AP Lit Challenging Terms Flashcards
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11303891028 | lyre | a greek stringed instrument; predecessor to the harp | 0 | |
11303897809 | Consonance | the repetition of consonant sounds in a series of words | 1 | |
11303906683 | masculine rhyme | A rhyme ending on the final stressed syllable | 2 | |
11303913989 | Femenine Rhyme | A rhyme with the final syllables unstressed | 3 | |
11303934751 | Enjambment | the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza. | 4 | |
11303937881 | spectral | of or like a ghost | 5 | |
11303960037 | Assonance | Repetition of vowel sounds | 6 | |
11303964547 | sardonic | grimly mocking or cynical | 7 | |
11657508239 | Conceit | extended metaphor | 8 | |
11657517728 | Iamb | a metrical foot consisting of one short (or unstressed) syllable followed by one long (or stressed) syllable. | 9 | |
11657523675 | iambic pentameter | a line of verse with five metrical feet, each consisting of one short (or unstressed) syllable followed by one long (or stressed) syllable | 10 | |
11657552209 | invocation | a call (usually upon a higher power) for assistance, support, or inspiration | 11 | |
11657559641 | Apostrophe | a figure of speech in which one directly addresses an absent or imaginary person, or some abstraction | 12 | |
11657565236 | arcane | understood by few; mysterious or secret | 13 | |
11657570913 | explicit metaphor | directly equates the comparison in the metaphor | 14 | |
11657581059 | Exact/True/Perfect Rhyme | When the stressed vowel sound in both words must be identical, as well as any subsequent sounds. | 15 | |
11657587875 | slant/half rhyme | imperfect, approximate rhyme (ex. "sea" and "beak" "rain" and "again") | 16 | |
11657594343 | inchoate | not fully formed; disorganized | 17 | |
11657598885 | internal rhyme | a rhyme involving a word in the middle of a line and another at the end of the line or in the middle of the next. | 18 | |
11657612969 | disseminate | to scatter or spread widely | 19 | |
11657612970 | polemical | causing debate or argument | 20 | |
11657618143 | irreparable | incapable of being repaired | 21 | |
11657618144 | falliable | capable of being wrong, mistaken, or inaccurate | 22 | |
11657622884 | self-deprecating | modest about or critical of oneself, especially humorously so | 23 | |
11657622885 | acerbic | biting, bitter in tone or taste, sharp | 24 | |
12309528556 | terza rima | "3 rhyme" 3 lines, scheme is aba, bcb | 25 | |
12309544914 | heroic couplet | 2 lines in iambic pentameter, with lofty language | 26 | |
12309556493 | fastidious | very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail | 27 | |
12368452623 | Allegory | A song, story or poem that represents something else | 28 | |
12368456743 | Anectdote | brief story about an interesting event, narrative | 29 | |
12368459240 | Apostrophe | address to an absent or imaginary person | 30 | |
12368467852 | Asyndeton | lack of conjunctions | 31 | |
12368482260 | Anaphora | the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses | 32 | |
12368490533 | incorrigible | difficult to change | 33 | |
12368497407 | laudatory | expressing praise | 34 | |
12368503253 | valiant | brave, courageous | 35 | |
12368507156 | temerity | rashness, boldness | 36 | |
12368509611 | wistfulness | having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing | 37 | |
12489065396 | mercer | A dealer of fabrics and fine materials | 38 | |
12489073233 | solicitous | showing interest, care, or concern | 39 | |
12489078284 | officious | intrusively helpful | 40 | |
12489085271 | cloying | sickly sweet; excessive | 41 | |
12489089227 | vigilant | watchful | 42 | |
12489089228 | obsequious | overly submissive and eager to please | 43 | |
12489093101 | perturbed | anxious or unsettled; upset | 44 | |
12489103240 | incredulous | skeptical, doubtful | 45 | |
12489107080 | disillusioned | disappointed | 46 | |
12489107081 | bemused | lost in thought | 47 | |
12489110883 | ingratiate | to gain another's favor by flattery or false friendliness | 48 | |
12489116543 | interior monologue | a piece of writing expressing a character's inner thoughts | 49 | |
12489128875 | stream of consciousness | A literary technique that presents the thoughts and feelings of a character as they occur. | 50 | |
12489139204 | missive | a long, official letter | 51 | |
12489142741 | underscore | (v) emphasize (or, literally, to underline text) | 52 | |
12489146025 | obtuse | annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand | 53 | |
12549742219 | morose | sullen and ill-tempered | 54 | |
12549745429 | surreptitious | secret, stealthy | 55 | |
12549750710 | philanderer | one who engages in love affairs lightly or insincerely | 56 | |
12549754811 | penurious | destitute, poor | 57 | |
12549759219 | libidinous | lustful | 58 | |
12549762693 | meek | quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive. | 59 | |
12549762694 | astute | (adj.) shrewd, crafty, showing practical wisdom | 60 | |
12549766747 | ardor | enthusiasm or passion | 61 | |
12549779176 | venality | openness to bribery or corruption | 62 | |
12549782249 | Oxymoron | two words or phrases juxtaposed with one another that seem to contradict each other | 63 | |
12549794794 | Paradox | an idea that seems to contradict itself | 64 | |
12549802052 | Colloquialism | the use of ordinary or familiar words or phrases in a particular area | 65 | |
12549811963 | malapropism | a word humorously misused | 66 | |
12549824418 | slander | False charges and malicious oral statements about someone | 67 | |
12549832054 | amorous | sexual desire | 68 | |
12549835848 | ambivalent | having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone | 69 | |
12549843472 | wily | skilled at deceit and gaining an advantage | 70 | |
12549856131 | guileful | deceitful, cunning, sly | 71 | |
12549858747 | unrequited | not returned | 72 | |
12639347741 | Protagonist | Main character in a story | 73 | |
12639347743 | magnanimous | generous in forgiving | 74 | |
12639350952 | acrimonious | angry and bitter | 75 | |
12639373095 | dispassionate | unemotional | 76 | |
12639381566 | euphony | beautiful sound | 77 | |
12639388842 | grandiloquent | pompous or high-flown in speech | 78 | |
12639402821 | provincial | narrow-minded | 79 | |
12639402822 | tenuous | weak | 80 | |
12862228740 | mitigate | to make less severe | 81 | |
12862241544 | discernment | the ability to judge well | 82 | |
12862241545 | excoriate | to criticize severely | 83 | |
12862245403 | boon | a gift or blessing | 84 | |
12862248673 | hapless | unfortunate | 85 | |
12862252572 | unfettered | free, unrestrained | 86 | |
12862267544 | temerity | rashness, boldness | 87 | |
12862271468 | resilience | the ability to recover quickly | 88 | |
12862278714 | timorous | timid | 89 | |
12862281571 | resolute | determined | 90 | |
12862287157 | penitent | regretful | 91 | |
13031591658 | Immutability | unable to change | 92 | |
13031597255 | mutability | ability to change | 93 | |
13031605039 | Variability | the ability to change; lack of consistency | 94 | |
13031615892 | Epistrophe | Repetition of the same word or group of words at the ends of successive clauses | 95 | |
13031622333 | Chiasmus | A statement consisting of two parallel parts in which the second part is structurally reversed | 96 | |
13031625263 | Antithesis | Direct opposite | 97 | |
13031640477 | droll | dryly amusing | 98 | |
13031670027 | Eschatology | the theology of the end of the age | 99 | |
13031678211 | Cosmogony | A theory of the origin of the universe | 100 | |
13031683855 | Teleology | the study of design or purpose in natural phenomena | 101 | |
13031690074 | Hermeneutics | the branch of knowledge that deals with interpretation, especially of the Bible or literary texts. | 102 | |
13031694800 | apostasy | rejection of faith | 103 | |
13031698526 | ephemeral | short-lived | 104 | |
13031701691 | theism | belief in a god or gods | 105 | |
13031718741 | Atheism | The denial of the existence of God | 106 | |
13031723312 | Deism | belief in a supreme being that does not interfere | 107 | |
13031736640 | Agnosticism | Not being sure whether God exists | 108 | |
13031740061 | Animism | the attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects and natural phenomena | 109 | |
13127555461 | anachronism | something out of place in time | 110 | |
13127560545 | ode | A poem that celebrates a person or thing | 111 | |
13127609407 | Ballad | a poem that tells a story | 112 | |
13127613107 | Sonnet | 14 line poem that rhymes | 113 | |
13127618978 | admonition | warning | 114 | |
13127622162 | Lyric | a musical and emotional poem | 115 | |
13127626267 | vehement | passionate | 116 | |
13127629646 | maudlin | overly sentimental | 117 | |
13127632683 | ephermal | short-lived | 118 | |
13217641514 | Diction | word choice | 119 | |
13217682126 | fatalistic | believing that all events in life are inevitable and determined by fate | 120 | |
13546270259 | Overture | introduction to a poem | 121 | |
13546272953 | denouement | the final part of a story that ties up all loose ends | 122 | |
13546283754 | Coda | concluded event or remarks of a poem, an epilougue | 123 | |
13546291643 | Appositive | the fat of a sentenfe | 124 | |
13546295804 | epithet | title or nickname | 125 | |
13546299625 | reticent | hesitant | 126 | |
13546303497 | admonishing | warning | 127 | |
13546307255 | conciliatory | trying to keep one from anger | 128 | |
13546309565 | iamb | unstressed, stressed | 129 | |
13546315143 | Trochee | stressed, unstressed | 130 | |
13546320118 | slant rhyme | A rhyming sound that is not exact. | 131 | |
13546325991 | Caesura | dramatic pause | 132 | |
13546350139 | refrain | A line or set of lines repeated several times over the course of a poem. | 133 | |
13546359079 | indifferent | Having no preference | 134 | |
13546363124 | ambivalence | mixed feelings or emotions | 135 | |
13546369899 | coy | shy | 136 | |
13546369900 | em dash | denotes a pause | 137 | |
13546372584 | parallelism | similarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses | 138 | |
13631901380 | Anastrophe | Inversion of the natural or usual word order | 139 | |
13631903859 | mercurial | moody | 140 | |
13631906511 | santimonious | pretending to be righteous | 141 | |
13631910736 | promiscuous | loose, sexually uncontrolled | 142 |