AP US History: American Pageant Chapter 14 Flashcards
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8290100136 | Westward movement | - gutted fields in tobacco regions - burned off cane for Kentucky bluegrass - Many animals nearly killed off - Landscape inspired art, literature - national park movement | 0 | |
8290100137 | Immigration in the 1840s and 1850s | - Irish and German Immigrants - European population doubled in 19th century - Promise of freedoms - invention of transoceanic steamship; speedy passage. | 1 | |
8290100138 | Manufacturing and American industry | - In 1750 textile manufacturing - British monopolized trade - Samuel Slater brought cotton spinning machine plans 1791 from Britain - Cotton gin invented by Eli Whitney in 1793 - slave labor becomes prominent - consumerism - New England industrial center -Embargo act requires manufacturing substitutes; Peace at Ghent and factories close; 1816 tariff enacted -Eli whitney firearm manufacturing - sewing machine 1846 by Elias Howe; perfected by Isaac Singer. - Laws of free incorporation 1848 -Telegraph: 1844 by Samuel Morse | 2 | |
8290100139 | What were the conditions for laborers in the early 1800s? (303-06) | - Unsanitary factories - long hours, low wages -child labor common - forbidden unions - campaigned for better wages and ten hour workdays - gained ten hour workdays -wages eventually got better -1842 commonwealth v. Hunt; labor unions legalized | 3 | |
8290100140 | How did the role of women change in the industrial age? (307-08) | - women entered factories, teaching, and domestic jobs -20% women employed before marriage - "cult of domesticity" women controlled house - smaller families - domestic feminism - child-centered families - family affectionate | 4 | |
8290100141 | What effects did mechanization have on agriculture? (308-09) | -Steel plow; 1837 (John Deere) - Mower-Reaper; 1830s Cyrus McCormick - After inventions, Subsistence farming died out and cash-crops came into existence. - millions of acres of land plowed in midwest. - Markets flourish | 5 | |
8290100142 | highways (309-311) | - Lancaster Turnpike Pennsylvania; 1790 - Turnpikes built throughout midwest - Cumberland Road started in 1811;Cumberland, Maryland to Vandalia Illinois; total distance of 591 miles. | ![]() | 6 |
8290100143 | River steamboats (311) | - Steamboat invented by Robert Fulton in 1807; first boat dubbed Fulton's Folly - By 1860 there were thousands of steamboats | 7 | |
8290100144 | canals (311-12) | - Erie Canal made by New Yorkers -started in 1817 - Finished in 1825 - 363 miles in total -Shipping costs fell - food prices fell | 8 | |
8290100145 | railroads (312-13) | - fast, reliable, and cheap - first railroad in 1828 - 1860: 30,000 miles railroads. - railroad safety measures adopted | 9 | |
8290100146 | clipper ships (314-15) | - Cyrus Field: first cable connecting Europe and US 1858 - clipperships dominated trade; outrun any steamer - beat out by British eventually | ![]() | 10 |
8290100147 | Advances in transportation caused | - Trade was dominated by New York - Southerners valued Mississippi river connections highly | 11 | |
8290100148 | effect of changes on the market economy of the 1800s | - Market Revolution - Boston's Charleston Bridge vs. Warren Bridge; Roger B. Taney cheif justice sided with Warren Bridge - Economy became competitive - increased prosperity - increased economic differences between rich and poor. - Limited opportunity for economic growth | 12 | |
8290100149 | Samuel Slater (297) | - father of the factory system - British mechanic - ilegally stole machinery plans for spinning thread. | 13 | |
8290100150 | Eli Whitney (300, 302) | - Eli Whitney; Yale graduate - Cotton Gin inventor; 1793 | 14 | |
8290100151 | Samuel Morse (303) | - Inventor of Morse code - Telegraph inventor: 1844 | 15 | |
8290100152 | Cyrus McCormick (309) | - Inventor of mechanic mower-reaper:1830s - put subsistence farming out | 16 | |
8290100153 | Robert Fulton (311) | - Inventor of steamship: 1807 - Fulton's Folly | 17 | |
8290100154 | DeWitt Clinton (312) | - New York Governor - planned Erie canal | 18 | |
8290100155 | German Immigrants | German: - uprooted because of failed crops and failed revolution - opposed to slavery - educated - stimulated art, music, and education -beer | 19 | |
8290100156 | Irish Immigrants | Irish: - too poor for west, livestock, and equipment - moved into larger seaboard cities - took jobs of manual labor and low skill - cool towards abolitionist movement - Denied work - children not highly educated becuase of money - later became politically important - dominated city politics. - whiskey | 20 | |
8290100157 | "Activists" or "nativists" (298-299) | Nativists: -Denied Irish labor - Detested the Irish because of competetion - Treated Irish as - Later realized political import in Irish - Campaigned for Irish vote - regarded Germans with suspicion - Campaigned for German vote - Started Temperance movement -advocated for laws against immigrants | 21 | |
8290100158 | Trans-Allegheny | Across the Allegheny Mountains | ![]() | 22 |