spanish, the Mita system was used by the Spanish as a coercive labor system. | 70 | |
16146708777 | Taj Mahal | Theme: SIO, CDI Social- orangeCultural- yellow Date: commissioned in 1632 Location: South Asia- Purple Facts (2): It was commissioned in 1632 by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to house the tomb of his favourite wife, Mumtaz Mahalt It is widely considered to be a premier example of Mughal architecture, which combines elements of Indian, Persian, and Islamic styles. | 71 | |
16146690687 | Shi'ism | Theme: CDI, SIO, GOV, ENV Cultural- yellow Social- orange Political- red Date: 632 Location: Middle East- Pink South Asia- Purple Central Asia- Brown Facts (2): Shia Islam is one of the two main branches of Islam. It holds that the Islamic prophet Muhammad designated Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor. The most important group within the Shia is the "Twelvers," so called for the 12 Imams, or leaders, they venerate. | 72 | |
16146719583 | Thirty Years War | Theme: CDI Political- red Date: 1618-1648 Location: Europe- Red Facts (2): A war that had its roots in the division between Protestants and Catholics, which would pit the German, and Austrian-Hapsburg prices against each other for a power struggle in central Europe. Europe's power struggle between nations was shifted after the end of the 30 years war, having the Netherlands independent, France dominant in the West, Sweden's control of the Baltic, and the weakening of the Holy Roman Empire(HRE) | 73 | |
16146719584 | trading-post empire | Theme: CDI, GOV, SIO, ENV, ECN Political- red Economic- blue Social- orange Date: 16-17th centuries Location: Oceania- Blue, Africa- Yellow, South Asia- Purple, Southeast Asia- Green Facts (2): An imperial idea where the empire would take strategic trading posts on oceanic routes, to exploit the strategic wealth that came from it, and strengthen the power of the empire at the global table. Most European maritime empires started these, with Portugal being the first one to start the trading post empires. | 74 | |
16146729020 | Vodun | Theme: SIO, ENV, CDI Social- orange Cultural- yellow Interactions- green Date: 1658, creation of the religion Location: Africa- Yellow Facts (2): An African religion practiced in the modern states of Ghana, Benin, and Togo. The religion was brought to Haiti by African slaves that were brought over by the French. | 75 | |
16146735394 | Zamindars | Theme: GOV, SIO Social- orange Economic- blue Date: 1683 Location: Middle East- Pink Facts (2): A term of "landowner" in Persian They were like landlords, holding enormous tracts of land and had full control over the peasants that resided in them. They reserved the right to collect taxes from the peasants under either imperial or military command. | 76 |