AP Literature Vocab Unit 7 Flashcards
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15943659560 | abeyance (n) (ə bā' əns) | a state of being temporarily inactive, suspended, or set aside SYNONYMS: postponement, suspension | 0 | |
15943659561 | ambivalent (adj) (am biv' ə lənt) | having opposite and conflicting feelings about someone or something SYNONYMS: ambiguous, of two minds ANTONYMS: unequivocal, unambiguous, clear-cut | 1 | |
15943659562 | beleaguer (v) (bi lē'gər) | to set upon from all sides; to surround with an army; to trouble, harass SYNONYMS: besiege, encircle, pester | 2 | |
15943659563 | carte blanche (n) (kärt' blänsh') | full freedom or authority to act at one's own discretion SYNONYMS: blank check | 3 | |
15943659564 | cataclysm (n) (kat' ə kliz əm) | a sudden, violent, or devastating upheaval; a surging flood, deluge SYNONYMS: disaster, catastrophe | 4 | |
15943659565 | debauch (di bôch') (v, n) | to corrupt morally, seduce; an act or occasion of dissipation or vice SYNONYMS: (v) carouse, (n) orgy ANTONYMS: (v) elevate, uplift, purify | 5 | |
15943659566 | eclat (n) (ā klä') | dazzling or conspicuous success of acclaim; great brilliance (of performance or achievement) SYNONYM: celebrity ANTONYMS: dullness, insipidity, mediocrity | 6 | |
15943659567 | fastidious (adj) (fa stid' ē əs) | demanding or hard to please; overly careful in regard to details; easily disgusted SYNONYMS: precise, exacting, finicky ANTONYMS: careless, sloppy, messy, untidy, slovenly | 7 | |
15943659568 | gambol (v) (gam' bəl) | to jump or skip about playfully SYNONYMS: frolic, romp, cavort, caper ANTONYMS: plod, lumber | 8 | |
15943659569 | imbue (v) (im byü') | to soak or stain thoroughly; to fill the mind SYNONYMS: infuse, inculcate ANTONYMS: remove, expunge, eradicate, erase | 9 | |
15943659570 | inchoate (adj) (in kō' it) | just beginning; not fully shaped or formed SYNONYM: incipient, embryonic ANTONYMS: mature, developed, complete | 10 | |
15943659571 | lampoon (n, v) (lam pün') | a malicious satire; to satirize, ridicule SYNONYMS: (n) burlesque; (v) parody ANTONYMS: (n) compliment, flattery | 11 | |
15943659572 | malleable (adj) (mal' ē ə bəl) | capable of being formed into different shapes or of being adapted or influenced SYNONYMS: pliable, impressionable, adaptable ANTONYMS: rigid, inflexible, unyielding, intractable | 12 | |
15943659573 | nemesis (n) (nem' ə sis) | an agent or force inflicting vengeance; retribution itself; an unbeatable rival SYNONYMS: comeuppance, avenger ANTONYMS: guardian angel, ally, patron | 13 | |
15943659574 | opt (v) (opt) | to make a choice or decision SYNONYMS: choose, select, decide | 14 | |
15943659575 | philistine (adj, n) (fil' i stēn) | lacking in, hostile to, or smugly indifferent to cultural and artistic values or refinements; such a person SYNONYMS: (adj) boorish, lowbrow ANTONYMS: (adj) refined, cultivated; (n) highbrow, pedant | 15 | |
15943659576 | picaresque (adj) (pik ə resk') | involving or characteristic of clever rogues or adventurers SYNONYMS: roguish, rascally, rakish | 16 | |
15943659577 | queasy (adj) (kwē' zē) | nauseated or uneasy; causing nausea or uneasiness SYNONYM: unsettled ANTONYMS: calm, untroubled, confident | 17 | |
15943659578 | refractory (adj) (ri frak' tə rē) | stubborn; hard or difficult to manage; not responsive to treatment or cure SYNONYMS: unruly, disobedient, willful, mulish ANTONYMS: docile, tractable, obedient | 18 | |
15943659579 | savior-faire (n) (sav wär fâr') | the ability to say and do the right thing in any situation; social competence SYNONYMS: tact, finesse, suavity, sophistication ANTONYMS: tactlessness, gaucherie, boorishness | 19 |